Alfonso Guevara

Birthdate: February 7, 1964.
Place: Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Martial Status: Married.

Address: 6056 Deerfield Dr.
Fairview, PA. 16415
Home (814)-506-1345
Mobile (814)-464-6708

Wife: Elsa
Children: Elsa Patricia and Thanya Pamela

Alfonso Guevara is a Supply Management professional, currently working for The Transporation Division of General Electric in Erie, Pennsylvania. Before his current job, Alfonso dedicated 11 years at John Deere, where he achieved the most high results, and was committed to always give the 110%. Eight of these years he was assigned to a variety of functions and commodities in different John Deere locations across the United States territory.

A creative, enthusiastic, high-achieving executive with over eighteen years of outstanding performance based on a solid formal education consisting in B.S. Metallurgical Engineering from Chihuahua Tech, and M.B.A. from University of Chihuahua. Currently, Global Commodity Leader for Steel and Iron Castings at GE Erie Works Pennsylvania.

Multi-faceted professional offering a diverse and significantly progressive background in Manufacturing, Purchasing, Materials Management and supervision within domestic and International settings. Focused and well defined skills in Cost Management, Cost Reduction, Supplier Development, Project Management, Supplier Diversity and planning…policies and Procedures development… personnel training and supervision.
Extensive traveling to Asia, Europe, North and South America. Oriented to results and excellent team player. Bilingual.

