Welcome to my Guestbook!

Cindy - 10/09/00 04:24:58
My Email:c_waiting@yahoo.com

What a cute web page, I enjoyed it very much! and it made me chuckle too, and I also enjoyed youre music you picked. I also have a male shadedsilver persian Shimmer, and soon to have another in Nov. 2000 a bicolor male kitten, named Socks, for he has four white paws, arent they so sweet! Another great place to vist is www.PERSIAN=CATS.COM

brenda - 09/27/00 23:40:57
My Email:B.O.B19@netzero.net

I would like to complement your person,she does get you 100%. My babies number 7. However that is going to change,we accured a new one and she looks like we will add a few more very soon. Thank your person again for me . We do have some very nice kittes h re in Texas.

CE Carrasco - 09/25/00 01:52:27
My Email:cecamde@yahoo.com

I too have a persian, he is 4.5 months old, a solid white, clear blue eyes, lovable, huggable cat. His name is Coco Duke Sefidi. Your page is lovely and Sheba is gorgeous.

claudia - 09/09/00 05:15:38
My Email:claudia_sturrock@hotmail.com

This is a wonderful sight, i have enjoyed every bit of it,, im looking to find out what type of cat i have,, she was abanded and ive adopted her,, she has long hair looks siamese but has tuffs of hair behind her ears,, ive named her Destine, we were ment o be together,, thank you for sharing your talent with us,,

Shelly - 08/26/00 21:03:14
My Email:DougSteve4

This is a really cute site, I enjoyed looking at you pictures and the music was nice and most of all the photoswere great and so were the little jokes in the photo album***

Maria - 08/16/00 18:21:52
My Email:Aantbee@yahoo.com

Sheba, you have the life!! I too am owned by a beautiful Persian. Her name is Pavitta, it means little princess. She is charcoal gray and butterscotch in color. Her aborable face is half/half. She sounds like a raccoon when she purrs, no kidding. So l ud. Enjoyed getting to know you.

Dale Cooke - 07/10/00 11:08:39
My Email:dcooke@opm.sppn.af.mil

What a pretty kitty you are! I live in saudi arabia, but used to live in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, just down the road from you! I have a tri-color Saudi cat named Psycho (no, Prissy, I didn't name her) and she is quite the old lady now at 13, althoug you'd never know it by the way she plays and runs around. she was mistreated as a kitten and didn't even know she was a cat until she adopted us. Hope to hear from you. Til then, Meowr.....Dale

Vicky - 07/10/00 01:46:48
My URL:/zodieslie/
My Email:jazzdomino@yahoo.com

Nice page. It's really cute. Great job. Come visit my rats website soon...Don't forget to sign the guestbook!!! :)

beeda7 - 06/17/00 03:31:20
My Email:beeda7@aol.com


cary Kemper smith - 05/18/00 03:45:06
My Email:smithcary@hotmail.com

I just mailed a letter--- the music I wanted the name of was not when Prissy was doing her activities, it is the MUSIC DURING HER EARLY YEARS that was in the Great Gatsby!!! Thanks, Cary

smithcary - 05/18/00 03:42:08
My Email:smithcary@hotmail.com

Prissy is beautiful. I have a long haired feline named Prissy, and she is very prissy in all ways, just like Prissy the Persian. She is a little furry princess. Her real name is Priscilla but Prissy fits her better. She is not pedigreed. I very much enjoy d your music. That one song that played when Prissy was playing the piano-- what is the name? The only place I have ever heard that same exact music is background music from "The Great Gatsby", one of my favorite movies. Is it one of Prissy's favorite movies?? Sounds like Ragtime music Ms. Cary Kemper Smith, Kentucky

- 05/02/00 16:22:30


Kyrsten Branson - 04/05/00 18:59:00
My Email:Stacygayle@mail.com

I thought that you were a beautiful cat.

stella - 03/25/00 20:40:27
My Email:stellajay@telus.net

hello from british colombia canada great site,i have a persian cat also her is ashley her favorite pastime is to sleep all the time she blonde maybe that's why (ha,ha,ha,)

Dana - 03/23/00 04:41:47
My URL:http://$$$$$$$$$$:-)
My Email:roxygal_14_99@yahoo.com

hey, U are a really cute cat u look like my persian her name is Cinderella"Cindy". Shes kinda like urs but fluffier and has more grey shes called a silver one but looks grey to me but well nice sight a funn looking at gosta go byes!!!!!!

Paul McBay - 03/16/00 16:54:27
My Email:BGArmory.Com

You are a beautiful cat! Almost as pretty as my persian named Copper.

