Welcome to my Guestbook!

Debbie Robbins - 03/16/00 20:11:14
My Email:DRobbins@MetroIS.com

Great web page, congrats on two years of wedded bliss...

Kim Minyard - 03/09/00 00:15:40

Hi John- George Lemmons gave me your email address. Your great grandfather, Parker Dossey Jr. was the brother to my gg grandmother, Nancy Ellen Dossey. I haven't looked at your website yet but I am looking forward to it. George said that you would be my 3rd cou in once removed. So, I hope to keep in touch with you. Thanks- -Bye Kim

Keith Johnson - 03/02/00 03:51:45
My Email:kvjcinti@zoomtown.com

Wonderful sight, Great colors, good music, well written story...dont see alot of that out here in cyberworld...nice to see two poeple who arre so happy in the world...not alot of that in the real world let alone the cyber world..best to both of you

Jill - 03/01/00 20:23:54
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/topp/OurFamily.html
My Email:ltopp@columbus.rr.com

Hi again form those crazy Topp's I already know how neat your site is, and so is all the love that has gone into it!

Ana Yadira Rodriguez - 02/14/00 03:24:36
My Email:popolin@yunque.net

Todo esto me emociona por lo lindo que esta. Los quiero mucho y les deseo felicidad eterna.

George Lemons - 02/06/00 20:05:23
My Email:lemons@flash.net

Web site is very impressive - My roots are also DOSSEY from Barren Co., Kentucky. Georg

Betts Daume - 01/12/00 03:20:18
My Email:BettsPNW@aol.com

Hi Gisela, I've been studying Crouzon's on the web, and your profile pictures of before and after appearance is the most dramatic of any of the pics I have seen. Good job! Ohio is a great state, both of my sons live there! One in Hilliard (Columbus area) and one in Cleveland. Best of luck to you and John, Betts Daume Brush Prairie, WA

Betts Daume - 01/12/00 03:20:07
My Email:BettsPNW@aol.com

Hi Gisela, I've been studying Crouzon's on the web, and your profile pictures of before and after appearance is the most dramatic of any of the pics I have seen. Good job! Ohio is a great state, both of my sons live there! One in Hilliard (Columbus area) and one in Cleveland. Best of luck to you and John, Betts Daume Brush Prairie, WA

Donna Hyatt - 11/09/99 03:46:49
My Email:dondonna@mindspring.com

A wonderful page and 2 wonderful people that I am so grateful to have had the chance to get to know and love. God bless you both

Ken Bailey - 11/01/99 18:48:46
My Email:kbailey@infinet.com

very nice, encountered some errors on loading the first page, don't know if it's my system or what. i can get more details if you want me to.

Ellora - 10/29/99 08:17:10
My Email:suerve@goplay.com

very interesting story...a fairy tale come true!

Barbie - 10/26/99 20:11:54
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~duane2bj/index.html
My Email:bar2jon@1stconnect.com

Hi John, I like your homepage...very nice. I have seen your pic before... Nice to see you again...One of the Old SA50's gal...Barbie

michael - 09/27/99 00:17:58
My URL:www.donthaveone.com/yet
My Email:jmlade@hotmail.com and jmlade13@hotmail.com

i like your site and i like the muice

Larry Dossey - 08/14/99 07:26:08
My Email:maryd@texhoma.net

John and Gisela: Just wrote you an e-mail John and thought I should come and sign the gest book. Your web site just seems to express the most profound love for life and each other. Take it from an old married man!! Larry

Lita Trace - 07/15/99 02:02:18
My URL:/Nashville/
My Email:tussie@mindspring.com

New Page 1


We enjoyed your site.


http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/1407/lita.jpg (7088 bytes)


Jerry & Bev Hacker - 07/10/99 00:39:25
My Email:panda@uti.com

Let me drive your Mustang again!!! Do you remember? How about some free pots and pans???

Tim Zimmer - 07/03/99 13:20:26
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/timzimmer/timandmonica.htm
My Email:timzimmer@prodigy.net

Hi John I checked it out. Z

julie naranjo - 07/01/99 19:04:57
My Email:jnaranjo@humana.com

Your website is wonderful! I feel I know your personally now! By the way, I work with you. My husband is from Ecuador, hence the last name. I speak a little Spanish and am glad to have a bilingual rep finally in the Service Center. I cried when I rea the poem from Ken, it was lovely. I can't wait to actually meet you. I sit behind the PC pit and sometimes they ask me to play supervisor so you may see me in the pit, time to time. I hope you are enjoying the training, if you have any questions don't esitate to ask one of us. Everyone her is very sweet and helpful at Choicecare. Chow! Julie

Mark Stansberry - 07/01/99 17:12:14


Deb House-PNC - 06/25/99 02:13:21
My Email:deb92641@aol.com

Hi John and Gisela....I really enjoyed your homepage tonight. After talking with John I was excited to see it. You two seem very happy and I hope your life continues to be as wonderful as it is right now! God Bless!!!

