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Recent Events of The North Carolina Lupton Family

46th Lupton Reunion a Success

The reunion was held Sunday Aug. 11, 2002 at Pamlico Senior Service Center in Alliance with –97- in attendance. Rev. Polly Taylor, of Stonewall, gave the invocation and a delicious meal and good fellowship was enjoyed by all.

Danny Lupton and Gladys I. Holton welcomed everyone and a short business meeting was conducted. We were reminded that the 50th reunion would be held on Cedar Island at Pilgrim’s Rest Free Will Baptist Church near the cemetery and memorial where our founding parents, Christopher and Elizabeth Robinson Lupton are buried. We have 4 years to plan for this big event.

Jack Goodwin told us that the Nelson 300th Centennial Celebration will be held in Carteret County in Oct. and we are invited to attend the Goodwin-Daniels reunion on 2nd Sunday in Oct. on Cedar Island.

Gladlys passed out statistics pages of births, deaths, marriages and other events. She introduced Odell Spain who told us about his new book of Short Stories and entertained us with guitar, harmonica and singing On the Wings of a Dove and WORE OUT, which got a lot of laughs and applause.

Shirley Edwards read a letter written by Terri Lupton Bucksott about our Christian Heritage and encouragement to continue family traditions. Also she gave a reminder that Word Fellowship Church has an excellent new web site that has much Lupton family interest and a nice message board and newsletter and prayer line. It is at www.word-fellowship.com

This year our oldest male in attendance was once again Clarence Lupton of Hanahan, SC and Chesapeake, VA, age 84, who also with others has perfect attendance at all 46 reunions. Mary G. Lupton Henries, age 96 of Lowland and Alliance, NC, was the oldest Lupton lady present. The youngest male was John Patrick Lupton, Jr., age 7 weeks, from New Bern, who was there with his parents, John P. and Bridget McKenzie Lupton , grandparents Bruce and Diane Lupton, and great-grandparents James and Sara Lupton. Our youngest Lupton lady was Jessica Lupton Powell, age 21, her daughter Abigail Powell was the youngest girl present. They live in South Carolina.

Bud and Jean Lupton of San Diego, CA were the ones traveling the furthest for the second year in a row.

Carroll C. Lupton, III came this year and brought news that his grandmother Clara Mae McAdams Lupton, widow of Dr. Carroll C. Lupton, of Greensboro died in June. It was also sadly noted that Ruth Paschal Lupton, wife of Dr. Emmett S. Lupton died at their home in Alamance, NC on Sat. Aug. 10. Our group elected to send memorial flowers, a Peace Lilly. This Lupton Family furnished our meeting place in Whortonsville, NC for 43 years. They are greatly missed.

Thanks go to Karen Ireland and Sharon Leary who manned the sales table, which is about empty of tee-shirts and such.

We are still doing genealogy and collecting for more volumes of Lupton books, so don’t give up on seeing them in the future.

Our officers are Danny Lupton, president, contact us at dlupton@pamlico.net Gayle Lupton, secretary-treasurer, galupton@yahoo.com, Gladys I. Holton, genealogist, jrholton@pamlico.net and cousinshirley@cox.net . We always welcome your mail and we strive to help the family keep in touch.

Thank you,

Shirley Edwards, P. O. Box 398, Bridgeton, NC 28519

Phone 252-637-3360

Archived News of The North Carolina Lupton Family

Lupton Reunion 2001

The Luptons of North Carolina celebrated their 45th Annual Reunion on Sunday August 12, 2001 at Pamlico Senior Center in Alliance, NC.

Danny Lupton welcomed family and guests and Rev. Polly Taylor, pastor of Stonewall United Methodist Church, gave the invocation before the usual delicious meal.

We had 102 in attendance. Marion "Bud" and Jean Lupton of San Diego, California were our long distance travelers this year. Bud was born and raised in Oriental, NC. They were accompanied by Brian and Lorita Lupton of Hampton, VA.

Special guests were Joseph and Mary Ann Pearce of Collingwood, NJ. Joe is a direct descendant of Allen Lupton, 4th son of Christopher and Elizabeth Robinson Lupton, {our NC founding parents,} via Esther "Hetty" Lupton and Joseph Salter, whose daughter Maria Ann Salter married Isaac Pearce, in 1864. Joe was raised in Philadelphia, PA, 5 miles from Collingwood, NJ.

Other first timers this year were Dennis & Bertha Goodwin from Morehead City. Ronald Haddad was welcomed.. He has recently moved here to be near his parents David and Dorothy Lupton. Martha Gaskins McCumbee from Craven County, John Powell from Edgefield, SC, Julian Lupton from Cedar Island, Charlie and Jean Lupton, Franklin, VA.

The youngest in attendance this year was Abigail Marie Powell, two months old daughter of Jessica and John Powell, granddaughter of Dennie Wayne and Gayle Lupton of Whortonsville.

Youngest Lupton girl attending was Kristin Lupton age 17,daughter of Tony and Ruth Ipock Lupton, granddaughter of Leroy and Ann Lupton.

Youngest Lupton boy was Clayton Lupton of Arapahoe, age 14 son of Larry Lupton and Faye Hardison Lupton and Hilma Lupton’s grandson.

Oldest female was Mary Griffin Lupton Henries age 95 of Lowland and Britthaven of Pamlico.

Oldest male was Clarence Lyle Lupton of Hanahan, SC age 83.

After lunch Gayle Lupton gave the minutes of last year’s reunion and the treasure’s report.. Speakers this year were Joe Pearce, Jack Goodwin, Bob Combs, Gladys Holton and Shirley Edwards.

We were saddened to learn of the sudden death on Aug. 11 of Rev. Clifton Styron of Davis, Carteret County, NC. Rev. Styron has attended many of our family reunions and will be missed. He was pastor of Pilgrims Rest FWB Church on Cedar Island where our family had its roots.

Submitted by: Shirley D. Edwards, P. O. Box 398, Bridgeton, NC, 285519, Phone 252-637-3360 - cousinshirley@cox.net

Send mail to ricklupton@earthlink.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1999 The North Carolina Lupton Family Genealogy
Last modified: August 14, 1999