I'd really like to hear your comments

Vivienne - 10/07/00 03:47:21
My Email:capwest@wn.com.au

I thought your webpage was excellent. I came looking for Wooldridge, but mine came to Australia from England so is too hard to tell if they are connected.

Ruby Fowler - 09/20/00 03:21:09
My Email:RFOWLER1@mmcable.com

I love your web page. I can't wait to see if I can use any of your information.I am looking for Lyle Lester Fowler, Bobby Lyle Fowler, Thanks agin Ruby Fowler :)

Sandy Davis Boynton - 10/09/99 00:34:33
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/sboynton/myhomepage/heritage.html
My Email:SBoynton@aol.com

Hello Sandy, How strange to find out there is another Sandy Davis interested in genealogy. Actually there probably are several of us with the same name. I know there is another famous Sandra Boynton who does the cups,books and cards. Very nice site you ha e.

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