This is ENRICO from Brazil, South America

My name is Wolney, and I live with my puppy here in Brazil, in a city named Goiânia, right in the center of the country, quite close to our capital Brasília. It's about 200km far from there.   Enrico - that's his name - was born on last June 12 and arrived here at August 22. So he's here for only two weeks, but I'm already completely in love with him.

This is compliments of Gloria in the Pacific Northwest

This is Tammy sent by her owner Graham, they are from East Kilbride in Scotland
"BATH TIME I don't think so"! This is Ottone sent by his owner Vincenzo, who are from Italy
This is Genevieve Age 2 in Portland, Oregon. Genevieve enjoys long walks, sticking her head out of the car window, barking at the dogs on TV, playing w/ our big dogs (she thinks she's one of them), sleeping on the couch, giving kisses, eating eggs, pancakes, and waffles, lying in sunbeams, eating treats, playing fetch, chasing birds and squirrels and most of all SNUGGLING WITH HER BELOVED OWNER!
This is Duncan from Long Island N.Y. - he is 15 and 1/2 years old

Thanks to his owner Jodi

This is BOBBY from Germany

Thanks to his owner Jurgen

Come and see Bobby on his Web Page

This space is reserved for a picture of your Westie so send a picture to: Brian & Jan's Westie Page


Choose your favorite Westie from this page OR from one of the other Gallery pages.

Only one vote "PER PERSON", "PER MONTH", "PER EMAIL ADDRESS" (Multiple email addresses do not count).   That means only one vote per person even if they have more than one email address. Attempts to double up on the voting will result in ALL votes being disqualified.
Go to all the Gallery Pages first make your selection and come back here.  

VOTE below...all Wesite names are in alphabetical order.  
There are navigation links on each of Sheena's pages back to this voting page.

Please ** must put your name and a "valid" email address with your vote or it will not be counted.   Also multiple emails sent from the same ISP address will not be counted.

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The monthly winner will be posted at: Sheena's Menu Page, on the first of each month.

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Also go to the Menubar Page for access to monthly winners and be sure to VOTE for your favorite Westie on GALLERY PAGE #1

Page 1 updated September 6th,  2003


Order your books here to answer many questions you may have about Westies.   We recommend an excellent book called "Westies from Head to Tail" written by Ruth Faherty NOTE this book is now out of print but Ruth's new "Third" Addition is now out (see picture).   For your dogs health an excellent book is "Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, written by Richard H Pitcairn and Susan Hubble Pitcairn.   New books out are:   "A New Owners Guide to West Highland White Terriers" by Dawn Martin and "West Highland White Terriers" (Complete Pet Owners Manual) by Ingred Bolle-Kleinbub, Christine Metzger

For the children there is "THE McDUFF BOOKS"

You can purchase these books by following this link to Amazon Books mark this page for all your book and CD music needs through this link.   Thank you for your support of these web pages.

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