Welcome to the 2nd Annual N.E. Berry Fest held again at the home of Greg and Cindy!!!!!!!
Thanks goes to Greg, Cindy and Alicia for allowing us to come in and take over all of Alicia's toys and messing their house up some again this year!!!!!!!
Thanks also goes to Mel for her contribution of pictures!!!!
I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed taking them!!!


Sorry, they spelled Berry wrong :(:(


These may be hard to see, but you should get the just of it!!!!!


From l. to r.

Mel and Reese, Sara and Hannah,

Cindy and Alicia, Lynnie and John,

Angela and Nicholas


In case you haven't noticed, 3 of the "Berries" Mom's are pregnant again!!!

Mel and Cindy are both due in December, AGAIN!!!!!!

and Angela is due in May!!!!!

Cindy due 12/17, Mel due 12/10


Angela, Mel and Cindy enjoying a little taste of beer!!!!!


I thought the party was inside!!!!!


John-John Checking out Nick's Mac & Cheese!!!


Nicholas just checking things out!!!!!

See Reese, this is how you climb onto the table!!!!!

and this is how you run through the trees!!!!!!


Hey, doesn't anyone want to come and play with me???!!!!

(This is Reese)


Now onto the cake!!!!!!


It wasn't half as exciting as it was last year, but the kids are older and actually a bit smarter, and cleaner I may add!!!!!!!


Mark (Hannah's Daddy) making sure she covered this year!!!!!!!


They didn't seem too sure of it this year!!! They were just so sweet!!!!

John-John and Alicia!!!!! Of course, isn't is supposed to be the girl using the fork and the boy using their fingers???!!!!

Hey Mom!!! Reese and I are REALLY enjoying this stuff!!!!


How did I get so dirty?? I was using my fork!!!!!!


There's Hannah, at the head of the table!!! She was the messiest baby winner last year, but this year, she was a bit more conservative!!!!! I'm sure Mom and Dad didn't mind!!!!!


AND THE WINNER IS.............




There she is with Daddy, in all her glory, and Daddy actually didn't get dirty at all!!!!


Way to go Alicia!!!!!!


I can't wait to see who's "IT" next year!!!!!!!


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