Aerophobia (Fear of Air) Zoophobia (Fear of Animals) Myrmecophobia (Fear of Ants) Neophobia (Fear of Anything new) Bacillophobia (Fear of Bacilli) Peladophobia (Fear of *becoming* Bald) Pogonophobia (Fear of Beards) Teratophobia (Fear of Bearing a deformed child) Clinophobia (Fear of *going to* Bed) Apiphobia or Melissophobia (Fear of Bees) Taphephobia (Fear of Being Buried Alive) Ornithophobia (Fear of Birds) Hematophobia or Hemophobia (Fear of Blood) Erenthrophobia (Fear of Blushing) Meningitophobia (Fear of Brain disease) Gephyrophobia (Fear of *crossing* Bridges) Ailurophobia; Galeophobia (Fear of Cats) Kainophobia (Fear of Change of novelty) Tocophobia (Fear of Childbirth) Geniophobia (Fear of Chins) Psychrophobia (Fear of Cold or *something* Cold) Chromatophobia or Chromophobia (Fear of Color or Colors) Claustrophobia (Fear of Confinement) Molysmophobia (Fear of Contamination or Infection) Necrophobia (Fear of Corpses) Ochlophobia (Fear of Crowds) Hygrophobia (Fear of Dampness) Nyctophobia or Scotophobia (Fear of Darkness) Eosophobia (Fear of Dawn) Phengophobia (Fear of Daylight) Thanatophobia (Fear of Death) Monopathophobia (Fear of Definite, *specific* Disease) Dysmorphophobia (Fear of Deformity) Bathophobia (Fear of Depth) Phobophobia (Fear of Developing a Phobia) Mysophobia or Rupophobia (Fear of Dirt) Nosophobia or Pathophobia (Fear of Disease) Cynophobia (Fear of Dogs) Pediophobia (Fear of Dolls) Anemophobia (Fear of Drafts) Amathophobia (Fear of Dust) Phagophobia (Fear of Eating) Electrophobia (Fear of Electricity) Kenophobia or Cenophobia (Fear of Emptiness) Hamartophobia (Fear of Error) Panphobia or Panophobia or Pantophobia (Fear of Everything) Coprophobia (Fear of Excrement) Ommatophobia (Fear of Eyes) Kakorrhaphiophobia (Fear of Failure) Kopophobia (Fear of Fatigue) Phobophobia (Fear of Fear) Pteronophobia (Fear of Feathers) Pyrexeophobia (Fear of Fever) Mysophobia (Fear of Filth) Automysophobia (Fear of *personal* Filth or *personal* Odor) Pyrophobia (Fear of Fire) Ichthyophobia (Fear of Fish) Antlophobia (Fear of Floods) Anthophobia (Fear of Flowers) Aviatophobia (Fear of Flying) Homichlophobia (Fear of Fog) Cibophobia or Sitophobia (Fear of Food) Hylophobia (Fear of Forest) Batrachophobia (Fear of Frogs) Phasmophobia (Fear of Ghosts) Parthenophobia (Fear of Girls) Photaugiaphobia (Fear of Glare of light) Crystallophobia or Hyalophobia (Fear of Glass) Theophobia (Fear of God) Barophobia (Fear of Gravity) Trichopathophobia (Fear of Hair) Thermophobia (Fear of Heat) Acrophobia (Fear of Height) Hadephobia or Stygiophobia (Fear of Hell) Patroiophobia (Fear of Heredity and Hereditary Disease) Batophobia (Fear of High Objects or *being on tall buildings*) Domatophobia or Oikophobia (Fear of *being in a* House) Ideophobia (Fear of Ideas) Traumatophobia (Fear of Injury) Neophobia (Fear of Innovation) Maniaphobia (Fear of *becoming* Insane) Acarophobia or Entomophobia (Fear of Insects) Zelophobia (Fear of Jealousy) Dikephobia (Fear of Justice) Aichmophobia (Fear of Knife or Pointed Objects) Megalophobia (Fear of Large objects) Levophobia (Fear of Left) Photophobia (Fear of Light) Astraphobia or Astrapophobia or Keraunophobia (Fear of Lightning) Clithrophobia (Fear of *being* Locked In) Scopophobia (Fear of *being* Looked At) Mechanophobia (Fear of Machinery) Androphobia (Fear of Men) Polyphobia (Fear of Many Things) Gamophobia (Fear of Marriage) Pharmacophobia (Fear of Medicine) Metallophobia (Fear of Metals) Musophobia (Fear of Mice) Eisoptrophobia (Fear of Mirror *and seeing oneself in*) Ballistophobia (Fear of Missiles) Hygrophobia (Fear of Moisture) Chrematophobia (Fear of Money) Kinesophobia (Fear of