lee - 12/10/00 01:46:57
My Email:golferlee@prodigy.net
enjojed the hausler family photos and made a copy of some.thanks lee
Mary Makin - 09/03/00 13:14:08
My Email:makinmv@aol.com
Hi Flo
Enjoyed looking at the pictures and as always am very impressed with Naoki's Web site "set-up". I finally have an e-mail address and would love to hear from you.
Dennis Loman - 06/02/00 05:32:01
My Email:d.loman@gte.net
Looks like you are taking lot's of vacations and having a great time. All is well with us. The kids are getting bigger everyday. Megan starts kindergarden this fall. new e-mail address. Give us shout sometime if you ever get to Richland.
Dennis, Maggie, Megan, and Jacob
Jim Hausler - 01/08/00 21:18:04
My Email:STMINC13@ AOL.com
Ist visit, won't be the last. Downloading trip to Las Vegas. You must have hundreds of pictures on your page. I'll have to visit more often. Love Jim
Kim Kurz - 12/29/99 19:14:05
My Email:Kurzkim@ix.netcom.com
I'm alive!!!
grandpa - 11/30/99 16:00:11
Great beach photos-we are still recovering from thanksgiving in michigan.
Mindy Wright - 11/07/99 00:26:26
My Email:Minwright@aol.com
Hi Naoki...
As always a very entertaining web page. I love seeing pictures of you and your family. I hope to talk with you soon. Love you... Mindy
Gary NICHOLS - 09/29/99 17:56:30
My Email:gwnichols@hotmail.com
Great web page and enjoyed reading about you and your family. I'll see you at the next reunion.
rosie - 08/26/99 21:56:02
Like the synchro shots! See ya, R
mike klever - 07/12/99 20:33:44
My Email:mklever@fgi.net
Youcomm,enmt on Ford about what to expect selling long time car. I am selling a 57 Foprd IO hjave had sionmce 94, and I wonder how I'll handle it too.
Shigeki/Taeko/Tsubasa - 07/02/99 23:31:12
My Email:User795656@aol.com
Great Home page. We really enjoyed
Lee - 05/31/99 23:51:54
My Email:Golferlee@prodigy.net
Great pictures both at the islands as well as the pool.Girls continue to grow,surprise.Mom &DAD
Joelle Long - 05/19/99 14:37:20
My Email:jslong@papl.com
I loved the underwater photos in Hawaii! Flo, once again, nice job on the Halloween costumes!
Mary Makin - 05/01/99 22:56:26
Hi Flo
I enjoyed the Hawaii trip pictures, especially the snorkeling! Kibler finally wrote me a letter to let me know what he's been doing. Also, I am going to be the grandmother of twins this year.
I'll try to ge Gage's e-mail address to give to you.
Lee - 04/07/99 21:10:40
My Email:Golferlee@prodigy.net
Great pictures.We enjoyed them very much.This is a great period in your lifetime ,enjoy it to the fullest.Lee & Margaret
Lee - 02/04/99 20:34:44
My Email:golferlee@prodigy.net
40 is such a nice round number-good luck and congratulations. you are braver than me with that braces adventure.
Flo - 02/04/99 14:49:39
My Email:flo.hausler@pacificorp.com
Naoki turns 40 on Monday the 8th. Be sure to send him birthday greetings. He is so looking forward to joining the over 40 crowd!!
Anne & Alexis - 01/31/99 11:43:24
My Email:harrington@netlink.com.au
We dropped into your website and have had a very enjoyable time viewing your photos. And we are looking at them in our own home!!!! At last we can converse via the internet from the convenience of Dave's desk. Alexis thinks Naoki should paint his Musta
g red! Great effort on your site. You put us all to shame. Keep it up. Love you heaps! Auntie Anne and cousin Alexis.
Lee - 01/10/99 15:45:08
My Email:golferlee@prodigy.net
Great pictures & injoyed guest comments.
Joe & Kim Reaves - 01/01/99 00:56:28
My URL:http://www.wizzards.net/hamradio
My Email:hamradio@wizzards.net
Hello, Happy New Year !!! From The Reaves Family
We enjoyed seeing the pictures. Hope all is well
there and will see ya soon...
Love, Joe, Kim, Lisa, Joey, Dione, Tina...
Who did your web page ? I want to remod mine...
Joe & Kim Reaves - 01/01/99 00:53:40
My URL:http://www.wizzards.net/hamradio
My Email:hamradio@wizzards.net
Hello, Happy New Year !!! From The Reaves Family
We enjoyed seeing the pictures. Hope all is well
there and will see ya soon...
Love, Joe, Kim, Lisa, Joey, Dione, Tina...
How did your web page ? I want to remod mine...
