my best friend


I'm not very good at saying
what I need to say...
Sometimes, the words don't come at all,
sometimes, the tears do.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm not understood,
sometimes, I wonder if it's not just me.
Sometimes, I wonder if we're really okay.
Sometimes, your voice or your words tell me we are.
Sometimes, I wish I could hide in your arms.
Sometimes, I wish you would want to hide in mine.
Sometimes, things are going great.
and I think we're here to stay.
Sometimes, I just don't have what it takes
to make it through the day.
But sometimes...lots of time...
I wonder what's in store for you and me.
Sometimes, I dream of reaching a place in our lives
where we let the love
that lives inside us
be the beautiful thing that
we both know it could be.
And we knew we found that love
the day you asked me to marry you and I accepted.


No matter what

I do care for you
and I know you care for me.
We're taking a chance...
I know that, and it scares us,
but it won't stop us...
I see too much in you
to just let you slip by...
I've learned
that only through taking a chance
and reaching out for more
will there ever be
a chance for all
we are dreaming for.


You and I have been blessed

with each other's love and friendship.

Neither I,
nor any words I have ever written,
can express the changes
you've wrought in my life.
The happiness you've given me.
The smile upon my face.
The deep love,
appreciation, and
I feel for you.

You can ask
what I would like to do with you.
I would like nothing more,
than to be as important to you
as you are to me...

Thank you
for being my lover and friend.
I trust you so completely,
and appreciate you so much,
that whatever time has in store for us...
I look forward to our
and lovingly on our yesterdays.


It is so bewildering

I try so hard to put into words
what you mean to me...
But I think, as I hold you...
silently, it's all said.

After we say "I love you",
We are so satisfied
that we know.
But the more I know you,
the more we talk,
the more we share,
I know those words are so inadequate.

You are already all of those beautiful
tender things ever said
....and much, much more.
I don't just love you anymore...

I live you baby.


Don't be Afraid

to care for someone totally and completely.
Love is the most fulfilling
and beautiful feeling in the world.

Don't be afraid
that you will get hurt
or that you won't be loved as much.
There is a risk in everything you do
and the rewards are never so great
as what love can bring.

So let yourself get involved
completely and honestly.
Enjoy the possibility that whatever happens might be
the only real source of happiness
for the rest of our lives. I will be there for you forever.


As you travel through life

you meet and love people in different ways.
Until the day
the person you were destined to meet enters your life.
That one person in all of time, who is your soulmate.
That person who makes you feel so right.
That one who fills your heart with joy.
Your body reacts to their touch as if by magic.
Your soulmate is the person who touches your heart
and soul and stays there for all eternity and beyond.
Even if this love were to leave,
they would always be the only one you love.
The only one you need to make you whole and complete.
The only one forever!
We are soulmates, never to be separated.


and finally....

It's okay to work slowly with each other
and build a relationship.
One that both parties can enjoy being a part of.
Share the love and understand
that neither is perfect.
Both are subject to human frailties.
Encourage each other
to pursue dreams together.
Even when weary from trying...
Expect the best
that both have to give
and still love when falling short of expectations.
Be friends and respect
each other's individual personality
and give one another room to grow.
Be candid with each other
and point out strengths and weaknesses.
Understand each other's personal philosophy,
even if in disagreements.
And be great friends.
When we play, we play as one
Because we are and always will be
lovers forever.


On July 17, 2000, I became my best friend's wife.

On February 20, 2009, I lost my best friend to liver cancer.

