Missouri Homeschooling Resources

A Guide to Studying Missouri History Through Literature
A homeschooling guide to studying Missouri History...
through some good books!

MATCH Online Convention!!
What a neat idea!
At this online convention,
you can find out about Missouri homeschool law,
visit vendors and even listen to workshops!

Families for Home Education (FHE)
The lobbying group for home educators in Missouri.
Stay informed about issues that may threaten your right
to educate your children at home.

Don't miss this page and the dozens of links helpful to Missouri Homeschoolers

Missouri Department of Conservation
Check out the educational materials.... many free to Missouri residents.
Also, you have access to many MDC educational pages by clicking on a topic in the three search boxes towards the bottom of the index page. (We really enjoyed the ones on bats!)
St. Louis Science Center
Where ever you are in Missouri, if you get a chance to come to the Science Center it's well worth the trip! The museum is free, and you could easily spend the entire day there.
Missouri Botanical Gardens
Also in St. Louis. Of special interest is the education page.
Cahokia Mounds
This sight is not actually in Missouri (close... St. Louis area) but the Mound Builders are one of Missouri's earliest indian tribes.

Government Links
Missouri House of Representatives
Missouri State Senate
Especially helpful... the house and senate bill tracking. Just type in the number of a bill you are interested in and find out what is going on with it. You can also e-mail your representatives and senators from here.
Missouri State Government Web

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