Bobbie's Bunch: I hope you enjoyed my site:-) I would love to hear from you :-)

12/02/00 07:13:21
Name: Angela Starkey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Malvern Arkansas
What other pets do you have?: Deer,dogs,cats ducks

I am the lady who has Miss Piggy!I talk to you a few weeks ago about buying aBlue and Gold Macaw baby.

08/28/00 11:34:33
Name: Kathy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Greenbrier, Arkansas
How many birds?: three What other pets do you have?: two dogs

I have been interested in getting to know other parrot bird lovers in Arkansas. I have a new African Grey (three months old) that I would like to know more about. I also have a precious Quaker Parrot and a Cockatiel.

05/03/00 22:42:44
Name: Lynda & Screech My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: LR/Memphis
What other pets do you have?: Dog & Ducks & Geese that have adopted me!!!!

Just checking out your site & thought I'd say Hello. You may remember Lynda from the bird club. Tell everyone I said hello; Screech said hi too. Love your site. Wish I were so talented. LOL LyndaQ

04/21/00 19:51:49
Name: Theresa My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Red Deer and yah have to ask Bobbie what country that's in How many birds?: 12
What other pets do you have?: none

Hey Bobbie just dropping by to check my link to your site and thought I would say Hello..Can't wait to see links to the applets you are working on here..

04/19/00 14:23:17
Name: Monica
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Northeastern US

I just adore Curly Jo :) what a cutie he is!!!

04/16/00 02:04:55
Name: terrilynn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Windsor,Ontario
How many birds?: 5 cockatiels What other pets do you have?: 1 cat expecting kittens

I really love your site.Thank you for letting me view it.I also enjoy talking to you on the chat. Take care. Terrilynn Gervais

01/19/00 14:32:32
Name: sarah My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: west midlands
How many birds?: none What other pets do you have?: I have a dog, 2 cats, 2 hamsters, a snake, 3 gunea pigs & fish.

I think your homepage is really good,hope to here from you & others.

11/28/99 11:16:22

10/25/99 00:48:59
Name: conure My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: texas
How many birds?: 36 What other pets do you have?: dogs

just came in to take a look i love it keep up the good work !

09/14/99 06:32:35
Name: Randy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Fairfax, Missouri
How many birds?: Not Enough!!!! What other pets do you have?: 2 Beagles (sisters, we saved the litttle one, the breeder was going to let her die!!!)

Bobbie, I have talked to you on RTC a few times. This is the first time I have been able to get to your site. It is "awesome"!!!! Maybe you could tell how to do it ( I barely know how to turn one on!!!). E-mail anytime!

09/09/99 05:36:39
Name: Mark My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Romance, AR
What other pets do you have?: dog, cat, chickens, ducks

Nice to meet you. Not many bird pages from here in AR. You've probably seen my products (All God's Critters Bird Toys) at Premium Pet Products. They tell me ya'll love them :> Come visit us on the web!

08/13/99 03:01:13
Name: Aegis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Sacramento Ca
How many birds?: 2 parrots What other pets do you have?: dog & cat

Dear Bobbie. You might remember me from rtc. I am Aegis. I like your web site. Kit sent me the url and I enjoyed looking at it. Have it bookedmarked so that I can visit it often. Talk to you soon on chat. Silvia, Sam and Aegis

08/09/99 23:29:10
Name: Mimi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: UT
How many birds?: 15 so far...... What other pets do you have?: One cat!

Hi Bobbie, what a great site! Cotton Candy's story was so touching, and I loved your "Goofin's" page, see you at RTC!

08/03/99 18:39:46
Name: Rain My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Maine
How many birds?: eleven What other pets do you have?: Long haired chihuahua, Taffy

Hello Bobbie, Just making some tracks in your guest book before I leave from visiting you. I love to go around and visit everyone. Hadn't visited you for awhile. Catch on line in RTC! Rain

07/20/99 21:47:39
Name: Kathy R My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Washington State
What other pets do you have?: Pug

Hi Bobbie, Just a note to let you know I was thinking of you. I am at work now so I will talk with you later. Love to look at your page!!!

