
Welcome to my Rescue Page updated 1/10/98

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Kay McAleese

Cascade Shores/Nevada City, CA

Phone: 530-478-9540

Email: katymac@oro.net

Hi! I do Boxer Rescue in western Nevada County. But as in Blanca's case, in an emergency I will make an exception. Blanca was abandoned in Marysville on New's Year Eve and good people in Yuba City found her. They notified me and kept her until I could pick her up the next day. As do my fellow rescue people, I do this only for love of the boxer breed. It is purely non-profit and any adoption charges are some of my costs passed on to the new owners. Adopters must sign an adoption agreement which promises to have the animal spayed or neutered (if s/he is not already), vaccinated, licensed and assure the dog has regular veterinary care.

Boxers are indoor dogs, the new owner must also be able to satisfy me that they are agreeable to this condition before adopting.

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Blanca was adopted January 10th by a loving family in Flagstaff, Arizona. This was made possible by Craig Powell, co-administrator of the Boxer-Friends Mail List who organized and coordinated her transportation from Nevada City, CA to Flagstaff, AZ via a CUR (Canine Underground Railroad) run. She rode from 5:30 AM to 11:00 PM but made it safe and sound as did all her volunteer chauffeurs. She is settling in wonderfully and her new family love her. Darn, this is about as good as it gets!

 Blanca, Maddy & Boomer

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Maddy, Blanca and Boomer, 3 dog nite? . . ZZZZZzzzzzz

A three dog night

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This document maintained by katymac@oro.net
Material Copyright © 1997 Kay McAleese


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