- 03/06/00 15:49:56
Danny Roberts - 03/05/00 20:53:02
Hello How r-u,,
just thought I;d say hello,.so HELLO..haha
well talk to you later....................
colin - 10/19/99 03:47:43
My Email:mcmayor@yahoo.com
hey bud,,talk to ya later
Steve Way - 10/16/99 20:24:43
My Email:sway@crrstv.net
Hi. Rick I am not positive but I think you have
two brothers ? Ron / Ken they would be in there
mid 30's now. will if this is the wright family
good if not i tryed anyway I lived in scheffervile
from 1963 to 1981 my mom was known for her sweets
i have one brother Ron Way.
Steve Way - 10/16/99 20:16:28
My Email:sway@crrstv.net
Hi. Rick I am not positive but I think you have
two brothers ? Ron / Ken they would be in there
mid 30's now. will if this is the wright family
good if not i tryed anyway I lived in scheffervile
from 1963 to 1981 my mom was known for her sweets
i have one brother Ron Way.
Carolyn - 09/07/99 00:32:41
My Email:multipass@home.com
Hi you don't know me..but Robert told me so much about you guys and the wee bairns that i thought I'd have a peek..they are all he said and more...
Linda Lady - 06/19/99 16:55:59
My Email:linmed@hotmail.com
Hi guys and dolls just popped in to day hi and to see the family pics.
Love ya
Robert Fraser - 02/24/99 04:37:16
My Email:eprusprot@idirect.com
How's it going guys.
Cheryl Cunningham - 01/28/99 01:19:05
My Email:glcunni@ibm.net
I am here finally.
Everything looks just great.
Tinia - 12/23/98 23:36:22
Hi there, I finally had some time to see your web page, it's great!
Have a very Merry Christmas and All the Best in the New Year!!
Linda Lady - 12/18/98 21:37:50
I'm so pleased to finally be able to see your album. They are sooooo cute. The pictures are copied into my file. So keep the pictures coming.
love you and miss you lots
Marianne Mitchell - 12/18/98 05:58:21
My Email:s759566@aix2.uottawa.ca
Hi folks! I finally got around to dropping by your website. I like the pictures! Keep up the good work. I'll be back!
Jan Matthews - 12/13/98 03:33:25
My URL:http://www.anchord.com
My Email:anchord@anchord.com
Robert W. Fraser - 12/01/98 23:38:54
My Email:eyecatch@istar.ca
Hi Kat:
Bob is alive!
The email is functional again (Mr. Mastercard likes Andrew again.) Nothing can stop me now (except Mr. Mastercard).
I am happy to see that the wee bairns are doing well. Unfortunately for you, they're much more mobile and inventive for getting into mischief.
Ha-ha. You wanted motherhood?
Paul A. Nusbaum - 12/01/98 22:38:23
My URL:http://www.jammys.net/~paul
My Email:paul@jammys.net
Wowzers, Rick and Kat have a webpage! What will the world come to next! Is the rumour true that Maggie did most of the web design?
--Paul A. Nusbaum
Jan Matthews - 11/23/98 16:11:34
My URL:http://www.anchord.com
My Email:anchord@anchord.com
Hi! Haven't seen the home page yet. Looking forward to it. Sounds like you're doing well, tho, despite the sick day withkids, etc. Just remember, "This, too, shall pass"
Take care!
Janet - 11/22/98 14:46:01
Hi guys neat page let me know when you are done with it and I will visit again.
love Janet
Tammi Newport - 11/18/98 21:42:00
My Email:tamminewport@redeemer.ab.ca
Hello! Do you know when this is going to be finished?
Linda May Edwards - 11/06/98 04:33:50
My Email:duncankr@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Hi guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cindy - 09/28/98 11:33:02 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
it works