Thank you for signing my Guest Book. Please drop back any time.

12/25/00 04:45:57
Name: Tammy Snowden My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: msn
Pets you own.: German shepherd Where are you from: Tennessee

I have a female G.S. she is all red with blk mask have never seen one like her. I love your web site, because it tells alot about G.S.s Thanks Tammy

11/11/00 04:57:38
Name: Laurie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: fell into it looking for shepherds
Pets you own.: shepherd, border collie, 2 cockatiels and 1 cat Where are you from: iowa

I really liked your site. If you have any new news let me know I have a big interest in shepherds expecially all black ones.

10/31/00 01:46:01
Name: Bradna Watson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: an internet friend Pets you own.: 2 dogs and a cat Where are you from: Kansas
Training/Showing Interests.: My mother raised and showed dogs for 20 + years, I am still interested

I really like this web site...very informative.

10/26/00 03:15:33
Name: Tammy Snowden My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Pets you own.: RED SABLE GERMAN SHEPHERD
Where are you from: TN Training/Showing Interests.: Dont know

I love German Shepherds, I got Delta about 3 years ago, I had never seen a sold colored G.S. Delta had 10 puppies 10 weeks ago and they range in color from cream / black to silver thay are beautiful puppies and very smart. Iam very Happy with your web site and look foward to talking to you. Tammy

09/17/00 21:57:56
Name: Josie Morris My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: Just Surfed On In
Pets you own.: German Shepherd Dog and a Traditional Balinese Cat Where are you from: California

Great site! I enjoyed visiting here.. come and visit us sometime and meet Zeus and Rascal..Josie

08/07/00 05:23:30
Name: Mary Hobbs My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: from bluedog link Pets you own.: GSD Where are you from: Canada
Training/Showing Interests.: Tracking, schH, obediebce

Great site!!! I really found alot of the info great and learned alot on the breedlines and where the coat colors are coming from. Keep up the good work!

07/10/00 19:37:50
Name: John Forbes My URL: Visit Me
How did you find my site?: Friend Pets you own.: 2 cats 3 dogs

Hi, Nice pet site u got there, i enjoyed visiting it! Please visit my site in return, u won't regret it! Greetings!!

06/19/00 15:55:25
Name: Chris My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: I was searching for info. on white shepherds because I recently got one.
Pets you own.: 1 cat - Apache 1 GSD- Katie Sioux Where are you from: Manassas, Virginia

We recently got our white shepherd and she is approximately one year old. Basically we are just surfing the web to find out as much as we can to take care of her. Write us if you can help. Thanks!

06/05/00 20:25:08
Name: Cindy Dodd My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: searching for german shepherd info
Pets you own.: 19 Where are you from: Weiner, AR., USA

I am the proud owner of 3 white german shepherds and recently that number climbed to 13 when my female gave birth to 10 puppies! They are 2 wks. old today and all are doing great.

06/04/00 04:36:23
Name: cheryl Flynn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: surfing for G.S. colors Pets you own.: 3 German Shepherds Where are you from: Nancy Ky
Training/Showing Interests.: just breeding now

This man who owns my Black Shepherds Mom and Son asked me to help him sell thier pups. He said he had bk and Tan (Mostly Tan color and 1 sable) both mom and dad are black. I know the background is a good one. He was asking cheap so i said yes to make s me money when they came, they are a color i have never seen. almost all redish tan. Little black showing under color. Black front part of face and nose. He is for sure they are pure bred. Haven't ever seen this before. look like shepherds except for he color. The sable is just sable color with same black face as others. That is how i got to your site. Looking for colors. My dad use to raise G.S. alot and never have seen this. Looking for colors.

06/04/00 00:54:16
Name: david silistria My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: gsdca web page Pets you own.: german shepherd Where are you from: st louis mo
Training/Showing Interests.: obedience

very impressive collection of german shepherds you have.

05/21/00 15:31:36
Name: Carol Conerly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: searching in internet; used search engine Copernic Pets you own.: Collie; 12 yars old Where are you from: Wharton, Texas
Training/Showing Interests.: None

I just recently lost my German Shepherd, she was about 9 years old; we rescued her from a shelter in Pueblo, Colorado. She was the most wonderful pet we have ever had. She was long hair; beautiful tempermanet, a great protector. She had an auto immune isease (Pemphigus erythramtous) it is a very painful skin disease. We had to put her to sleep after every attempt to put this disease in remission failed. We miss her terribly and have now decided that we want another GSD. Your site has helped us; givin us facts we need to know when we get our next GSD.

05/13/00 12:47:47
Name: Lorna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: browsing/searching Pets you own.: dogs/horses/cats Where are you from: Indiana
Training/Showing Interests.: protection/schutzhund

Looking for German line working GSD.

