Tension Control/Auto-Synchronous Winder
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T-CAS Winder (Tension Control / Auto-Synchronous Winder for Circular Knitting Machines) is designed as a fabric knitting machine attachment. With its patented mechanism, the circular knitted fabric is winded up without stretching the fabric and destroying its flexibility. 

In order to maintain a uniform tension on a roll of the knitted fabric, T-CAS Winder has Hydraulic Reel Roll Support Arms, which can adjust the takeup tension along with the fabric roll amount on reel roll.  

Without any electric power, T-CAS Winder  is already CE and Y2K compliant. T-CAS Winder can easily control the knitted fabric takeup at a constant tension from circular knitting machine without step motors. 

T-CAS Winder's Indirect Reel Roll Drive System is designed to easily and smoothly pull the reel roll out of the fabric roll without any damage on fabric. 

The precise scale on T-CAS Winder can let users to make setup condition record easily and precisely. 

T-CAS Winder fits all circular knitting machines. 

T-CAS Winder is solid, inexpensive, easy to install, user friendly and maintenance free.

T-CAS Spec View
Click on this photo to see a close-up of T-CAS Winder
Email us: eq_explore@yahoo.com
Equal Explore, Co., Ltd. (USA)
A Division of Turntech Scientific & Instrument, Inc.
670 National Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043-2244
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