
Maddy's and Boomer's Boxer Album

These are the two boxers who own me now.

Maddy, Kay & Boomer

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Looking for sunken treasure.... See Boomer and Maddy Run! Checking for sunken treasure. Boomer & Maddy, see them run!

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The great "picture in Santa hats" fiasco! We know they're toys! . . Grandsons Bryan and K.J.

{short description of image} Not a hat, a toy! {short description of image}

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.....Gotta get that ball first! . So, wipe our feet already! Gee, it's only mud!Gotta get that ball FIRST! Boomer and Maddy, quiet?

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Quit with the "flashy thing" already! . . So Mom, where are you sleeping?

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This document maintained by katymac@oro.net
Material Copyright © 1997 Kay McAleese


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