05/04/00 10:36:36
Name: LEO PUI My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: WebRing
Pets you own.: GSD & Neapolitan Mastiff Where are you from: Malaysia

Your homepage is COOL & FULL OF KNOWLEDGE!!! I will keep coming back and in-fact, I am actually started to "learn" from you...Take Care & God Bless.

04/14/00 04:59:16
Name: Helen Dunn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: bodecka kennels links
Where are you from: Melbourne Aust Training/Showing Interests.: Specialist show/obedience

I enjoy your pages about blues very much, it is hard to find out much about them. Keep up the good work. All the best.

02/11/00 00:47:56
Name: Sherry Wallis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: yahoo
Pets you own.: Akita breeder Where are you from: Houston, Tx

I've written a lot in the past about coat color genetics and enjoyed your website. I personally can verify that some livers do have a lethal recessive linked with them but somewhere in the 70-80's this separated out. The livers are not uncommon in the mi west where they are referred to as "golden" shepherds. Also, you can add GV Ch. Lakeside's Harrigan to the list of blue producers--I saw several in a litter out of him years ago. One possibility re blacks--do born blacks with tan vents under the tail de elop color vs. those with no tan under the tail? Willis used to think this required not only the gene for a recessive black but also some kind of black extender--probably a bicolor recessive. Interesting isn't it. You can't even imagine how weird Akitas are!!!

01/26/00 20:36:52
Name: dawn
My URL: Visit Me
Pets you own.: 3 titled gsd

out of every dog you own i did not see ONE with any type of ttle!! what are you a puppy mill?breeding unproven dogs? i woudnt take a puppy fom you, never mind acually pay you for what you see as gsd.

01/21/00 14:08:02
Name: Brenda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: Shiloh Shepherd person Pets you own.: one guide dog puppy in training Where are you from: idaho
Training/Showing Interests.: german shepherds

Your site is the best one yet! I've been surfing a long time for a site like this! Informative and great photos!

01/11/00 05:52:52
Name: jess My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: surfing Pets you own.: black gsd blk/silver gsd and one solid white wolf dog Where are you from: la
Training/Showing Interests.: comformation obo . fun

i am so very impressed with your web sight i enjoyed it very much . i have seen the silver tiping in puppies many times most often in wolf /shepherd crosses and always in pure wolf cubs it is a wolf trait and a reccesive trait in shep. coming directly fro their wolf ancestry.

12/23/99 08:07:36
Name: david gonzález My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: by hotbot Pets you own.: 11 german s. d. Where are you from: mexico
Training/Showing Interests.: show

any information you can send me i will be on pleasure with you!!!!!!

12/17/99 16:18:38
Name: rmc newn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: surfing for white GSD Pets you own.: GSD Where are you from: Brunei
Training/Showing Interests.: None

I am looking to own different coat-coloured GSD in the next few years. Main interests are Solid Black, White, Silver and longcoated black/tan dogs mainly to be pets rather than show dogs quality. Sexes is not a main consideration but good temperment and intelligence are most important. If there are any litters, can you keep me informed. Dogs must at least be 6-months old before they can be exported into Brunei. Regards RMC Newn

12/15/99 17:59:04
Name: Deborah Duckworth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: GS Dog Ring MB Pets you own.: 1 black GS Bitch, 1 black and red GS Bitch, 1 red sable GS male, 7 cats( 2 CFA reg. Manx. 1 Turkish Angora, the rest are Manx crosses and 2 DSH all are black) 1 Iguana(my oldest daughter's), 1Burmese Where are you from Where are you from: Winchester, VA
Training/Showing Interests.: I train SAR dogs and raise GSD's amd Manx cats.I have my own Pet Care Business and I also work at a Animal Sanctuary. My interests are in genetics of my GSD's and cats, herding and showing my cats. My daughte loves to work with the GSD's and cats so we keep busy. My daughter loves to work with the GSD's and cats so we keep busy.:

I love your site. Great info here. I will be back often. I had you in my favorites but never signed your Guest book. Come say hello sometime.

12/15/99 17:58:39
Name: Deborah Duckworth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: GS Dog Ring MB Pets you own.: 1 black GS Bitch, 1 black and red GS Bitch, 1 red sable GS male, 7 cats( 2 CFA reg. Manx. 1 Turkish Angora, the rest are Manx crosses and 2 DSH all are black) 1 Iguana(my oldest daughter's), 1Burmese Where are you from Where are you from: Winchester, VA
Training/Showing Interests.: I train SAR dogs and raise GSD's amd Manx cats.I have my own Pet Care Business and I also work at a Animal Sanctuary. My interests are in genetics of my GSD's and cats, herding and showing my cats. My daughte loves to work with the GSD's and cats so we keep busy. My daughter loves to work with the GSD's and cats so we keep busy.:

I love your site. Great info here. I will be back often. I had you in my favorites but never signed your Guest book. Come say hello sometime.