Paul McBay - 03/16/00 16:52:57
My Email:BGArmory.Com


Erin - 03/14/00 18:48:05
My Email:erinclark@webtv.net

I am really enjoying your site with my 4 year old. We have 2 kitties of our own. Adomestic and a Siamese.Thank-you. You brightened our day. Erin and Kyle

Julie Green - 03/09/00 18:41:20
My Email:julie_ann21@hotmail.com

Hi, great web site, Sheeba looks adorable. I also have two persians who also bring alot of pleasure to our home. One is cream called Jeddah and is infact sleeping on my lap as I type and the other is grey called Bo.

Angela Davis - 03/05/00 23:39:25
My Email:toosassy@yahoo.com

I just loved your web page. Sheba is absolutely beautiful. We have a boyfriend for Sheba(they look just alike). Socrates or Sockie for short, is the ruler at our house and he is full of personality. We had a great time viewing your web site . Thank you

Valerie - 03/02/00 15:38:34
My Email:vtruitt@citynet.net

Very amusing-I really enjoyed it. Sheba's a beautiful cat!!!!

Celina I. Rubio - 03/02/00 00:05:45
My Email:celirubi@aol

I think you are a really beautifil kitty girl and i have a kitty boy who's name is sebastian and sebby for short and he is also a persian just like you!!

- 03/02/00 00:03:57


staci smith - 02/28/00 23:47:04

I thought you were very cute sheba! Hope you update your photo album.

Elyse - 02/28/00 01:56:18

That was very good! I Enjoyed reading about you and your friends! I was happy to see someone carring about everyday cats!(even though your spiecel!)I was bored and this cheered me up! Thanks for letting me see your website! Bye!

Lisa Canfield - 02/25/00 21:58:57
My URL:http://www.siamesecatcom.homestead.com/homepage.html
My Email:lisalisacooL@mailexcite.com


Kasey Jones - 02/21/00 01:08:13
My Email:fay@montinet.com

I love persian cats.They are my favorite type of cat. I am about the only person in my family that likes them. I mean my family likes them there just not crazy about them like I am.Well I gotta go .See ya later.

The Morgans - 02/13/00 20:20:07
My Email:bassplukr2relaypoint.net

Meeww! From Sir Percival Furball (Percy) 7 mo. old, in California.

katrina brown - 02/09/00 19:20:54

pretty kitty!!! no email sorry!! i have a persian too. he is white and big for his age. his name is Smitty

Sonia Hoesch - 02/06/00 03:00:34


batty - 01/25/00 18:50:54
My Email:Hollis1@waitrose.com

v good lots of fun pretty puddy cat

Marsha - 01/16/00 19:40:42
My Email:hattielynn@juno.com

Great web site! I have 3 persians. Sim is 15 & actually a bit mixed with something else. But she's black, beautiful & thinks everyone comes to see her. Winnie, age 2 1/2 is a tortie & her half sister, Hannah, age 3 is a blue cream. they are registered wit the CFA & both are beautiful but no one gets to see them except via photos as they're both "fraidy cats" around anyone but my husband & me.

Pbixler - 01/16/00 19:07:31
My Email:p.bixler@mciworld.com

I have Vinny (short for Vincent the Auxvasse Royal). He looks exactly like you but he's a boy.

- 01/15/00 01:22:17


punky - 01/12/00 10:05:55

hi sheba, I'm punky, I have two brothers called BJ and Chevvy and we are all persians and thoroughly spoilt by our owner. Nice talking to you Love from punky

katie harlow - 01/08/00 03:21:03


Melissa - 01/03/00 18:29:24
My URL:http://pages.bolt.com/writing/melanny/index.html
My Email:mgribble@gwpub.com


Hey, this is a really cute page! I just wandered upon it surfing the web!

God Bless!

Dawn Proctor - 12/23/99 21:38:01
My Email:Antbnk@aol.com

I am so happy to visit the web site of a happy feline. My husband is buying me a Blue Persian for Christmas. I am picking her up tonight. I hope that I can make her as happy as your people have made you.

lannie - 12/22/99 18:42:34
My Email:lanjan@ctel.net

great site

Phantom - 12/20/99 17:44:54

I liked your site, and e-mailed the address to my friend Kira

Jessica - 11/26/99 06:53:32

I think your cat is sowe cute i have a prshan cat named Taboo gray and white and hasal blue eye and ally six's muns you proble think iam a baby but i am ally nine by. ps.say beye to your cat.

Jessica - 11/26/99 06:41:12


Katie cruz - 11/17/99 21:09:36
My Email:cruzinkatie@webtv.net

Sheba, You are the cutest cat!! I also have a persian kitty and she roten. I just wanted to say that you are sooo cute!!!

Malou Alvarez - 11/16/99 21:12:37
My Email:maloualvarez@yahoo.com

You are really a cute cat!!! I also love cats as well as my husband. Everytime I see cats roaming around me, eventhough they are afraid of me sometimes, I gave them food. Sometimes I want to cry everytime I saw some other people who hate cats, hitting the . I want to say that to be kind to animals especially to cats.

