Welcome To My Pages

Among these pages you will find things that I hope you will enjoy and maybe will help. My Inspiration pages are of inspiration, hope, and peace. I receive a lot of these poems and stories that I have on these pages through e-mail. So if you know the author or where they came from, please let me know so I can give credit.

If you go down to the bottom, you will find some to the things that I do support, while some of them seem to contradict themselves, I think that they work together.

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Speak without offending---
Listen without defending--Montel

The Hands of Time

The Clock of Life is wound but once
and no man has the power
To tell just when the hands will stop
On What day--Or what hour
Now is the only time you have
So live it with a will
Don't wait until Tomorrow
The hands may then be still.



Around you----- You will see People who
Need your Love..
Offer it to them.
In that moment,
you will be their blessing.
And God will be smiling. . . . .

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