feather I am Gloria Youngdeerfeather


I am a lady that enjoys my life.
Enjoying creating Art and working to improve the condition of the Earth.

I also enjoy being a grandmother and passing on our tribes oral history of our ancestors
to the young ones, who will repeat the stories when they are grandparents.
Sharing stories of bravery, hard decisions, love and laughter is important to continue to survive.

I live within a few mile of where I was born, in the Cherokee Nation.
I was a gypsy of sorts, relocating whenever opportunity presented itself,
while I worked in Government and Resort Property Management.
I have enjoyed traveling and living in most all of the lower 48.

As throughout my life, I continue to be an enviromental activist
Educating and organized ordinary people to improve our enviroment
while defending wild creatures from senseless slaughter.

Striving to improve the condition of our planet is the
responsibility of every citizen.
It is also important to continuously strive to improve personal disaster readiness.
I accept a local leadership roll in these areas

Join me

Oklahoma Earthfriends Environmental Group

Oklahoma Survivalists Disaster Readiness Group