The Happenings of The Schofield Family

Happy Autumn (well almost)!!

Well golly gosh oh GEE!!!! The summer has simply flown by!!It must be a sign of age when time passes so quickly. Shamefully I have not updated since spring!!Some things aren't new anymore! But let me try and update you on what we have been doing!

I am still trying to learn as much as I can on the Fibromyalgia and trying just about anything that sounds the least bit hopeful.

Susie has started her second soccer season. She has really gained some much need confidence and is quite aggressive :) At a recent practice she said to me * Mommy I tried as hard as I could to be mean but I still couldn't get the ball away from that big girl"!! She is not really mean but she calls it that when she takes the ball away from another player. Since she is left handed, therefore left footed, she has also learned to kick with her right foot which really confuses the opposing team as she goes down the field kicking with both feet! She also wants to join the Girl Scouts this year but we will have to see if we can fit it into her busy schedule! Susie went to her first overnight camping trip without Mom and Dad and throughley enjoyed her freedom. She was so disappointed that the fun was over when we went to pick her up. She is now in the second grade, has homework every day! and got all the words right on her first spelling test EVEN the bonus words! She is so proud and so are we!

Joey was so disappointed about not being able to go to school this year. He is so eager, I just hope he keeps that eagerness! Susie did, she started asking if she could go to school at this same age and she does wonderfully. Joey has grown so very tall over the summer, that is must me all the water and sunshine! He has stared talking so much more and has really gotten a lot clearer. This summer is the first time that both Daddy and I could relax and not worry so much about what they were getting into!

Stay tuned for further developments. There is never a dull moment around here. Happy Fall to you all, and thanks for visiting, come back anytime..

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