Twins R Tworiffic!

Here is some interesting information on Twins. If you need additional information, send me an e-mail. If I can't answer your questions, I'll find someone who can. Also, if there is information you don't see here that you'd like to contribute, I'd love to hear from you!

Types of Multiples

Who is More Likely to Have Multiples?

How Pregnancy with Multiples Differs from Single Pregnancy

Labor and Delivery

Mothers of Twins Clubs

Bizarre Twin Facts

Suggested Reading

Poetry for Parents of Multiples

Top 10 Stupid Questions on Multiples

Links to Some Cool TWINS Sites

Freebies/Discounts for Parents of Multiples

Types of Multiples

About 1 in 90 pregnancies include multiple fetuses, primarily twins.

Identical Twins, also called monozygotic twins, begin as a single fertilized egg (zygote) that splits in two, creating twins who are genetically the same. Identical twins occur by chance and represent about one third of all twin births. They are always of the same sex, have the same blood composition and many other similarities, and look alike. Identical twins often have similar temperaments and arrive at developmental milestones very close to each other. For example, within weeks of each other, they may begin sleeping through the night, crawling, getting their first tooth, walking, or, during puberty, experiencing bodily changes including the onset of menstruation.

Fraternal twins, also called dizygotic or binovular twins, begin as two eggs, each fertilized by separate sperm. While identical twins share all of the same genes, fraternal twins share only half, just as nontwin siblings do. Fraternal twins may look, act and mature at the same or very different rates. Half of fraternal boys are boy/girl, one fourth are two boys and one fourth are two girls.

Triplets, Quadruplets and Other Higher Order Multiples, sometimes called "Supertwins" may include identical twins, may all be fraternal, or may all be identical. In the United States, triplets are estimated to occur in 1 of 7,396 pregnancies and quadruplets in 1 of 636,056 pregnancies. The number of supertwins has risen significantly in recent years due to the increased use of fertility drugs and improved prenatal care.

Five Types of Twins
Identical male-male (1/6 of all twins)
Identical female-female (1/6 of all twins)
Fraternal male-female (1/3 of all twins)
Fraternal female-female (1/6 of all twins)
Fraternal male-male (1/6 of all twins)

Who is More Likely to Have Multiples?

How Pregnancy with Multiples Differs from Single Pregnancy

Women carrying more than one child are more likely to:

Labor and Delivery

The average interval between vaginal birth of twins is 25-30 minutes. Rarely, Baby A is delivered vaginally, and Baby B is delivered by cesarean section.

Eighteen percent of twins weigh more than 6 lbs., 10 ozs. at birth; 82% weigh less than 6 lbs., 10 ozs.; 50% are low birth weight (less than 5 lbs., 8 ozs.); and 10% are very low birth weight (less than 3 lbs., 4 ozs.)

Prematurity is more common in twin pregnancies than with a singleton. Preterm delivery occurs in 35% of identical twins and in 25% of fraternal twins. Ninety-three percent of singletons are born at term, but only 52% of twins were carried to term in the United States in 1997.

Mothers of Twins Clubs

There are Mothers of Twins Clubs in every state; some large cities have several. The National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC) provides technical assistance to the clubs, facilitates networking, publishes a newsletter for members, holds an annual convention, refers parents and expectant parents to clubs in their area and helps interested parents establish new clubs.

The NOMOTC believes that each club must meet the needs of its particular membership. Therefore, the frequency, agendas, styles and even names of the clubs vary. Most clubs go by "Mothers of Twins," however with the recent increase in the incidence of multiple births, many clubs go by "Mothers of Multiples."

Some local clubs may not be affiliated with the NOMOTC. Your local hospital should have a listing of Multiples clubs in the area.

Bizarre Twin Facts

Here are some strange, but true, twin facts:

Suggested Reading

Having Twins: A Parent's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Early Childhood, by Elizabeth Noble

Multiple Blessings: From Pregnancy through Childhood, A Guide for Parents of Twins, Triplets or More, by Betty Rothbart, M.S.W.