Name: Sister Sue My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: London
How many birds?: None.......yet!

Hi Bobbie - Just looking around and love your site. It may even inspire me to go forth and buy a Tiel!!! (Wouldn't Mike be proud of me!)

07/07/99 21:05:45
Name: Kevin Pagan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: McAllen, Texas
What other pets do you have?: 0 (and darn proud of it!)


05/23/99 18:51:28
Name: Stephane My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Montreal
What other pets do you have?: 3cats,1fem german-sheppard and a male Grey chichilla

Hi Bobbie, it's me Tintin...Just wanted to let you know that I'd be really glad if you would add my pics to your chat friends pictures too... Congratulations on your site.And your pets are really nice and look so happy. :-D See ya soon...

05/15/99 22:14:26
Name: Peggy McCourt My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Jacksonville
What other pets do you have?: 1 cat

Just to let you know that I have this marked in my favorites place and look at it oftern. I think of all the fun we had when we were young and wonder how time went so fast. Just seem like yesterday and now I'm going to be 50 in a few short months. I ko you are not quite that old!! Lots of Love and Laughter, Peggy

05/03/99 07:53:48
Name: Alan, Susan, and Amber My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: GA
What other pets do you have?: 4 cats and a dog

Loved the site Bobbie I hope yo have one soon . Keep up the good work .Talk to you later Alan

04/22/99 20:13:20
Name: Kathy R My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Washington
What other pets do you have?: Pug

Well I was missing you again so I look at your pages. They look real nice. You have done an excellent job on them. Have a good day and I will talk with you soon.

03/27/99 01:08:59

03/23/99 01:06:10

Name: Taylor My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: CA How many birds?: 3 fids: severe macaw, sun & jenday conures

Wonderful page Bobbie! Love all those pics of your feathered children. Enjoyed your page. Well done!

03/17/99 22:11:33
Name: Steve Rodman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Port Orchard WA
How many birds?: 5 + 5 eggs What other pets do you have?: Pug with a big dog attitude

Hi Bobbie.. keep in touch... (I don't see the link yet....LOL) Steve

03/16/99 09:09:22
Name: Baby My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: FL US
How many birds?: One What other pets do you have?: None

You have real talent and creativity! We REALLY ejnoyed your site and all your pictures! You're invited to have a look at Hello, Baby! It's a site eaturing really great photos of our Moluccan and other neat birds, as well as fun & informative parrot lin s. ENJOY!!

03/02/99 22:38:12
Name: JoJo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: NY
What other pets do you have?: Baiely the cat

Bobbie, Beautifuly done! I had to check the whole site out. Your page made me both laugh & cry. I thought that I had signed it but, I was wrong. So here I am now. It's nice to see the love shown to family, friends, & your wonderful birds. God Bless, JoJo

02/27/99 18:19:31
Name: Steve Rodman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Washington state
What other pets do you have?: pug

Great page Bobbie.

02/27/99 17:29:58
Name: Kathy Rodman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Washington State
What other pets do you have?: Still have the pug with the attitude

Hi, it's me again. I love looking at your site. It makes me feel closer to you and Larry. I updated my birds. When I signed it the first time I only had 2 cockatiels now I have 2 cockatiels, 2 quakers, and Louie YNA, You know how we are. Can't just qui at one. Love you both.

02/22/99 18:10:10
Name: Tim Charron and Greg Hash My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Springfield, Missouri
How many birds?: 20 What other pets do you have?: fish and snakes

Hi Bobbie!! Remember us? You have done an awesome job on your website.

02/22/99 09:45:01
Name: Theresa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Red Deer
How many birds?: 11 What other pets do you have?: Oscars and asorted other fish

Thanx for the Email. Had alot of fun chatting with you tonight too.I've been realy enjoying surfing around and checking out all the sites of my chat friends. Love the picof your daughter and your birds.