- 11/15/99 23:21:36


James Creagh - 11/12/99 15:36:43
My Email:Crayo_@excite.com

I love persian cats and im a big Blofeld fan which is where I get the love of Persians from.

Jan Lappin - 11/10/99 04:04:39
My Email:jan_lappin@hotmail.com


Elysa - 08/28/99 03:15:07
My Email:rmarkey@pacbell.net

Your web site is the best cat site I,ve ever seen. The site is so cute and so is Sheba. Sheba is a beautiful cat.

Beth - 08/19/99 15:32:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/preachrcl/index.html
My Email:sueboo@nbnet.nb.ca

LOVE you cat site. Where did you get the graphics, music etc. The cat who allows me to live in her house is classed as a DSH and is pure black but I think that somewhere in her past she was a royal runaway.

Keith Lintner - 07/23/99 02:11:11
My Email:keithlint@aol.com

This is a great web site

Runtell - 06/20/99 18:14:02
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/runtell
My Email:runtell@hotmail.com

Four Paws up!...and as a cat that's my favorite position! Thought your site was just terrific and I will definatly be visiting again!

Caddie - 06/07/99 20:29:48

I think it is crazy for a cat to have a website!!! No, really I think it is pretty neat!!!

Caddie - 06/07/99 20:29:30

I think it is crazy for a cat to have a website!!! No, really I think it is pretty neat!!!

Ruth - 06/05/99 14:46:55
My Email:druth1@aol.com

I really enjoyed your pages, I too have silver persians. two of them. One is sitting on my lap at this very moment.

Beverly Vivian - 05/23/99 19:53:44
My URL:http://jevnbev
My Email:jevnbev

I just showed your web site funny to Debi funny and Tammie funny and her friend justine funny because I wanted to make this funny. Real nice web page

Valle - 04/16/99 21:15:19
My URL:http://user.tninet.se/~txx420n
My Email:vallelurv@yahoo.com

Great site! Beautiful cat!

Renee' - 04/04/99 17:47:58
My Email:djnaynay@yahoo. com

Your site was very interesting and informative. I am in the market for a persian such as yourself. Hopefully one day soon you'll be reading about my cat. Take care!

lisa weston - 04/02/99 18:49:21
My Email:westprod@alaska.net

hello, i'm pearl the perfect persian. my people finally got it together enough to look up other perfect persians on the web. i must say i really enjoyed seeing your pictures sheba, you're my type of persian! i'm a pastel calico or at least my people say s ! i live with a yellow lab (sweet old man) and an irish wolfhound (nasty antagonizing beastie) and my favorite little girl, 6 year old zoe! i've ordered my people to set me up with my own webpage and they are trying but i don't think they prioitize well. magine, going to work in a hospital delivering little red squirming humans instead of doing my bidding. hopefully with time, i can train mine as well as you've trained yours. again, enjoyed your photos. fondly, pearl.

Belinda - 03/31/99 18:53:47
My Email:Bell013@hotmail.com

I love Persians I have one and I was curious if mostly all Persians look like that they are in a grumpy mood but they aren't I was wondering this cause mine always looks like a big grump but he is actualy never one well I love the site

Jeni - 03/25/99 17:42:15
My URL:http://www.altinet.net/~jmorgan/index.htm
My Email:jmorgan@altinet.net

Sheba you are a beautiful girl and Sylvia and I just loved your site. Jeni

Angela Brodbeck - 01/27/99 01:56:29
My Email:angnsean@innernet.net

I loved you web page. I have a white female persian named Sasha. I love her like she's a child.

Purrr - 01/17/99 02:01:50

Sheba is so cute and beautiful.

shalimar - 01/14/99 10:09:02
My URL:http://www.balcab.ch
My Email:tradu.deutsch@balcab.ch

What about her tongue? Very nice princess!

beverly - 11/27/98 19:06:24
My Email:bevpal@webtv.net

you have a doll-face and wish all breeding was copied after you instead of those flat faces. my name is valentino, am a white persian with a button nose - not the extreme look! however, i do have some tearstaining that my new mom is trying to clear up and keep clean and white. do you have any suggestions? thanks 9they also call me yoda - remember star wars?) meow

beverly - 11/27/98 19:06:14
My Email:bevpal@webtv.net

you have a doll-face and wish all breeding was copied after you instead of those flat faces. my name is valentino, am a white persian with a button nose - not the extreme look! however, i do have some tearstaining that my new mom is trying to clear up and keep clean and white. do you have any suggestions? thanks 9they also call me yoda - remember star wars?) meow

gemini-girl - 11/09/98 01:38:01
My Email:gemini-girl@webtv.net

What a beautiful cat!I have a black persian and I know the joy they can bring to one's life

Effiemay - 11/08/98 18:40:45
My Email:Effiemay@aol.com

Sheba is adorable.

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