09/24/99 17:17:03
Name: myrna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: browsing Pets you own.: b&tgs &wgs Where are you from: iowa
Training/Showing Interests.: obedience,tracking,agility

i like it

09/09/99 20:16:44
Name: Debbie Scott My URL: Visit Me
How did you find my site?: Looking through GSD sites Pets you own.: 1 Staffordshire Bull Terrior female, 26 mini lop rabbits, 22 cavies, 2 degus, 3 chinchillas, and of course 1 GSD female.
Where are you from: Nottingham, U.K. Training/Showing Interests.: I show my rabbits.

A very good page,well thought out and with some lovely pictures. We had a lot of trouble with my GSD (her name is Amber) when she was younger, but she is now OK, having the little Bull Terrier helps to keep them both fit, and they get on like a house on ire, and they would never dream of harming any of the rabbits. Thats all for now, see you later, Love Deb.

09/09/99 03:18:24
Name: Gerry Glantz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: general search Pets you own.: Papillion dog Where are you from: Napa Valley
Training/Showing Interests.: Work with Napa Valley Dog Training Club


08/28/99 10:31:58
Name: Ellen James My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: I was looking for information on German Shepherds.
Pets you own.: A Border Collie cross German Shepherds. Where are you from: Sydney, Australia

My favourite breed is the German Shepherd.

08/09/99 23:53:59
Name: Cathy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: Dog message board Pets you own.: 1 female German Shepherd, 1 male Chihuahua, 1 fighting rooster, 1 male black berkshire rat, many fishes Where are you from: Florida
Training/Showing Interests.: AKC Obedience, personal protection, schutzhund, agility, dog tricks I teach, flyball, herding, search&rescue, police dog, guide dog, therapy, assistance, service dog, many more.

Yes, my dogs are or will be doing ALL those I mentioned. I am a breeder and trainer of animal and dogs.

07/24/99 11:28:47
Name: Jan Knudsen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: Your comments to thw v. Arlett Pets you own.: Yes, 2 GSD (Bitches) Where are you from: Bergen, Norway
Training/Showing Interests.: Breeding/Showing/Training, i am also judge for GSD(showing)

Hello...... I must congratulate with a marvelous homepage. I am very impressed, specially over the list of well-known dogs producing(ed) BLUES, LIVERS OR WHITES. In your list we do have one here in Norway now, Brahms v. Bad-Boll.Also very interested reading about coa colours in the gsd. Will visit your homepage again. Many greeting from Norway Jan Knudsen.

07/24/99 11:06:57
Name: Jan Knudsen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: Your comments www.von arlett Pets you own.: Yes, 2 GSD (bitches) Where are you from: Bergen, Norway
Training/Showing Interests.: Breeding/training/showing, i`,m also a judge for GSD(Showing)


07/19/99 12:56:15
Name: Max, Lori & Lonnie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: GSD Web Ring
Pets you own.: 1 M, B&T GSD Where are you from: Harrisburg, Pa - USA

Hi, I like the site! There is a lot of information here. I will be back. MAX

07/01/99 21:04:32
Name: Sherri Ford My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: through other GSD pages
Pets you own.: 1 Great Dane, 1 beagle/sheepdog mix Where are you from: Pennsylvania

We had a beautiful white shepherd named She-ra who I adored for 10 years. She was the best dog and I miss her very much. Your page, along with many others, has helped me learn more about Shepherds and possibly find another like She-ra. (Don't ask about the Dane, she wasn't my idea)

06/16/99 16:45:30
Name: Rhonda McMahan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: link through list Pets you own.: 6 GSD, 1 Belgian Sheepdog Where are you from: Oregon
Training/Showing Interests.: Obedience, Conformation

Excellent site, put together well. The research you have put into your site is very impressive. I love your Silver Sable!!!! Are you offering him for stud to other females? Tell me more about him. He is a beautiful dog!

05/29/99 21:19:29
Name: Sebastian Brockmeier My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: surfing Pets you own.: I own 2 humans! Where are you from: I was born in Perkasie, PA but live in Holland, MI, USA
Training/Showing Interests.: My daddy is going to train me for SAR when I'm older

Glad to see you think the white gene is independent from paling genes, mommy has been arguing with other white owners about that, she agrees with you, but it doesn't seem to be popular! Anyway, I enjoyed the sight and so did mommy.

05/26/99 14:13:45
My URL: Visit Me


05/26/99 14:13:18
Name: marco dellepiane My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: DATA BASE GSD
Where are you from: ITALY

L.O.L. is the most comprehensive and updated databank about German Shepherd Dog. It may be looked through by yearly subscription on the Internetfrom all over the world.

