Nova Southeastern University

College of Optometry

Class of 1999

News and Announcements:


Come to the Message Board and discuss the pros and cons of commercial optometry!


Due to concerns from some individuals regarding having personal information available to the entire world, I have implemented a password for the member directory page.  I have emailed the password to all members of the class whom I have addresses to.  If you would like to gain access, please send me an email.


Almost a month since the last update, the reason being that there has been nothing NEW to report.  I welcome any announcements any of you may have, that's the purpose of this site.  Thanks to those who have given me help this last month!


I still have reimbursement money for the following people whom I have been unable to locate nor contact.  If you are one of the following, please send me an email with your home address so that I can mail a check out to you.

Tom Stamp, Yamile Villar-Romaguera, Pierre Aoun


Check the message board for some info on Lippincott contact lens updates....


Hello again, I apologize for the delay in updating any new information in the past few days.  I've been away for a short trip to California for some rest and relaxation.  I'm still having minimal success getting through to everyone, about halfway complete with the class list.  Any help in locating lost classmates would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks to those of you who have forwarded your personal information to me and I appreciate all the positive comments that you've given.  I am glad that most of you find this page to be useful.  It appears that the school also has an official alumni database, you can send your pertinent information to the school here: NSUCO.   John Spalding (Class of 1997) has volunteered to oversee it.  A calendar of events link has been added to the webpage, you will find the dates of pertinent optometry events there.


Well, I've started putting in the individual home, office, and email addresses from people who have emailed me with their current information.  If your name is not highlighted, that means I haven't received an email from you.  You are welcome to email me a recent photo for me to include in your page.  If you want to mail it to me, I will scan it for you.  Hopefully, I'll get great cooperation from you all and get this database completed.  Please forward any email addresses of anyone whom I do not have as well.... and spread the word...... I'm looking for their info.... thanks for the help!


Greetings!!! Colleagues and friends, it's only been a short 3 months and already school seems such a distant memory.  I can say with certainty that I do miss the friendly confines of NSU.  Not necessarily the class work, but the lifestyle in generally.  Now, we're all thrown into the "real world" and it's everyone for him or herself.  I hope everyone lands on their feet!  Well,  I finally got off my butt and started setting up this web page to facilitate communication between our most excellent class of 1999.  As this will be an evolving process, please excuse any problems that may arise due to poor programming on my part.  I welcome any suggestions to make this a better site whether it's constructive or otherwise.   I can take anything you all can dish out!  Also, any new announcements of professional or personal achievements, events, etc. are definitely welcomed.   I intend to provide a single web page for each person.  Without further adieu, Welcome to the NOVA Southeastern University College of Optometry Class of 1999 web page!

Class of 1999 Member Directory

NSUCO Faculty Directory

Calendar of Events

Optometry Associations

Sign my Guestbook!

Access your Loan Info from USA Group NEW!

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visits since 8/10/99

Webmaster: Frank F. Lee O.D.

Last updated March 13, 2000