Dave, Anne-Marie, Jonathon, Alexis - 12/31/98 08:32:46
My URL:http://www.happeningsoon.com.au
My Email:daveh@mdggroup.com.au
Flo, Naoki, Megan & Cally -
Love the photo library of your life!
Hadn't checked in for a few months and I was very impressed with your page's development. So much so I've bookmarked it. You've imspired me to stop building the house and spend the time building the family web page instead! I'll let you know what Anne thi
ks of this idea.
It's New Year's Eve in Aussie land and the weather is beautiful! I have a little web based weather monitor that sits on my desktop and I have noticed that Portland has had some very cold temps and some snow lately. Looks like you had more than enough to h
ve a decent snowball fight.
Alexis & Jonathon are on school holidays during this our summer vacation period. Leck is with her good friend Jessica for 2 weeks at their holiday house in the country. It is by a river & lake & mountains. I think the water level of the lake is way down w
ich restricts the amount they can use the boats. Big disappointment to the girls. they love getting towed around on "water disks" and inner tubes.
Jonathon is around home with his best friend, the remote control. Oh, oh, I think I've just hurt someone's feelings. Yes, I'll have to apologize to the Nintendo control pack and the computer. He has jealous friends!
Hope you enjoy you winter time while we bake here in the land of OZ.
We are looking forward to Karl's visit in March. That will be great.
Good job with the page you guys! We'll be checking in more often.
Dave, Anne, J & A
Barb Oliver - 12/23/98 17:12:51
My Email:moliver1@cpuinc.net
Flo - It's 2 days before Christmas, going to airport in South Bend to pick up Mike's sister. Really am enjoying your photos - it feels like a visit! Take care & we'll have to correspond via e-mail. It is new to me, but I really enjoy it! You and your
amily look great - looks like you have lots of fun! Barb O
golferlee - 12/16/98 21:16:33
glad to see your great progress will need some time to view. which front view is the correct one in seattle or is one view from new home?
Ellie Burns - 11/10/98 16:22:05
My Email:eburns@synopsys.com
Great pictures Naoki. Surprise, your Big Red
Boat ones look alot like ours with different
people! The scanner really does work pretty well.
Mindy Wright - 11/03/98 01:12:11
My Email:Minwright@aol.com
Wow, Naoki! I'm impressed. Maybe someday you can show me how to do this! Have a wonderful day.
10/02/98 11:46:24
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Lee - 09/20/98 14:18:20
Like the photos very much. Karl and myself will leave sat for a week of golf and sight seeing in Penn.
Lee & Marg - 09/08/98 23:49:44
Great photos-about time. Looking forward to more.
Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/14/98 08:33:06
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/
My name is Kara. Just dropped by while surfing your GeoCities neighborhood. This stuff is great. Anyway, I noticed you had a guestbook, so I figure I would plug my web site - Kara's DynamicSex. Check it out sometime!
Lee - 08/06/98 15:29:43
Looking forward to the party pictures.
Pam (Storey) Field - 07/24/98 03:12:48
My Email:pjfield@pacnw.com
Hi Nioki
thought I'd see what's new with you.... great pix's of your camping trips... Looks like you all had fun... Take care
Lee - 07/23/98 12:39:11
My Email:Golferlee@Prodigy.net
Great pictures of family & car. Glad to hear Greg survived the ball game. Wish we could be with all of family at San Fran. Will look for pictures. Have fun. L&M
Rebecca Moddelmog - 07/06/98 17:30:03
My Email:rebecca_moddelmog@peoplesoft.com
I enjoyed the site a lot and will bookmark it so I can check up on the latest happenings of the Kamiya family.
I'll send a separate email later.
- bec
Cookie - 07/03/98 02:22:33
My Email:Rlsewfine@aol.com or Rose.Lucas@mcnenergy.com
Hi Fluffy, Naoki, Callie and Megan,
What a greal website! I felt so good going through it. I almost felt like a had a visit with you. It did, however, let me know how much I miss all of you. The girls are growing up so fast. Give them a big kiss for me. You guys look great. Stay Happ
! Love ya!
