POISON TO PARROTS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
We have listed a few things that all parrot owners should be aware of. Everyday it seems more and more *Products* are found to be killing pet parrots without any warning from the manufactures. Just because its not listed on the product, DO NOT assume it is *Pet Proof*. Visit this page as often as you can to read about the newest toxic household items discovered. We will do our best to keep you updated. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
TOXIC PRODUCTS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
POISON SHRUBS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
POISON PLANTS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Airosol Sprays*Airfreshners Ammonia*Antifreeze*Carpetfresh Scented Candles*Teflon Pans Polytetraflourethylene (PTFE) Alcoholic Beverages*Asbestos Boric Acid*Cleaning Products Bleach*Carbon Monoxide Clorine*Cigarette Smoke Brass/Copper/Metal Cleaners Deodorants*Detergents Disinfectants*Glues*Pot Pourri Furniture Polishes*Gasoline Hair Spray/Dyes/Permanents Insecticides*Mothballs Nail Polish/Removers*Febreze Oven Cleans*Cookware Paint/Paint Thinner*Space heaters Kerosene*Matches*Sulphur Rubbing Alcohol*Spray Starches Super Glue*Spot Removers Turpentine*Weed Killers Window Cleaners*Furniture Polish Glad Scented Candles |
American Yew*Baneberry Bittersweet Nightshade Black Locust*Bloodroot Buckthorn*Buttercup Calla Lily*Clematis Christmas Tree*Cowslip Cherry Tree*Daphne English Holly*Henbane Golden Chain*Hemlock Golden Laburnum*Iris Honey Locust*Larkspur Horse Chestnut*Nutmeg Indian Turnip* Locoweed Jimsonweed*May Apple Mistletoe*Pokeweed Lords if Ladies Monkshood*Rubarb Mountain Laurel*Tobacco Rosary Pease*Snowdrop Snow Flake*Western Yew Water Hemlocks |
Amaryllis*Azelea*Boxwood Autumn Crocus*Balsam Pear Bird of Paradise*Caladium Castor Bean*Chalice Vine Coral Plant*Dieffenbachia Datura (berried only) Hyacinth*Elephant Ear Hydrangea*Java Beans Japanese Yew*Lantana Lily of the Valley*Narcissus Eggplant (except fruit) Oleander * Philodendron Rhododendron * Yam Bean Deadly Nightshade Black Nightshade Garden Nightshade Woody Nightshade |
New items will be added as information is available. Remember, READ everything before exposing your pets. So many families have lost their parrots and other animals due to POISONS! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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