Becky - 06/24/99 01:02:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Maison/9245/index.html
My Email:scarlet__1@hotmail.com

Muy linda tu pagina, te felicito por su diseño y contenido. Te invito a que visites la mia.

ronald dossey - 06/20/99 20:24:41
My Email:rdos@msn.com

just checking for unknown family we may have out there

The 2 Sue's - 06/18/99 22:16:04

Great Page Gisela & John. We enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading the "love story" mush, mush!!! Glad you found each other. P.S. There are still houses for sale in Kentucky. Come visit for a weekend; we know from your past you won't ever leave. We aren't all barefoot and pregnant here.

Cindy - 06/12/99 15:58:07
My Email:ImSTANDING@yahoo.com

Hi, I really enjoyed your love story. Right now I seem to be at the same place you were in before you met for the first time....planning on making that first visit, and wondering what will come of it....thanks for the inspiration.

Bob Livers - 06/02/99 20:35:56
My Email:bob_livers@hotmail.com


Gent - 05/20/99 14:47:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Track/6328/gent63.html
My Email:geehaw@apex.net

Thanks for the URL to your Web Pages. I have enjoyed viewing them and the story of how you two met. I think the Pages are remarkable, and very will designed..Good luck to both of you..

sanusi - 05/18/99 07:48:37
My Email:sanusi_ppd@yahoo.com

a nice hpage to visit sanusi

Ahmad Puat - 05/18/99 06:02:36
My Email:puat@webmail.uum.edu.my

May both of you live happily ever after.

latoya - 05/17/99 13:04:58
My Email:MoMen76@yahoo.com


Cousin Margie - 05/14/99 21:56:25
My Email:MBe5423690@aol.com

I have been to your web page before. I sure love the way you do things. This is a wonderful, loving web page. I'm so glad you and John met and that you are both so very happy and so much in love. Maybe some day we can meet in person. I love you both, Marg e

Mike McCollum - 05/14/99 03:02:47
My Email:Mmccol0099@aol.com

Well - i finally signed in after aol took me over. mike

Cuz, Donna Hyatt - 04/27/99 02:50:36
My Email:dondonna@mindspring.com

What a blessing to know two such beautiful people. Having known John all my life and meeting Gisela has been one of the greatest pleasures I could imagine. You two are to be commended and appreciated for your strength and faith and willingness to let the world know what you've faced and did not let that same world get you down. I'm sure I can't realize exactly how things were for you growing up and trying to make it in a world that puts so much "face value" on everything and never takes the time to look at what's inside and how good a person is. So many times a pretty face gets eople through life and those of us that aren't blessed with beauty on the outside but have it hidden secretly within have to wait for a lifetime for someone to just take time to stop and realize it. When that someone does stop and see the inner beauty, it makes up somewhat for all the things we go through before that time. May God's blessings continue on you and your family always as He has blessed you thus far. I am truly proud and blessed to have you both for family All my love, Donna

Bill Sager - 04/15/99 18:56:37
My Email:bsager@one.net

Hi John & Gisela, Just thought I'd stop by and say Hello. You guys are so cool. You have your own home page. John Land told me about this so I thought I'd drop by. Bill

Dodo - 04/11/99 02:54:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/dodobin/enter.html
My Email:dodo_zhang@yahoo.com


Join the Love-O-Line Ring!! Hello! how are you doing today? i've just visited your page. it's so nice and refined. i truly adore it =) so, i am really thinking of inviting you to my NEW Love-O-Line Webring. I've worked very very hard on this ring. it currently needs lots of support. Please go to http://www.angelfire.com/de/loveonline/home.html if you want to know more information about it! i wish this ring will grow into a community healthily with my painstaking care while members always enjoy their time of being there. so i'm inviting people personally. please don't feel obligated to this message. but do look at it at least =)

Sincerely, Dodo

TROUBLE4U2 - 03/28/99 16:48:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/kissmylove
My Email:warmone@unforgettable.com

This is a GREAT page, Thanks so much for taking the time to share. I have added a few new things to my page so please check back. The newest and most popular so far is a form to fill out about finding love on the net, just a few questions to fill out, Let others know where you stand on these important matters!! Also please look at the missing children banner, Links to children missing from YOUR state can be found here. Lets help bring these children back home. I'm a proud new member of the Wild Wonderful West Virginia webring! NEW ALSO----->Search Astalavista for those hard to find cracks to most programs...Take care and have a good day..........TROUBLE4U2

Kim Benton - 03/03/99 17:16:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Palace/7622/index.html
My Email:jnkben@ivillage.com

Hi Gisela and John. My name is Kim, and I have a nine year old daughter born with Crouzon's. Her webpage is listed above. I've enjoyed looking at your pages. The love and joy you two radiate are a real inspiration for those of us trying to raise a young child with Crouzon's. I can only wish that Fai h will have the future happiness that you two have found. Thanks for a nice place to visit. Kim.