02/18/99 06:50:40
Name: Kate My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Montana
How many birds?: 15 What other pets do you have?: dog (Lucy) & cat (Tatsi)

Bobbie, what a totally awesome webpage!!! LOVE your pics, and you're lots of fun to chat with, too. Talk to you soon! Kate

02/18/99 06:33:31
Name: Dragon Lady My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Iowa
How many birds?: nine What other pets do you have?: teenagers

Great site Love the whole bunch LOL

02/11/99 10:04:17
Name: ducky My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Cleveland, Ohio
How many birds?: none yet, but want one What other pets do you have?: none right now

(((Bobbie))) just love your page! Your birdies are such sweeties, and i just love chatting with you in RTC! It's good to have a new friend. Love ya! ducky

02/10/99 14:24:04
Name: Scott My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: wisconsin
What other pets do you have?: 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 guinea pig

Sorry, it took so long to visit your site Bobby. I'm usually spending the time on RTC. Love the babies and Candy brings a tear to my eyes too.

02/08/99 08:42:10
Name: jacqui My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: land of OZ
How many birds?: 1 at present What other pets do you have?: Rottweiler

Your site is terrific I only had time to visit your family (the ones WITHOUT feathers LOL) and see Curlyjo but I have bookmarked and I will be back for sure. I would love to link to your page if you don't mind. I havent started on my bird pages as yet, ju t a couple of links, my site is under construction but if you want I will let you know when it is finished and you can go visit my family, furred and furless, LOL hope to chat with you soon Bobbie, it really is a BEAUT site, congratulations, jacqui

01/29/99 15:57:35
Name: Dee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: england
How many birds?: 28 plus 7 budgie eggs What other pets do you have?: cat Munchkin

Hi Bobbie Missed chating now i am home & I don't like it it's to cold.Loved your web site haven't had time to see everything so will be back.Hope we do manage to link up again. Love Dee*

01/27/99 14:29:55
Name: Scott My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: wisconsin
How many birds?: 2 so far What other pets do you have?: 2 danes, 2 cats, a guinea pig

Bobby I've enjoyed talking with you on chat. Just reading Candys' story brings tears to my eyes! Our U2 was a rescue bird also...I believe that God brings us together so that we may learn and help each other. Will talk to you soon.

01/15/99 19:31:08
Name: lois Turnbow My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Tacoma Wa
How many birds?: None What other pets do you have?: Big Dog (babe)

I am Kathleen's mother I meet you when I visited Kathleen many years ago. I am so pleased that kathy was able to find you on the net. I think its great.

01/15/99 14:35:54
Name: Kathleen Rodman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Washington, State
How many birds?: 2 cockatiels What other pets do you have?: A pug with an attitude

Bobbie, I am up early again and just looking over your page. It is so great. You are so good at things like this. Jennifer is too. I will talk with you tonite.

01/14/99 08:27:33
Name: Birds My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: San Diego
How many birds?: 50 + What other pets do you have?: Cat & a snake

Bobbie, I think you have some artistic talent as I have told you before. You should go into the business of Graphics or along that line. I also think of you as a best friend... Thanks for all your help and staying up late night and keeping me company. (( Hugs))) Hope we always stay friends. Luv ya!

01/14/99 08:27:13
Name: Lori D My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: same place I always was Bobbie :) How many birds?: 9 so far
What other pets do you have?: dog cat fish hubby and 2 kids... heehee

I thought I signed your guestbook before, but since i didn't i'm doing it now! Love the pics of your birdies Bobbie... Nice website too :) seeya.... your chat buddy... Lori

01/13/99 01:30:41
Name: Kathleen Rodman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Port Orchard, Wa
How many birds?: 2 Cockatiels What other pets do you have?: pug

Bobbie, I loved you webb site. It was like catching up on the last 15 years. Your birds, dogs, and horse are all great. I am so glad to see everything going so well for you. Will talk with you soon. Kathy

01/02/99 23:30:48
Name: Beverly Ann My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: J'boro,Ark. How many birds?: Zip
What other pets do you have?: Poodle Dawg, Babi

yo,Bob I'm at Lisa's, good page

01/02/99 23:24:25
Name: Beverly
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: J;'