Motion) Mythophobia (Fear of Myths) Gymnophobia (Fear of Naked Body) Onomatophobia (Fear of *hearing a certain* Name) Belonephobia (Fear of Needles) Paralipophobia (Fear of Neglect or Omission of Duty) Noctiphobia or Nyctophobia (Fear of Night) Auroraphobia (Fear of Northern Lights) Kainophobia (Fear of Novelty) Olfactophobia or Osmophobia (Fear of odor) Bromidrosiphobia (Fear of *personal* Odor) Agoraphobia (Fear of Open Space) Ponophobia (Fear of Overwork) Algophobia or Odynophobia (Fear of Pain) Parasitophobia (Fear of Parasites) Anthropophobia (Fear of People) Topophobia (Fear of Place) Hedonophobia (Fear of Pleasure) Aichmophobia (Fear of Pointed Objects) Iophobia or Toxicophobia (Fear of Poison) Peniaphobia (Fear of Poverty) Cremnophobia (Fear of Precipices) Poinephobia (Fear of Punishment) Porphyrophobia (Fear of *the color* Purple) Cynophobia or Lyssophobia (Fear of Rabies) Siderodromophobia (Fear of Railroad or Train) Ombrophobia (Fear of Rain or Rainstorm) Proctophobia (Fear of Rectum) Erythrophobia (Fear of Red) Hypengyophobia (Fear of Responsibility) Nostophobia (Fear of Returning home) Dextrophobia (Fear of Right) Potamophobia (Fear of River) Harpaxophobia (Fear of Robbers) Rhabdophobia (Fear of Rod or Instrument of Punishment) Atephobia (Fear of Ruin) Heirophobia (Fear of Sacred Things) Scabiphobia (Fear of Scabies) Schoolphobia (Fear of School) Amychophobia (Fear of Scratches or Being Scratched) Thalassophobia (Fear of Sea) Autophobia (Fear of Self) Spermatophobia (Fear of *loss of* Semen) Genophobia (Fear of Sex) Coitophobia (Fear of Sexual Intercourse) Hormeophobia (Fear of Shock) Hamartophobia (Fear of Sin) Peccatiphobia (Fear of Sinning) Thaasophobia (Fear of Sitting) Kathisophobia (Fear of Sitting Down) Doraphobia (Fear of Skin of Animals) Dermatosiophobia (Fear of Skin Disease) Dermatophobia (Fear of Skin Lesion) Hypnophobia (Fear of Sleep) Microphobia or Microbiophobia (Fear of Small Objects) Pnigerophobia (Fear of Smothering) Ophidiophobia (Fear of Snake) Chionophobia (Fear of Snow) Eremophobia (Fear of Solitude or Being Alone) Acousticophobia (Fear of Sounds) Acerophobia (Fear of Sourness) Lalophobia (Fear of Speaking, Talking) Arachnophobia (Fear of Spider) Climacophobia (Fear of Stairs) Stasiphobia (Fear of Standing Up) Stasibasiphobia (Fear of Standing or Walking) Siderophobia (Fear of Stars) Kleptophobia (Fear of Stealing) Mythophobia (Fear of Stories) Xenophobia (Fear of Strangers) Agyiophobia (Fear of Street) Linonophobia (Fear of String) Heliophobia (Fear of Sunlight) Symbolophobia (Fear of Symbolism) Syphilophobia (Fear of Syphilis) Taeriophobia (Fear of Tapeworms) Geumaphobia (Fear of Taste) Odontophobia (Fear of Teeth) Phronemophobia (Fear of Thinking) Astrophobia or Brontophobia (Fear of Thunder) Chronophobia (Fear of Time) Haphephobia or Haptephobia (Fear of *being* Touched) Hodophobia (Fear of Travel) Tremophobia (Fear of Trembling) Trichinophobia (Fear of Trichinosis) Phthisiophobia or Tuberculophobia (Fear of Tuberculosis) Vaccinophobia (Fear of Vaccination) Lachanophobia (Fear of Vegetables) Amaxophobia (Fear of *being in* Vehicle) Cypridophobia (Fear of Venereal Disease) Phonophobia (Fear of *one's own* Voice) Kenophobia (Fear of Void) Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting) Basiphobia (Fear of Walking) Hydrophobia (Fear of Water) Asthenophobia (Fear of Weakness) Anemophobia (Fear of wind) Gynephobia (Fear of Women) Onomatophobia (Fear of *hearing certain* Words Ergasiophobia (Fear of Work) Graphophobia (Fear of Writing) *Adapted from Campbell, R.J.: Psychiatric Dictionary, ed. 5, Oxford University Press, N.Y. 1981
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