Wow! Its been hectic months to finish this homepage I tell u. "Miserable life", I'm not quite sure about that. In fact i'm having fun doing this homepage. Planing the alternative ways to arrange the cover, infomation, images to design my homepage to be my very best masterpiece already turning my time up and down. Bumping with problems from softwares that are new to me sometimes makes things harder for me to express my thought and my mind in my way rather than the highway! What the hell, life is boring without problems and competition. Don't u think so?!

Hope you will have fun browsing in my web. Maybe u could drop some of your thought, doubts, opinion or everything to share with me. E-mail me through "Personal MSG" form or maybe u could kindly share your mind simply by sign my "Guestbook" and share with others to view! Maybe your feedback will be usefull next updates.



Actually this is my internet project for one of my subject.

KKK1703, Internet Computing.

The main objective are to expose ourselves to the internet programming and to be able to design our own web

thanks to

Mr.Ang Chee Hui

(lecturer Internet Computing)