How much will it cost?
   Our product will cost $20.

Is it worth my money?
   Of course! Our product beats all the competition.

What is it about?
   You(the pilot) fly around in your ship blowing up alien ships and destroying any asteroids in your path.

Will my younger brother/sister be able to play it?
   Yes, our product is suitable for all ages.

When will it be released?
   It will be released February 19th, 2002.

Where will it be sold?
   It will be sold in Canada, United States, Europe and some parts of Asia.  In those places it will be sold in the stores: Future Shop, Electronics Boutique, CompuCentre, Babbages and we may work out deals with other stores as well.

Will there be bosses, or just tiny ships?
  Yes, there will be one boss in the game.