Village and Townships

Radford Old Village
1 ½ miles north west by west of Nottingham, is situated on the river Leen. The church, dedicated to St Peter, was rebuilt in 1812 at a cost of  2,000. It is a neat Gothic structure, with a gallery and a tower at the west end. The living is a vicarage, valued in the King's books at  9s now the crown is the patron, and the Rev. Samuel Cresswell incumbent. The church yard was enlarged by adding about 3 roods of land in April 1844, and erecting a new stone wall around it at a cost of about £300. In digging the foundation of this wall, an ancient key, fragments of columns were discovered, supposed to have belonged to the former church, erected about the 11th century. The Wesleyan chapel, built in 1805, and enlarged in 1828, will seat about 400 persons, and there are in the other villages in the parish thirteen other dissenting chapels. A National School was built here in 1841 at a cost of about £700. It is a Gothic building, consisting of two rooms, with a portico in the centre, and will hold about 300 children. A school was erected here by Wm. Elliott Elliott Esq., which was given up to the parishioners in lieu of £60, which he bequeathed to the poor. This school is divided into two tenements, let for about £11 per annum, which is divided amongst the indigent poor of Radford on February 14th and December 21st in each year. The Nottingham and Mansfield railway passes through the village; the station is on Wollaton Road

 The Gas Works were erected in 1844, on Lenton Road, on the south bank of the Leen, and consist of four tanks, each holding 50,000 cubic feet of gas, and are so constructed as to be capable of holding double that quantity, with 100 retorts. They supply Radford, Basford and Lenton. Lord Middleton has a wharf and colliery near the canal bridge, also some lime works on the canal bank, near which he has two 70 horse power steam engines for pumping water, which collects from about 20 collieries. Thomas North Esq. has a large coal wharf on the canal. The coals are brought by a railway made in 1844, from the Babbington and Cinder Hill collieries

New Radford  forms a large modern suburb, extending to the western limits of Nottingham, on the Derby and Alfreton Roads. It contains about 4,800 inhabitants and several spacious streets, extending nearly to Bloomsgrove. The New Connexion Methodists have a chapel in Chapel Street. The Independents have a chapel in Denton Street, erected for the Unitarians, and the Second Advent Congregation assemble in a chapel in Denman Street, built for the Independents. On an open space of ground, between New Radford and Bloomsgrove, a district church was erected in 1844. The ground was given by Gregory Gregory Esq. It is a neat Gothic structure. In 1852, handsome National Schools were erected at a cost of £912

Aspley, a hamlet 1 mile north west of Radford, which gives name to a considerable estate belonging to Lord MIddleton, and extending into the parishes of Wollaton and Bilborough. It was anciently one of the woods of Sherwood Forest. The hall, a neat mansion, is occupied by Richard Birkin Esq. At Aspley terrace, in 1839, was established the House of Refuge, for orphans and fallen female penitents. It is a large establishment, under the management of two matrons, directed by a committee of ladies, and supported by voluntary contributions.

 Bloomsgrove, another new village, 1 mile west by north of Nottingham, lies betwixt Old and New Radford, contains about 1,700 inhabitants, mostly employed in the lace and hosiery trades. Chapels were built here in 1824-5, for the Independent, Methodists and Unitarians.

 Bobbers' Mill, an ancient corn mill upon the Leen, half a mile north of Old Radford, gives name to a new village, where there are Wesleyan and New Connexion Methodist chapels.

Hyson Green, 1 mile north west of Nottingham, is a well built new village, partly in Lenton, of which the first house was built by a Mr Elliott, a joiner, in 1799 or 1800. At that time, the ground on which the town stands was gardens, and was afterwards noted for a tea garden, to which parties often resorted after a summer's walk to refresh themselves. The place contains about 2,300 inhabitants. The Independents, the Wesleyans and Association Methodists, and the General Baptists have chapels here. An Operative Library was established in 1840, at the Cricket Players, and now contains about 450 volumes. A district church was erected here, of which the first stone was laid July 17th 1843, and was consecrated by the Bishop of Lincoln on Thursday April 18th 1844, dedicated to St Paul. It is a small structure in the early English style, having a nave 71 feet by 34, a small semicircular chancel, with a small tower at the west corner, and one bell. The Rev. David Carver M.A. is the incumbent. The cost of erection was£1,911, towards which £1,556 2s 6d was raised by voluntary subscriptions, and £;130 1s ½ d at the opening. The Rev. Robt. Simpson of Basford presented a silver communion service, and the living is consolidated by the Church Commissioners at £150 per annum. This church stands within the parish of Lenton.

Kensington, about a quarter of a mile east of Old Radford, contains about 750 inhabitants.

Lovett Mills is a hamlet, with a corn mill on the Leen, three quarters of a mile north of Old Radford.

Prospect Place, a large new village a quarter of a mile north east of Old Radford, contains about 1,150 inhabitants, who are principally employed in the lace and hosiery trades, and contains two factories. A General Baptist Chapel was erected here in 1834.

Sherwood Hill, 1 mile north of Nottingham, and near the Racecourse, is a modern village pleasantly situate, and now contains upwards of 20 handsome houses, with pleasure grounds in front, occupied by respectable families.

Radford Poor Law Union

 This comprises of four townships, viz: Radford, Lenton, Sneinton and Brewhouse Yard. The Union House was erected in 1838, on a site of ground containing one acre and three roods of land. It is a neat brick building, in an open and healthy situation betwixt Old and New Radford. It is capable to hold 200 paupers, but limited to 120. The estimated cost of the building was £ 2,600, besides the furniture and fixtures, which cost £1,296 12s 8d. Chairman Richard Morley Esq, Sneinton; Auditor W. Power Esq.; Solicitor Edwin Patchett; Clerk Jas. Wilson; Governor and Matron Walter and Selina Hooton; Superintendent Registrar Jas. Wilson, Derby Road; Registrars, Lenton and Brewhouse Yard Jno. Harrison, Sneinton Thos. Morley, Hyson Green Thos. Smith, Radford Thos. Moody; Relieving Officer Alexr. Blackney; School Mistress Emily Thorpe; with two medical districts, for which Mr Chas. E. Bramwell is surgeon for Radford and Lenton, and Mr A. Unthank for Sneinton and Brewhouse Yard.