Miscellaneous Pictures - 2006

So, we did do other things than travel in 2006 (although we seem to mostly pull out the camera when we go on trips, it seems!). Below are some of the shots from the rest of the year!

Early each year is our buddy, Toby's, birthday party (seated on couch, middle right). Toby usually has some kind of theme to his birthday party, and this year it was the Sopranos. Steve and Claudia are standing up back left. Claudia's parents are seated on the couch (alias Uncle Junior and Tony Soparano's mother) and Toby and his wife, Heidi were Tony and Camilla Soprano, respectively. It was quite the fun time!

In case it isn't obvious, Steve was playing Paulie Walnuts (due to the gray locks) and Claudia was Dr. Melfi (here looking contemplative).

Although we had the kids B-day parties at Chuck E. Cheese, we also had family celebrations at home. Here is Sarah blowing out her "8" candle on her birthday cake!


The beginning of Spring always brings us back-to-back birthdays for the girls. Here is Sophie's 5th birthday party that was held at Chuck E. Cheese with all her buddies! This year's birthday parties were combined, so Sarah's pals were also here.

Every Spring and Fall we have a campout with Indian Princesses. Here is Sarah with a bluegill she caught during the campout. Although the girls "like" fishing, they definitely DON'T like taking the fish off the hook (or putting the worm ON the hook). Those are apparently "daddy jobs"!


Both girls are into music. Sarah has been taking lessons on piano, and this is a shot of one of her recitals. She did GREAT! She appears to not have the same "stage fright" that plagued her father when he was her age!

Both girls are taking ballet, and here is a shot of Sophie at one of her performances. Unfortunately, the lighting was quite low so this is one of the few shots that was in focus (rather than being some kind of blur of motion!).

