
In Loving Memory of my Mom
~Sandra West~


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~In Loving Memory~

Sandra West

October 19th, 1933 - Feb. 4th, 1998


~If Roses Grow in Heaven~

If roses grow in Heaven Lord
Please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Mother's arms
and tell her thery're from me.
Tell her I love her and miss her,
and when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek
and hold her for awhile.
Because remembering her is easy,
I do it everyday,
But there is an ache within my heart
that will never go away.

~Author Unknown~



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My mom, Sandy, as her
friends and family called her, passed away
from Cancer on February 4, 1998.
She fought a long hard battle starting when I was about 8 years old.
She pulled through it so many times.; Her strength was remarkable to me.
She would get Cancer, have treatments and then it would be gone.
A few years later it would start all over again in a new spot...but she was
always able to overcome it; I think I really believed that it would never
beat her, she would always win.
Over the years she had Cancer in her breast, a number of different spots in her spine, and
then it finally moved into her lungs.; The last episode was just too much for her and
she was in a great deal of pain.; She tried so hard not to let me know just how bad
it was that time; I love and miss her so much but I know that she is in peace now
and is no longer suffering.


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Early dectection can save your life.  Please check yourself often so you know your breasts and will
recgonize if there are changes.  It's something I do on a regular basis.

Although I am only 35 I plan on starting to get yearly mamograms very soon.  My mom was 39
or 40 when she was first diagnosed and she waited until she found a lump.


Please visit the
National Breast Cancer Foundation
to learn what you need to know.


Please visit the Breast Cancer Site. 

By clicking on the link you help donate free mammogram screenings
for underprivileged women in the U.S. at no cost to you.



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Lori's Lane   Copyright © 1997-2003   All Rights Reserved