Greg Hausler - 06/29/98 01:47:27
I'm at Mom and Dad's for a short visit. Mom looks great! She says she has no pain, but I think it's the drugs. I hurt just thinking about it. I'm doing extra stretching in anticipation of the softball tournament. Hopefully I can avoid any pulled muscles.
expect to collect my $10 for the Rose Bowl when I get to Portland. Talk with you later. Love and Peace - greg
Lee - 06/20/98 13:19:56
My Email:Golferlee@Prodigy.net
Great pictures
Dan Lovejoy - 06/17/98 21:26:56
My Email:dlovejoy@itd.state.id.us
I see lots of statistics about softball... Where are the scores from the golf course? Must be hid somewhere with the bowling information. Just received confirmation on Cougar Football season tickets. Get to see Illinois, Idaho, USC, Oregon, Arizona, a
d the Huskies. Might travel to Boise to see them on the road. Call me if you get up to this area!
lee - 05/25/98 18:22:41
My Email:golferlee@prodigy.net
fine photos. new logo on grandfathers family picture good. have a good weekend.lee
lee & marg - 05/22/98 16:32:42
My Email:golferlee@prodigy.net
great trip pictures.we are off to margaret`s doctor in ann arbor to make decisions on her possible problem. will let tou know results' regard trip to san fran- 4 day weekend fine. Naoki in case you havenot yet figured out the picture the older man is my g
andfather or flo`s great grandfather about 1901.the youngest boy on the lower right is flo`s grandfather leland.
lee & marg - 05/18/98 20:09:32
My Email:GOLFERLEE@Prodigy.net
enjoyed the new photos. the heading on flos dads family could be misleading if you do not know which generation her dad is in the photo. we to where blocked out of nancy`s location on our last attempt. marg & myself are back from several days of watching
ver my sons daughters at lansing.they are great fun.take care lee& marg
Nancy Gerhardt - 05/11/98 11:24:36
My Email:NancyGee@aol.com
Hi Naoki and Flo,
My e-mail is blocked due to massive spam mail. If you let me know what your actual e-mail (sending) address is, I will unblock ours to you.
Here is what I want to know: What do you think about the unrest at WSU? Was it a "party school" when you were there? Is there much student dissatisfaction or just a few, unruly ones?
Nancy Gerhardt
Pam (Storey) Field - 05/10/98 01:32:29
My Email:pjfield@pacnw.com
great page...you're so talented...wish I knew how to do that stuff.
frogg - 05/09/98 03:25:10
My Email:frogg@acslink.com
thank you for the e-mail! we are still out in the dark ages about our home page but hope to have it up and running soon
your cruise looks like you enjoied it very much !
talk to you later ,
froggs husband (Dave)
Lee & Marg - 05/06/98 22:23:26
My Email:Golferlee@Prodigy.net
Great pictures you look like all had a fun time. We are enjoying the Taurus wagon.Lee & Margaret
Lee Hausler - 05/02/98 21:18:28
My Email:Golferlee@Prodigy.net
Looking forward to news on your trip. enjoyed the news from the hotel. have a safe trip home. lee& marg
- 04/19/98 14:46:23
Maia Hausler - 04/19/98 00:37:56
Need more pictures of family.
Joelle - 04/14/98 18:44:02
My Email:joelle.long@pacificorp.com
Love the pictures!
Joelle - 04/14/98 18:43:38
My Email:joelle.long@pacificorp.com
Love the pictures!
Gary Cecil - 04/14/98 17:16:17
My URL:http://pacificorp
My Email:GGSKJCEC@aol.com
Great page, Naoki - you have done a fantastic job on the layout and contents...I had no idea you could have a home page like this....
lee hausler - 04/12/98 01:31:50
My Email:golferlee@prodigy.net
back again as i did not complete my address last trip. Happy Easter toall of you.
lee & marg - 04/09/98 18:52:01
My Email:golferlee
Back from florida and ready to get back into the internet. enjoyed your update.
cally & megan - 04/08/98 02:27:31
Happy Easter! Love, Cally and Megan
cally & megan - 04/08/98 02:25:51
Happy Easter! Love, Cally and Megan
cally & megan - 04/08/98 02:25:20
Happy Easter! Love, Cally and Megan
Roxanne O - 04/07/98 14:56:48
The new looks cool. Talk to you later.
Jeanne Lipe - 04/06/98 23:54:35
My Email:Jeannelipe@aol.com
I like the "new to you" feature!
We had an Easter egg hunt yesterday -- lots of fun! Happy Easter to all of you!
flo - 03/26/98 19:08:08
My Email:flo.hausler@pacificorp.com
San Diego here I come!!
mary hausler - 03/20/98 06:15:54
Poor Cally! I hope she is feeling better.
Mary Bogard - 03/16/98 18:32:59
My Email:Mbogard@walldata.com
Nice Job! I want to know when you have time to do this? Maybe you're in the wrong line of work. Maybe you should be a Webmaster. We'll hire you to do our site.
Keep up the good work!
Roxanne Overman - 02/21/98 16:21:37
Sorry I haven't made contacted lately. Hope your
having fun skiing. Happy belated Birthdays!!! Talk to you guys soon. Love, Roxie
Jeanne, Ed and Russell - 02/18/98 00:05:20
My Email:Jeannelipe@aol.com
Hi Everyone!