01/02/99 21:52:18
Name: Lisa Davis My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Jonesboro, AR. What other pets do you have?: Black Lab named Sam


01/02/99 21:46:09
Name: lisa davis
My URL: Visit Me


12/19/98 06:56:11
Name: Jacque Boetcker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Indiana
How many birds?: Too many to count! What other pets do you have?: Cat, 3 shelties, and a Dalmation/Sharpei Mix

I want a CHAIR too! You know what I mean, really enjoyed our conversation. Jacque

11/14/98 15:38:40
Name: Mona My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Florida
What other pets do you have?: 2 cats and a dog

Bobbie, your page is so great. I love looking at your family pictures. And every time I visit I see something new. See you on chat, love you :-) Mona

11/13/98 03:08:28
My URL: Visit Me


11/12/98 14:48:23
Name: paulette My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: north carolina
What other pets do you have?: 3dogs,parie dod,ferrett

you birds are beatifull!!!!!!!! what do you feed you cockatoos? I have an umbrella cockatoo,she is 3 yrs. old and we know very liile about the breed.We are open to sugestions, we feed her Hahan Tropicana maintance pelletts. She refuses any thing else we o fer her . I am going to try thr peanut butter and mashed nanas you give yours. If you would like to respond to this write me at I would LOVE to hear you advice, as you can see you have done wonderfull things with your birds!!!!!!!! M other two birds are cocatieals, they are very healthy. thankyou Paulette

10/17/98 22:20:15
Name: Molly My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Bismarck, ND
How many birds?: so far...just 1 terrific cockatiel What other pets do you have?: neighbors dog (lives here most of the time)

Hi Bobbie!!! Hey, why does everyone call you a 'Saint'?... You're such an instigator!! ;-) Great site Bobbie! So glad to have met you at RTC-- you're very special person!

10/02/98 11:20:28
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/12/98 05:16:00
Name: Barbara J. Dick My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: ohio
What other pets do you have?: 2dog,saltwaterfish,and hubby

Love your page. Like your guest book also. Keep up the good work. Barb

09/12/98 05:15:15
Name: texas pat
My URL: Visit Me


09/11/98 03:31:05
Name: Jenni Rensvold My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Seattle, washington
How many birds?: 30 + What other pets do you have?: Dogs, Rabbit and fish if they will live for any length of time!!

Hi Bobbie I enjoy "talking" to everyone in the box --I have had tiels for 3 or 4 years, ringnecks for not much longer but really enjoy breeding and show both. Email me any time! Jenni

09/10/98 19:28:02
Name: Joanie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Nebraska
What other pets do you have?: dog-fox terrier named patches


09/08/98 04:30:32
Name: Tracey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: PA
How many birds?: A bunch !!! What other pets do you have?: Way to many !!!

Bobbie, love your page !!! Your almost, if not as bad as myself in saving animals !!! Hope to chat with you more often on RTC. Thanks for caring about animals...means a lot as a person to me :o)

09/08/98 04:28:46
Name: Tracey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: PA
How many birds?: A bunch !!! What other pets do you have?: Way to many !!!

Bobbie, love your page !!! Your almost, if not as bad as myself in saving animals !!! Hope to chat with you more often on RTC. Thanks for caring about animals...means a lot as a person to me :o)

09/05/98 06:31:08
Name: Larry McElroy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: ar.
How many birds?: a bunch What other pets do you have?: all kinds


09/05/98 04:15:00
Name: Shelia Douglas aka Orbiter54321 and ROOSTER My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Tennessee
How many birds?: Eight cockatiels What other pets do you have?: Four dogs - two toy poodles, one beagle and one mix

Great family and birds, Bobbie! You've got a handful! Love your web site! Will come back soon.