Rick and Gina - 03/02/99 17:49:00
My URL:http://members.home.net/rickmason/index.htm
My Email:rickmason@home.com

Great site..WE love romance sites. check ours out

María Judith - 03/01/99 15:34:45
My Email:mariajudy@hotmail.com

Es una página muy linda y los colores que escogistes la hacen delicada....Esta bella

Cousin Margie - 03/01/99 04:31:27
My Email:SnoweCap@aol.com

Hello John & Gisela, What a beautiful sight. It was as if we were right there at your wedding. Walt saw it too. Your a very handsome couple. I'm so happy for both of you. We are sure happy John & Gisela found each other. Your both the greatest. We miss you and love you. Love from your family in Washington State. Margie (Closson) Benson & Walt Benson & Aunt Rena Bell (Dossey) Closson

Jody - 02/27/99 01:45:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Atrium/3793
My Email:jls478@hotmail.com

I used to know a little girl with Crouzon's syndrome, and never really knew much about it or heard anything about it till I seen your site. Thanks for the info! :o)

Tammie Dye - 02/16/99 03:56:45
My Email:bryandye@logantele.com

Well after a few mistakes I finally got here. That was really neat you are going to have to show me how to do that. Tutti Frutti was cool too.I hope we get to see you really soon and meet your wife. See ya'll soon, Tammie

Kimberly Logan - 02/04/99 20:20:33
My Email:klogan@sarcom.com

God works in mysterious ways. When he decides to put 2 people together, no matter where they are on earth, they WILL meet. You just proved that if you already know what you want, it doesn't take long to recognize it once God places it in front of you. G d Bless. Kimberly

- 02/04/99 16:05:57


Terrie Perry - 02/01/99 23:10:45

I visit your site alot since it's on my favorites. Love you guys

Steve Gibson - 01/29/99 21:39:11
My Email:stepheng@us.ibm.com

Hello John & Gisela, Your home page looks WONDERFUL! Christine appreciates your kind and wise words. Thank you. You both are good friends. - Steve

Rodney & Tricia - 01/22/99 04:47:27
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/RodneyTricia
My Email:rodneytricia@yahoo.com

Hi! Just browsing through the webring we just joined. You have a really great site here! I have been starting something new for Internet Romances. It is called "Internet Romance Success Stories" and it for all the success stories of wonderful people f lling in love over the Internet. If you are interested in sharing your story we would love to hear from you! We are located at: http://members.xoom.com/IRCSS

Christine - 01/19/99 20:29:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Venue/6025/

what a great page! congrats to both of you. my husband and i met online and will be married a year feb. 25th. good luck in the future

raquel - 01/08/99 06:02:38
My Email:raquelriosv@hotmail.com

I was just born the firts of january 1999. My dad and mom are verry consern about wat to do. My Uncle carlos, a surgeon dentist, has helped us a lot by finding your address. Please contact us though my uncle carlos. I am in Cancun and nobody realy knows what to do. Please contact my uncle through this e mail address: raquelriosv@hotmail.com

Jacques Dorekens - 01/03/99 17:56:13
My Email:jacques.dorekens@pandora.be

Must say, your web site is a beautiful piece of the art and next to it a wonderfull story. Keep on loving Greetings, e-mail friend of Barb Jacques

Theresa Johnson - 12/23/98 14:36:39
My Email:theresajohnson@hotmail.com

You two are a beautiful couple. May God bless your marriage! Best Wishes, Theresa

Nancy Baxter - 12/12/98 11:14:02
My Email:nawester@aol.com

Dear John & Giselle I already knew the story, but how nice to see it on the web. I wish both of you a lifetime of happiness. You deserve it!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Nancy

Shell - 12/08/98 03:21:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Rue/6604
My Email:ken_tex@hotmail.com

Just wanted to say you two have a very sweet homepage! I really enjoyed your story. Stop by our homepage sometime, I think you might enjoy it!...Shell

Amy T. - 12/07/98 03:39:44
My Email:tibe0003@lenti.med.umn.edu

It was so nice to chat with you, perhaps we will run into each other again!

Barbara Caudill - 11/22/98 01:24:26
My Email:bcrp@fuse.net


Penny & Eric - 11/14/98 22:21:29
My Email:hwy2heaven@juno.com

Hi Gisela Beautiful homepage!!! You did a wonderful job! Will keep in touch again soon! Take care. Lots of Hugs, Penny

Yadira M. Rodriguez - 11/11/98 02:24:40
My Email:yadirarm@hotmail.com
No me acuerdo que fue lo que escribi antes, de todos modos me gusta mucho tu pagina!!!!

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