Connection Webring

1.Your page must have something to do with
interracial/intercultural relations.
Whether it be a support page for interracial couples
or you are an intercultural couple with a homepage.
2. ABSOLUTELY NO DIRTY photos, inuendos, or links.!!
3. Your page must be PRO-intercultural relations.
Absolutely NO negativity will be tolerated
and pages in the ring will be checked often.

To join the Interracial/Intercultural Webring...
Fill out the form below.

Submit your site to the Interracial-Intercultural Webring
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

You should hear from me within 1 week of submitting this form.
In the meantime, you will receive an e-mail with
the HTML FRAGMENTS you need to put on your page
within ONE WEEK to be submitted into the ring.

This is what the fragments will look like on your page:

This Interracial/Intercultural Connection Webring site is owned by
--your name--.

Want to join the Interracial/Intercultural Connection Webring?

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Intercultural & Interracial Connection Webring made possible by
the Webring.