08/25/98 04:35:39
Name: Birds/Dru My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: San Diego, Ca
How many birds?: 50+ What other pets do you have?: Cat & Snake

Bobbie, your page is really great. You have done a fantastic job on it. Your Birds are beautiful. I also wanted to say that you are the neatest lady I know. You took time to make a picture of me with my birds even after very little sleep. I don't know man ppl who would have given up so much of there time to do something like that for someone whom they haven'teven seen there face. You are a very special person and I am so glad that I have meet such a friend in chat and I hope a friend for life. Thanks agai , Bobbie((((((((HUGS))))))))

08/23/98 11:55:10
Name: Phil My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Paradise
How many birds?: A Few What other pets do you have?: Kids

Saint this page is getting too flash!! Bloody good job mate!!

08/19/98 00:44:34
Name: allie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Canada, eh!
How many birds?: 2 + many more!!! What other pets do you have?: My beloved Bendog!

Bobbie - your site is awesome so far!!!! Whaddaya mean you need help with it???? :) Take care, Allie

08/11/98 18:21:11
Name: Kit My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Texas
How many birds?: just two currently What other pets do you have?: does Tom count?

I just love your page Bobbie, and Candy is something special.

08/11/98 04:57:18
Name: Matt Kelley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Arkansas
How many birds?: none What other pets do you have?: Iguana


08/10/98 13:00:39
Name: Bugs Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What other pets do you have?: Father of Rabbits

Checking suspected rabbit abuse!!!

08/08/98 17:12:27
Name: Brooks My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Mars as all men are. (Actually from the Bud brewery on Mars)
How many birds?: Just enough for now What other pets do you have?: fungus growing on that food in the back of the refrig

Love your site, very creative. You are nuts get some Electro Shock Therapy soon. and don't stay out in the sun too long. ;-)) lol

08/03/98 02:52:57
Name: Robin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: WI, USA
How many birds?: 7 permanent residents (will be adding one more) plus babies What other pets do you have?: one yellow lab, two great danes and 1 festiva (fish that eats all others hahaha)

I really loved your site (and the lizard calling). Thanks for sharing......Robin

08/02/98 23:42:57
Name: Tweety/Ashleigh My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Kingsburg, California What other pets do you have?: a dog

33 is a good age!

07/27/98 02:16:37
Name: Lisa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Wisconsin
How many birds?: two What other pets do you have?: cats dogs horses fish

Hello! We enjoyed meeting all your pets! You have a great page! Stop by and visit my crew sometime!

07/23/98 13:40:39
Name: Kayla MacIntyre My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Memphis
How many birds?: Millions(out in the yard) What other pets do you have?: horses & kids & one dog

I am Family. Where is the picture of me? I Love your web page.

07/05/98 02:09:51
Name: vicki My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Austin, ar What other pets do you have?: a dog Brandy

This is real sharp maybe i will someday figure this out.

07/02/98 14:43:18
Name: Bella M. My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: US What other pets do you have?: none

Hi, I loved all the pictures of your birds. It is wonderful that Cotton Candy found such a good home. I have a 7-month-old B&G macaw named Baby Blue and 3 budgies: Tweety, Vasya and Malin.

07/01/98 23:38:51
Name: Mary My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Wisconsin
How many birds?: 7 sweeties. What other pets do you have?: husband...

Bobbie..Your page is wonderul ! You have some very lucky birds..your devotion and love show through..The pictures of Tiny Too are a treasure, for they are on billboard at grandsons school, waiting for more as he grows..Thankyou Bobbie..

06/25/98 20:07:21
Name: Julia T. Ramsey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: St. Louis, Mo.
How many birds?: A CAG, A Quaker, A Sun Conure, finches and doves. What other pets do you have?: 6 domestic cats, 2 Eurpean Wild Cats, and a Dog.

Hi Bobbie, I love the Picts. You have a wonderful gang. And Emily is a Doll! Julia

06/18/98 21:45:54
Name: Cindy Russell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Chattanooga,TN
What other pets do you have?: a dog

great site Bobbie I have a greenwing baby she is almost 5 months old her name is zazu she is bonded to the hubby also LOL great site!!!!!wonderful pictures I loved it......

06/12/98 04:15:01
Name: Sherry Cary My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Reeds Spring, Mo
How many birds?: about 60 What other pets do you have?: 7 dogs

just mamabird checking on the babies.

