Will You Cry When He Dies

Mother, do you know what you sacrificed?
Do you know the pain you allowed to happen by closing your eye?
You said you had eyes in the back of your head,
You saw that our dresses were too short,
You saw when we held hands with a boy,
But those eyes were closed when he took your innocent little girls.

Mother, will you cry when he dies?
Who will the tears be for?
Will they be for the loss of innocence?
Will they be for the broken children who are still healing?
The sacrifice you made in the name of security?
Or are the tears for the loss of the man you chose over your children?

Mother, you say you have no relationship with him,
but, you sit down to the dinner table with him at night
You cook his meals and do his laundry.
To the outside world you have a real marriage,
Do they know it is fake?
Do they know the secrets you have try so hard to hide?

Mother, will you cry when he dies?
Who will the tears be for?
Will they be for the lives he destroyed?
Will they be for the children who saw monsters in the dark
corners of their room?
The lost childhoods of the children you bore?
Or are the tears for the loss of the man you chose over your children?

Mother, you say you didn't know, but you were told?
All the evidence was there, but you closed your eyes
Did you not think it strange when he took you girls away alone?
You said, "One day I will find out what is going on"
In a voice that was accusing, not questioning
And why did you make us go?
Was it because if we went, then you did not have to deal with
his needs?

Mother, will you cry when he dies?
Who will the tears be for?
As you sit on his death bed, will you think of his victims,
Of the many people he hurt?
Or are the tears for the loss of the man you chose over your

