Whenever anyone begins to sort through the past and try to assemble it
in some
fashion, it takes the efforts of many people. This Shumate-Nunn Home Page
has been a collaboration of many, all connected in some way. I wish to
recognize some of those who have contributed to this project.
There were several who have helped me with the Shumate family tree. My deepest appreciation for their help, Johnnie and Annette Kemp Shumate, Allen and Madge Robbs Shumate and my husband, Herb Shumate. Dot Taylor was a tremendous help in the Keen and Lassiter family lines.
The Nunn family tree is a joint effort from all my Nunn and Cothren cousins, aunts and uncles. Thanks to each of you for your time and help, Jane Ragsdale Nunn, Millie Nunn Hughes, Buddy Nunn, Glenda Nunn Carslie and Walter and Nancy Powell Cothren.
The following families are still in the production process," BROOM, DAVIS, JACKSON, MEACHAM, STUBBS, THOMAS, TURNER and WHETSTONE." Look for them in the near future.
The graphics on my pages are all taken from the internet. I am truly sorry to say, I had a computer failure and lost all the address for these great sites. If anyone runs across them please notify me so I can properly credit them. Without these wonderful graphics, my page would be rather lifeless. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making my page look so nice, warm and friendly.