06/08/98 04:16:50
Name: Beth Lukas My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Chicago, IL
How many birds?: 2 lovebirdies What other pets do you have?: A dog, ignauna and nile monitor

Love your web page and all the beautiful pictures. It was nice to see some familiar names in the guestbook from the chat room. Take good care of all your baby's! I know you will.

06/06/98 16:07:59
Name: Fran My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Illinois How many birds?: 18
What other pets do you have?: 6 cats & 1 dog

Great page!!! Wonderful stories and I LOVE the babie pictures. Can't wait to come back and see them grow. I enjoy chatting with you, Bobbie.

06/06/98 04:40:54
Name: gail My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Florida
How many birds?: 4, Echo a scarlet hen, Elmo a scarlet male, Dust Bunny a U2, and 4 week old Maya a Gw macaw What other pets do you have?: 2 Rotties, Tod and Shade

Love the site, great pictures. We will use a bunch of them on the postcards. Thank you for giving Cotton Candy a Great home! I also rescued an M2 last year. he is now happily breeding.

06/05/98 03:13:11
Name: Claudina (Sly) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: New Orleans

I liked your web page! My green cheek conure was trying to talk to your birds. She was also struting for them!

06/04/98 02:49:41
Name: alan holien My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: melbourne australia
How many birds?: 1 too What other pets do you have?: 3 cats 1 dog

like ya page even if it not work for auzzies LOL ya babies are snobs heheehee ill let you know if i get net access back ok buddy alan & fred

05/30/98 23:48:05
Name: The Merrell Family My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Mayberry, U.S.A. How many birds?: Dozens (a yard full)
What other pets do you have?: Ants, a dog, more ants

We've been hearing about this picture of Emily available on your page, but so far we haven't been able to view it. We need your help.

05/28/98 03:27:59
Name: tara My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: ya know :o)
How many birds?: two What other pets do you have?: 3 dogs, 3ft iguana, salt water tanks, hermit crabs, veiled chameleon, pet rats

i love this page! I love the bird animation withthe big head! I love the sound bytes and the new pics are so cute! It's fun to come visit you Bobbie!!!

05/27/98 05:40:34
Name: Dolores My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Pittsburgh
What other pets do you have?: none

Lovely page Bobbie, and thank you for giving Cotton Candy a good home.

05/24/98 05:00:27
Name: Michelle (Mitch) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
What other pets do you have?: A dog and some fish

Hi Bobbie: You have a really nice web site. I loved looking at Tiny Too. What a sweety!!! Enjoy your company at RTC.

05/22/98 21:57:08
Name: Mac My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Texas
How many birds?: 3,,Skittles,Glenn,Gwen What other pets do you have?: Corona and Zoe..Great Danes,,,and Mr.Pink and Cloe..French Lop Rabbits

cute baby,,, ill visit often to watch him grow up!!

05/22/98 17:26:38
Name: TCA (Linda) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Florida
How many birds?: under 200 What other pets do you have?: Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs and pygmy goats

Bobbie, you homepage looks WONDERFUL!!! I love the stories about each bird and especially Cotton Candy's. :-) What a special little dear. You have done a SUPER job with your goofy chick page too. I can't wait to see more. I am so glad to have you as m special chat friend, you always make me smile :-) Luv ya Bologna Lady!

05/22/98 04:07:12
Name: Pat Kellogg My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Milwaukee
How many birds?: lots and lots What other pets do you have?: 2 goldfish

Hi Bobbie. Hey you and Candy look great together :-)

05/22/98 02:58:29
Name: Joanie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: No.Platte, Nebraska
How many birds?: 4 Jojo, Molly, Pixy, and Michale What other pets do you have?: fox terrier......Patches

great page Bobbie

05/22/98 01:06:27
Name: Cheryl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Oklahoma
How many birds?: A bunch!! What other pets do you have?: 3 dogs and a cat!

Thanks Bobbie.....I get to be the 1st to sign your guestbook!!! Great page and great babies!!! Talk to ya later on chat!

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