It's fun reading your guest book to see what's up with everyone!
Hope you had a happy V.D. and birthdays!!
Russell has a cold, so consequently, we are TIRED!
Think Spring!
robin - 02/12/98 04:46:56
We are having a fun early holiday. It is valentine's. I am making early Valentine's cards. Happy Birthday FLo and Naoki!!
Robin - 02/12/98 04:41:24
Lee H - 02/10/98 16:24:11
My Email:golfalee@prodigy.netLike
Like yhe family photos.
Edie Mulvihill - 02/08/98 20:52:31
My Email:ediemm1@juno.com
Great page!! I'll come back after I get the other video driver so I can see the picture better. I'll send EMail soon through this page. I don't have your address anymore (I had to format my harddrive and forgot to get my addresses off. More later. Sa
hi to Flo and the girls. Edie
mary makin - 02/07/98 22:05:17
My Email:obhe@aol.com
Enjoyed seeing all the pictures and reading about bowling and Flo's driving adventures during the ice/snow.
Lee Hausler - 02/07/98 20:28:11
My Email:golfalee@prodigy.net
Very nice. Enjoyed theformat as well as the news.Congratulation to the new citizen. This is the first time we had learned this great news. This was my first web site visit with my new equipment. Margaret and myself are pumping iron five days aweek at the
C. I hpe to put a few yards onto my golf game.Love to all of you. Lee
Rennie Leach - 02/03/98 04:03:12
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/coachren/index.html
My Email:coug@qnet.com
Great site! I enjoyed your pics of the Rose Bowl - looks like we sat fairly close to each other. I also wanted you to check out my site for the Cougar football team, as it will carry info all year long - recruiting, etc. Thanks again.
Tom Tjoelker - 01/15/98 15:59:20
My Email:tjoelker@gocougs.wsu.edu
Flo Told me about your page
Robin, Martin, Doug and Mary - 01/01/98 04:10:47
My Email:dougw@alaska.net
Happy New Year!
greg hausler - 12/28/97 15:17:13
merry christmas! I love your home page. Sorry that the Cougars are going down. Michigan Rocks! Go Blue!
greeg - 12/28/97 15:15:02
pete&simon - 12/24/97 23:18:43
My Email:PAK888@aol.com
Hi there we just got your Christmas letter.
Cool Mustang.Love to everyone.From everyone.Bye for now
Paul Hausler - 12/24/97 13:24:04
My URL:http://www.paenet.com
My Email:hauslerp@progressiveae.com
Cool website dude. You should make your pond deeper, so the koi can escape from predators (you may need to install an aerator depending on how deep your pond is and if it stratifies)
Paul Hausler - 12/24/97 13:21:57
My URL:http://www.progressiveae.com
My Email:hauslerp@progressiveae.com
Cool website dude. You should make your pond deeper, so the koi can escape from predators (you may need to install an aerator depending on how deep your pond is and if it stratifies)
- 12/24/97 04:11:11
Dennis, Margaret, Megan, & Jacob Loman - 12/18/97 05:40:54
My Email:DCLoman@worldnet.att.com
Great pictures of the old days in Moses Lake and hanging out with the gang. Your family pictures are great, you are obviously proud of your girls, with good reason. Maggie says hello.
Jeanne Lipe - 12/17/97 00:49:24
My URL:http://www.mda@state.mi.us
My Email:Jeannelipe@aol.com
Cool website Naoki!
If we get ambitious in '98, we'll get ours going
and link to yours. In the meantime, I put my work webpage address in your guest book. There is a Kidz Korner section. Have Megan and Cally check it out!
Roxanne - 12/06/97 14:42:28
I agree with Carol. You have to much time on your hands. This is great!!!!
Mary Hausler - 11/27/97 03:51:24
WHat a great idea!
Dave, Anne-Marie, Jonathon, Alexis - 11/15/97 13:39:29
My URL:http://www.com.not.yet/
My Email:d.a.harrington@usa.net
Hello Naoki, Flo, Cally & Megan!
We enjoyed looking over your home page and seeing all the pictures. Naoki, we didn't realize you are such a petrol-head (Aussie slang for seriously into mustangs!) We are designing a family web page but haven't had time to get it to a publishable state ye
. Soon we hope.
Sha Gleason - 11/13/97 22:18:53
My Email:sha_gleason@ccm.hf.intel.com
Enjoyed the site... especially the photos & drawings!
carol dahl - 11/12/97 23:14:14
My Email:carol_e.dahl@pacificorp.com
You have too much time on your hands....neat site though.
chris jasper - 11/11/97 21:53:22
My Email:cjasper@easystreet.com
Cookie - 11/11/97 03:42:40
My Email:rlsewfine@AOL.com
talk to you soon!