I know there are a Lot of pages out there as dedications to what has happened in Littleton Colorado but i felt i also needed to make a small contribution as well and what better way.

It is such a sad tragedy what has happened, it makes me wonder what is happening to our world today and those of us with kids, thinking how sorrowful it is to be raising our children in a world such as this. Hoping that we can teach them right from wrong and hopefully for sure teaching them that there are FAR better ways to deal with your anger then thru violence and killing.

In Dedication to those who did not survive and to those who have, please take time out of your busy schedule to pray for them and their families.

The Victims

William "Dave" Sanders 47, was the only adult who died.

Cassie Bernall 17

Steven Curnow 14

Corey DePooter 17

Kelly Fleming 16

Matthew Kechter 16

Daniel Mauser 15

Daniel Rohrbough 15

Rachel Scott 17 Her brother, Craig Scott, 16, was in the library and survived because he played dead in a friend's pool of blood.

Isaiah Shoels 18

John Robert Tomlin 16

Lauren Townsend 18

Kyle Velasquez 16

The Suspects

Eric Harris 18, a senior, was one of the gunmen. He died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head at the end of what has been called a "suicide mission." He was a member of the Trenchcoat Mafia, a group at Columbine High School who friends say always wore black, listened to industrial music and were fans of Adolf Hitler. He and the second gunman were said to be smart and computer savvy.

Dylan Klebold 17, a senior, was the second gunman. He died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head after going on what has been called a "suicide mission." A member of Columbine's Trenchcoat Mafia - a group who friends say always wore black, listened to Gothic music and spoke German to each other - he and his friend Eric Harris were said to be smart and computer savvy, and to enjoy video games. "Like the rest of the country, we are struggling to understand why this happened," Klebold's family said.

Walk Into The Light

This morning I awaken with a pain in my heart,
I felt as though it was being ripped apart.
Unaware of the day that lies ahead,
not knowing by the end of today, I would be dead.
I walked through the hall with a grin on my face conversing with my friends,
who knew with one gunshot wound to the head, it would end.
Afraid for my life and trying to remain calm,
while I hide in a corner with sweat running down my palms.
tears running down my face as I keep my whimpering inside,
because I can't let them know where I ran to hide.
terror flooded my thoughts and mind,
hoping it is not me they find.
I beg for my life while praying for the Lord to save me,
from a horrendous faith that seems to be.
Gunshots echoing in my ears,
never thought I would experience these fears.
how can this happen? Not here not my school!
Another student breaking all the rules.
What possesses you to kill,
how can you take it upon yourself to do the Lord's will?
How dare you choose to end my life with violence,
now my family looks over my body in horror and silence.
You took away my life which has barely begun,
because you wanted to make a statement, your plan was all in fun.
A suicide mission is what it came to be,
bodies lying dead right next to me.
over and over again I replay this tragedy in my mind,
hate, anger, and pain is all I search to find.
but I can feel myself slowly slipping away,
there are so many words to my parents I would say.
but now all I can do is remain a memory,
because my life has ended you see.
a tragic faith from going to school doing what is right,
now I let go and walk into the light
By Wrechal Currie

Dear Parents, Friends and Loved Ones,
Of these precious youth you've lost,
I see your broken spirits,
I know the terrible cost.

Though evil reigned at Columbine,
And horror filled the air,
I wanted all of you to know,
I left Heaven and came there.

I summoned Heaven's Angels,
Long before the call came in,
To share the dreadful warning,
Of what would soon begin.

The angels' wings were folded,
They knew what was to come,
When I said, "I'll lead this mission."
They followed one by one.

"I will go and get these babies,
And bring them home with me,
Where they'll live in Heaven's Schoolhouse,
Where it's safe and terror free."

Yes, I've prepared a Special Schoolhouse,
It stands out from all the rest,
The Welcome Mat reads, "Columbine,"
It's reserved for Heaven's best.

I was hovering all around them,
In the Library and the Hall,
When the evil forces entered,
Your children heard me call.

I wrapped my arms around them,
Pulled them close unto my breast,
"I've come to take you with me,
We must go and leave the rest."

"Your friends will long remember,
All the cool times that we shared,
And the Angels will remind them,
How very much you cared."

Yes, I took those precious children,
In the twinkling of an eye,
We were on our way to Heaven,
To their Schoolhouse in the sky.

I know your hearts are broken,
I know the pain you bear,
My heart is also broken,
By the evil everywhere.

Please help me fight this battle,
To keep our children safe,
Through prayers and love and sharing,
And holding to the Faith,

That Peace will surely reign one day,
In schools throughout the lands,
For all our future hopes and dreams,
Rest in our students' hands.

I'll give you peace to fill your heart,
Send sun to break the night,
Provide the strength to move beyond,
The wrongs and do what's right.

You ask how I can know your pain,
From the loss of your dear one,
It's because it seems like yesterday,
When I, too gave up a Son.

For all of you so far away who have this day been forced to sacrifice
your own flesh and blood for such a senseless act. As a mother and
Grandmother, I had to tell you in some way how much my heart hurts

Fran Maiers

Two brothers who survived the Columbine High School shooting, Jonathan and Stephen Cohen, sang a song during Sunday's memorial service in Littleton, Colo.The brothers said proceeds from sales of their CD are going to the victims' families. The song can be ordered by calling 303-797-6474 or by writing to: Friends of Mine, P.O. Box 3099, Littleton, CO 80161-3099.
There is Plenty you can do to help By sending your condolences and donations to the following addresses.

· Condolences
Expressions of condolence (cards, notes, gifts, flowers, etc.) for the Columbine High School community may be sent by e-mail ( calline@jeffco.k12.co.us) or U.S. mail:
Messages for Columbine
Communications Services
Jefferson County Public Schools
P.O. Box 4001
Golden, CO 80401-0001

Four organizations have set up funds to benefit the victims. Donations may be sent to:
Columbine High School Assistance Fund
Colorado High School Activities Board
14855 East 2nd Avenue
Aurora, CO 80011
Columbine High School Memorial Fund
Any U.S. Bank outlet
JCEA - Christa McAuliffe Excellence Scholarship Fund
Jefferson County Education Association
1050 Wadsworth Blvd.
Lakewood, CO 80215
Jefferson Foundation
ATTENTION: Columbine Fund
c/o 809 Quail Street
Building 1
Lakewood, Colorado 80215

WB2 Charities has joined with the charity funds of The Denver Post and KOSI Radio in partnership with Mile High United Way to help collect funds for those impacted by the Columbine High School tragedy.

WB2 Charities has joined with the charity funds of The Denver Post and KOSI Radio in partnership with Mile High United Way to help collect funds for those impacted by the Columbine High School tragedy.
For each dollar donated to "The Healing Fund" the partner funds will contribute 50 cents through the Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation. This fund will serve Columbine High School victims and their families, as they recover from the recent tragedy there.
You can make contributions payable to "The Healing Fund" and mail them to this address:
The Healing Fund
P.O. Box 46531
Denver, CO 80201
Donations are tax deductible.

Click on each of the feet above to access pages with more information on what you can do to help and more addresses for donations and memorials.

Please Use the Guest Book as a Tribute to these Fine people who have lost their lives, and to those that have been affected by this terrible tragedy i will in time forward it to Columbine High School to add to their memorials and mementos.

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