My Selfish Sweater Vest

Designed to fit a 36" chest, this sleeveless V-neck Vest is seed stitched at the hem, neck, and shoulder edges, with a 3x3 twist in the center front. Its also good practice at manipulating stitches and has an easy finish.

Using a figure 8 e-wrap, CO 80 STS (40-0-40).
Carriage on the left, T5. RC 000 Seed st 14 rows.
K 2 more rows.
RC 16. T7.Begin Cable Panel (see footnotes): Drop 4th and 5th needles each side of 0 and the cable the left 3 over the right 3 on the 6 sts in between.
Repeat this cable panel every 5th row to RC103, relatching adj Purl sts every 8th or 12th row.
Begin shoulder shaping: RC 99. Carriage on right.
*Bind off 8 sts,relatch the next 6 sts as seed stitch* at the beginning of the next 2 rows.

From this point, work all decreases in the 7th stitch from the edge so as not to interrupt the seed stitch pattern on the edges.
Decrease 2 sts at both sides of next 2 rows and relatch 12 middle sts as seed st.

Now, time for the neck! RC103. Remove carriage and replace it on the left side without clipping MC. Place right hand 29 sts in HP and Scrap off left 29 sts. Reset row counter to 103 and replace the carriage on the right. Continue in MC.
Don't forget your seed stitch edges!!!
Decrease 1 sts at neck edge every 3d row to RC 158=10 sts.
K even in pattern to RC 161.
Bind off.
Reset Counter to 103 again. Rehang left shoulder sts and work as for right shoulder, reversing shaping.

BACK: Co 80 sts. Work as for front to RC102.
K in pattern to RC 148.
RC 148 Relatach seed st on middle 24 sts.
RC 149 Relatch seed st on middle 26 sts.
RC 150 relatch seed sts on middle 28 sts.
Continue enlarging center seed stitch trim by 1 st each side every row to RC 155=38 center seed stitches.
RC 155 Carriage on the right.
Replace carriage on the left as before and scrap off left hand 42 sts.
**Working on remaining 42 sts and staying in pattern, shape shoulder by dec 1sts on the neck edge each row to RC 161=10 sts.
Bind off.
Rehang center 26 sts, adding a stitch from each shoulder=28 sts in WP.
Carriage on the left, K across and BO
Rehang 22 sts remaining and work as for right side from **, reversing shaping of course.
Bind off.

It's downhill from here!

Join sides, shoulders and weave in ends, and admire your work!

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