05/20/99 14:18:07
Name: vicki ball My URL: Visit Me
How did you find my site?: library Where are you from: devon

my white german shephard is very sick, please can anybody give me any advice

05/05/99 16:33:09
Name: Katrin Disper My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from: Germany

Hello from Germany, nice pages. Katrin

04/22/99 21:28:57
Name: Benny, Bronco and Boss My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: Trough my own guestbook Pets you own.: 2 German shepherds Where are you from: Sweden
Training/Showing Interests.: Schutzhund, tracking, obedience and search

Just saying hello and want to say that u have a great page...

03/27/99 20:55:14
Name: Sandra Welzenbach My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: WS-WGS Dog Ring
Pets you own.: 1 White German Shepard Where are you from: Germany

Very interesting! Especially the site about Historical White Carriers. I really wish people in Germany would not make that big fuss about the colours of German Shepards. (a good dog can never have the "wrong" colour!) Greetings from Germany Sandra, Holger and Dana our WGSD

03/27/99 03:42:04
Name: Judy Grumdahl My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: from email list/link Pets you own.: GSD's !!!!! Where are you from: Minnesota
Training/Showing Interests.: Conformation, obedience, want to get into tracking and herding

Hi Denise! Great site! I have learned a lot from you! Thanks for all the info!

03/15/99 19:05:46
Name: Phil & Sue Pollock My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: thru Bochka GSD site Pets you own.: german Shepherds and a cat! Where are you from: Norfolk, UK
Training/Showing Interests.: Yes, both

Found your site interesing, anyone that is researching the german shepherd must be good in our book. There are many problems in our country with indescriminate breeding and people that don't research the lines properly. If we can share any info with you please drop an e-mail to us

03/14/99 23:44:06
Name: Cormac My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: Via my visitors book Pets you own.: German shepherd dogs Where are you from: Ireland
Training/Showing Interests.: all breed aspects

Nice page,Have you any info on what could cause a focused vasculitus in the carpus of an 18 mth old female gsd.My team of vets have diagnosed this but are at a loss to explain its occurance which is in the form of a swelling which becomes worse after exe cise and progresses up the leg to the hock capsule. The bitch is the result of a 5th time repeat mating ,it had NOT occured in any other progeny of this union and there is no history of this back along the line. Any info or ideas in dealing with this matter would be appreciated. Regards Cormac

03/13/99 05:33:11
Name: Omer Ali Khan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: luck! Pets you own.: 3 German Shepherds ,2 Pointers,2 Springer Spaniels and one Wolf Where are you from: Pakistan
Training/Showing Interests.: love em.

i think all this is ok but you should add some more variety to your site any way i would love to get some more info on german shepherds!!!!

02/27/99 23:49:46
Name: Guess Who My URL: Visit Me
How did you find my site?: Well I helped you Pets you own.: well what else GSD's
Where are you from: Down South Training/Showing Interests.: My dogs have me trained well

Well sure you can do it. But you don't have them linked yet. I have Windows 98 also now hurry up and get ICQ again so we can work together. Lynn

10/02/98 11:40:34
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

08/23/98 22:50:51
Name: shummie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: GSD ring Pets you own.: Two, one is a German Import shepherd and the other is a mixed breed Where are you from: Florida
Training/Showing Interests.: Trainer for the Florida K-9 Association

I am looking for tracking information. HOw to teach my Dog tracking? Hehehe...Nice Site, I'll be visiting again. *smile*

08/08/98 22:11:56
Name: Lisa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: surfing geocities Pets you own.: Siberian Huskies, cats, birds, horses, fish Where are you from: Wisconsin
Training/Showing Interests.: Obedience

Hello! What a great page...and Barry is gorgeous! I have always admired German Shepards! Stop by my page sometime and meet my crew!

06/17/98 23:25:17
Name: Diane Stevens aka Jakoda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: re: by Lynn Pets you own.: 4 German Sheps, 2 cats & 3 birds Where are you from: Old Lyme, CT
Training/Showing Interests.: obedience, agility, herding, conformation

Love the site! And those sable doggies!! Will bookmark and watch for new stuff!

06/10/98 19:30:10
Name: Jack Finchum My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find my site?: GSD webring Pets you own.: 3 dogs,4cats,9 birds, 2 horses, 1 ferret, 2 rabbits Where are you from: Santa Fe , Texas
Training/Showing Interests.: Obedience

Nice page with good links. I'll be in the market for a black and tan to bring into our family in about 2 years. I will definetly keep you in mind! Thanks!

06/07/98 01:48:18
Name: Dee Cr My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find my site?: acme chat
Pets you own.: 2 shepherds Where are you from: Florida

Nice pup!

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