Crossroads Ministries Site Map


About Us
Site Page Links

Crossroads Ministries has designed some web pages to reach and minister to the hearts of the newly saved and the seasoned saints. New Christians have a lot to learn and Established Christians have a lot to keep current. Follow the links on the right to visit the other pages of this site, and don't forget to sign the guestbook and add us to your favorites.

God Bless you

Introduction to Crossroads Ministries

What is Crossroads Ministries?

Who is Crossroads Ministries?

Messages from John and Deborah Paul

Andrew's Page

Holly's Page

Christy's Page

We are dedicated to ministering to the WHOLE body of Christ, not just the ones who come to sit in a pew. We want to help Christians get rid of compromise, and gain commitment in a real relationship with God. Jesus prayed in John 17 for our unity and revelation of truth and that's what we want to be part of. Hey, if Jesus prayed for it, then it had to be important - don't you think? We as the Church, His Body, should be walking in His footsteps since He is part of us and we of Him. He didn't leave us powerless, so why would we want to act that way any longer?

Abundant Links

Web Rings


The family of Chossroads Ministries is compiled of those who have a heart and desire to live out the command of Jesus - love one another and spread it around.

Some people are part of the teamwork and directly involved in the daily upkeep and work of the ministry, and others just share the vision and do the work the way God directs. Some give into this ministry so that we can give out to meet needs, while others give on their own with the Holy Spirit directing them. Near or far, we all share the same Father, the same Savior, and the same Spirit which makes us a family no matter where we live or who we are.
Aren't you glad you're part of the family of God? We're glad you are and invite you to join up with us to do the work of God if you feel led to. You can e-mail us or you can write us at: Crossroads Ministries P.0. Box 430 Hixson, TN 37343-0430. Hope to hear from you brothers and sisters!

Friends is a term usually loosely applied. We all have close friends and other acquaintances we consider friendly. Proverbs 17:17 says "A friend loves at all times but a brother is born for adveristy." Good friends, like family will teach you the hard things in life, not just give you fluff. Acquaintances may keep you smiling, and they serve a purpose in giving you information, but are easily replaced.
We have both here and you can visit them through the links we have posted. So far the ministry links are not separated from the others, but one day we may go that direction. Remember to bookmark our page to come back when you're done surfing our friends pages.
May God go with you.

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