
1709, May 6

A list was made of a group of Emigrants into England
from the Palatinate. The list taken at St. Catherines,
London, England includes:

Martin Seibert, H.S. (? husbandman) age 35
son age 2, daughter age 4
Reform Church Member

Conrad Seibert, Hs, and V (husbandman and Vinedresser) age 31
daughter age 1 1/2
Reform Church Member

John Zeber, Hs and(husbandman and (Vinedresser) age 46
sons age 18 and 4
daus age 11 and 8
Reform Church Member

(From "The Book of Names" Lon D. MacWethy)

1709, June 2

A third list of Palatine Emigrants was made, also at St. Catherines, London, England: this included

Johann Henrig Seipert and vrouw and 4 children

(Mattico Family History 1709-1961 Pg 775)

Heads of Palatine Families on Governor Hunters Ration List.
New York.

Johann Martin Seuberb (camp not given)
Niclaus Eckard (in East Camp-soldiers who served in 1711
Canadian Expedition)

1712, Apr 2
In a letter written by R. Livingston from Manor Livingston to Mr. Lawrence Smith (believed to be account clerk for Gov. Hunter). Mr. Livingston describes his many trials and tribulations of the winter with the Palatines and says in part, "about 3 weeks ago we had an information from Albany yt(that) my 2 negroes who runn away last fall and are got to Canada by the help of a River Indian, ye one is with ye Govr. of Mont Royall, ye oyr(other) with Seber yt(that) was here yt(that) they told ye french yt(that) there was 8 more negroes from whence they run", etc.

Governor Hunter released the Palatines from their requirement to make pitch and tar for Queen Annes ships. Most of the Palatines moved to Pennsylvania, but some went to Schoharie.

Pg. 2

Johann Martin Seibert appears in the Census of Fuchsendorf
(now called Schoharie) Schoharie Co. NY.

(Mattico Family History)

1715 Dec 15
was born and 24 Jan 1716 was baptized Jerg Adam, child
of Johann Martin and Anna Marie Seibert at Fuchsendorf.

(Koche(o)rthal Records - Mattico Family Hist. P 883 & 888)

1715/16 Jan 17
Albany, New York, Mayors Court in City Hall
Marte Server
Johan Jacob Server

(The Book of Names. This book does not say what
the "lawful age" was for naturalization.)

Jan 31
Niccolas Eckar
Hans Caspor Liepe

1717 Aug 14
Ulrich Simmendinger who left Woortemberg Province, Germany 31 Jul 1709 with a group of 1000 Palatines, a large number of whom died enroute to America, decided to return to Germany in 1717, and he spread the word her would carry messages back to relatives. Upon his arrival in Germany he had published the SIMMENDINGER REGISTER. He did not claim it to be a complete report on all the Palatine families in New York. The date does not mean that the families listed were in the places mentioned at that time.

Seibert, Johann Martin and his wife, Anna Marie with
3 children, living in the New Hayesbury Camp.
Wallerrath, Heinrich and his wife Christina and 2 Chil.
Wallerath, Gerhard and his wife Maria and 3 chil.

1721 Nov 15
Johann Wilhelm Seeber born, according to the Bullock
bible, but it does not give his parents or the place
of birth.

1723 Oct 19
The Stone Arabia Patent was granted this date to 27
Palatines and their families numbering 127 persons. In

PG. 3

the group was Mardan Seibert who drew lots # 22 and 50.

"The Present Ft. Plain section was settled by Crouse,
Lipe and Seeber"

(The Mohawk Valley, Gateway to the West by Nelson Greene
Vol. 1 Pg. 483, 498, 500. Pub. 1925)

1739 JUL 16
Two deeds show transfer of Stone Arabia Patent lands
made by "Jacob Syber and Anna Marie, wife to John
Bickles(Pickles) said Martin Sybert daughter".

(St. Johnsville Enterprise and News 4 Feb. 1931)

1744 Sep 29
Registered for marriage Jerg Adam Seibert born at Schoharie and
Sophie Frieman born at Schenectady now living in

(High Low Dutch Reform Church records, Schoharie, N.Y.
Vol. 1 and 2.)

(the Bullock Bible record gives this same date
for the marriage of Johann Wilhelm Seebers, but
gives the wifes name as Maria Catharina Wallrathin)

(The "in" on the end of a name indicated it is the
feminine line. Walrath for males; Walrathin for females.
Gobel for males; Goebelin for females)

William Seeber is a store keeper 1/2 mile west of Ft. Plain,
New York.

This source gives Miss Walrath as his second wife, More
confusion about his wives.

(Frontiersman of New York by Simms)

PG. 4

1763, Dec 29
Mr. William Seeber is the carrier of a letter from Rev. Mr. John Casper Lappins to Sir William Johnson, in which the Reverend requests Sir Johnson to send him by Seeber a bottle of brandy and some raisins as medicine for his cold.

(Documentary History of New York Vol. 4 Pg. 335-6)

(Sir William Johnson was His Majesties Superintendent of
Indian Affairs, and in charge of missionaries sent into
the Indian areas, He lived at St. Johnsville, NY)

Map of Renselaerwick shows #91 Juria Sivorce in Hellebergh.
This is Jurry Adam Seiber son of Johann Martin Seibert. The
Enterprise and News of 1931 says the Old Siver homestead was located
at Dunnsville, New York.

1777 Aug 6
Battle of Oriskany. A letter written at 9PM this date at camp before Fort Stanwix by Major Frey, wounded and a prisoner of St. Leger(British) to Col. Gansevoort in Fort Schuyler says: "Sir it is with concern we are to acquaint you this was the fatal day in which succors, which were intended for your relief, have been attacked and defeated with great loss ---- etc". "We are sorry to inform you that most of the principal officers are killed, to wit, Col. Seeber." (Major Wm. Seeber was promoted on field of battle to Col.)

(Border Warfare of New York Pg. 107)

The records of the Tryon county Milita are not official. They have been gleaned from government pay records, pension records, family reports etc. There can be much duplication.

Tryon County Militia Records from the Book of Names by Lou MacWethy.

1st Regiment under Col. Samuel Campbell
Lt. John Seeber Lt. William Seeber (son of Maj. Wm.)
En. John W. Seeber (age 14 in 177 son of Maj. Wm)
En. Jacob Seeber (probably gr. son of Martin Seibert)
En. John Seeber (engaged at Oriskany)
En. John Syber
En. Suffrenus Seeber (killed at Oriskany, age 33, son of Maj. Wm.)
En. Adolph Seeber (killed at Oriskany, age 25, son of Maj. Wm.)
En. Adolph Seeber (engaged at Oriskany)
En. James Seeber (killed at Oriskany)

PG. 5

Tryon County Militia Records

1st Regiment continued,

Adj. Jacob Seeber (killed at Oriskany, son of Maj. Wm.)

2nd Regiment under Col. Frederick Fisher

Pvt. Henry Seeber (wounded at Oriskany, age 36, son of Maj. Wm.)

Rangers and Exempts. These men were considered too old for active duty, they were all the eyes and ears of the Army. But all of them were called to the Battle of Oriskany. Ages 50-60.

Battalion of Minute Men.

Col. Samuel Campbell
Lt. Adam Lipe
En. William Suber (Maj. Wm., age 56 in 1777)

Enlisted men.

Jacob Seeber (Probably son of Jacob 1707)

Associated Exempts over age 50

Henry Seeber

Transcribed by Marcia Seeber Alary
From material done by Mrs Margaret Bohart
I have not done any corrections in spelling or in grammer.
As near as possible this is done exactly as Mrs. Bohart did them.

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