Mothering Twins: Advice and Support from Five Moms Who Have Been There and Lived to Tell the Tale, by Linda Albi, Deborah Johnson, Debra Caitlin, Donna Florien Duerloo and Sheryll Greatwood

TWINS Magazine, the Magazine for Parents of Multiples, by subscription only (link to their site is on this page)

Top Ten Stupid Questions on Multiples

These are a compilation of actual questions parents of multiples have been asked by complete strangers:
  1. Which one is the "evil" twin?
  2. Did you take fertility drugs? (When you've got quints!)
  3. They don't look alike. Do they have different fathers?
  4. Why are they wearing different outfits?
  5. Are they identical? (When they're boy/girl twins)
  6. Do twins run in your family? (Of course they do -- quick, too!)
  7. Do they have the same birthday?
  8. Why aren't they connected like on t.v.?
  9. That's a shame you had two boys. Did you ever consider dressing one of them as a girl so you could have boy/girl twins?
  10. Wow! You must have your hands full, huh?

Poetry for Parents of Multiples

Double Trouble

by Al Willis

Twins are double trouble, they cry, they smash, they tear.
They break and spill and bite and scratch, and pull each other's hair.
They practice art upon the walls and yank electric plugs.
And cookies, milk and something else, get ground into the rugs.
They drive their mother crazy, their father is berserk,
He's glad when Monday comes around so he can go to work.
The diaper pails are filled again; the laundry tub's piled high.
The doctor bills (and others, too) are mounting to the sky.
So if you have a single child, as placid as a dove,
Contain your envy, if you can; we have a double love!

Two of Everything

There's two to wash, there's two to dry;
There's two who argue, there's two who cry.
One's in the mud, having a ball,
The other holds a crayon, another marked wall.
Some days seem endless, my patience wears thin.
Oh why was I chosen to be the mother of twins?
The answer is clear at the end of the day,
As I tuck them both in and to myself say,
"There's two to kiss, there's two to hug,
And best of all, there's two to love."

The Mother of Twins

by Larry Howland

A meeting was convened one day
in Heaven's sacred hall.
The ideal mother must be found
for twins so sweet and small.

She must be patient, first of all,
And kind and calm and wise.
And capable of chasing tears
Away from little eyes.

She'd have to put her children first
And be so very smart.
Have dedication and resolve,
A sweet and loving heart.

They all agreed you were the best --
No other mom would do.
Yes, Heaven found the perfect one
And sent those twins to you!


by Larry Howland

So many good things come in pairs,
Like ears and socks and panda bears.
But best of all are sets of twins,
With extra laughter, double grins.

There's so much fun in having two
With twice as many points of view.
So much alike, forever linked,
And yet they're also quite distinct.

They share a birthday and a name
But moods and tempers aren't the same.
Although at times they may dispute,
Their loyalty is absolute.

From days of youth till life is done,
It's one for both and both for one.
We're all quite novel and precise,
But special folks -- God made them twice!

Grandmother of Twins

by Larry Howland

Her happy smile is plain to see,
And grandma's proud as she can be.
For when the children come in twos,
It's double hugs and "I love you's."

With grandma there is no debate;
She'll quickly tell you they're first rate.
She seldom gives our ears a rest
Describing how they are the best.

She carries pictures in her purse
Of poses many and diverse.
It's time to brag, look there she goes!
Each picture taken, Grandma shows!

If they are naughty all day long,
She still will claim they've done no wrong.
She loves those twins, without a doubt
'Cause that's what Grandma's are all about.


So many good things come in threes
Like Musketeers and ABC’s.
But triplets are the best of all
From little ones to those quite tall.

And from the time such life begins,
It’s extra laughter, triple grins.
With joys and mischiefs multiplied
And two defenders by each side.

So much alike, forever linked,
And yet they’re also quite distinct.
They share a birthday and last name
But moods and tempers aren’t the same.

From days of youth till life is done,
It’s one for all and all for one.
God made all children novel and precise
But special kids -- He made them thrice!

National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs

Twins Magazine

Member of Lower Bucks Mothers of Multiples
"Where the members are chosen by God"

For information on Lower Bucks MOMs, send me an e-mail

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