My Picture Gallery!

How do you like that? This is what I call "Silly" me. Well, scroll down a bit more to see the real me..

This is me in the pilot uniform..

This is what I fly almost everyday


Family Corner

My Family at Disneyland


From the left, My Brother, Dad, and Mom at ERAU Flight line

From the left, My Brother, Mom, Me and Dad

There is one more family member!

Here she is! "Lucky" My lovely baby

My Trips


This is Danny and I at the Law Enforcement Olympic in Phoenix (Spring 1998)

It's snow day, what can we say.. We just went out and make a snowman in the Middle of the night. As I remember it was around midnight in March (1998)


F-16 At Luke Air Force Base



Please come back and visit my gallery later!

This page will be update every once in a while...

Check back for new pictures...


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