Kara Louise

This page is for my sweet little angel girl...Kara...because she is the baby, and they don't stay little forever.

We named her Kara, which means "Beloved, or dear one" in Italian, which, she truly is! We chose her middle name, Louise, to honor my mother, whose middle name is also Louise, and who is also very dear to me.

I think Christian, who was only three at the time she was born, had the hardest time understanding why we named her CARROT!

karaeaster99.gif This is my precious little girl. She is our sixth child. She is so special for many reasons. We already had four boys and one girl, Kaitlyn, when we found out we were having another baby. I had wanted another girl for so long, that I wouldn't even let myself want one this time, because I just knew it wouldn't happen. When the doctor told me it was a girl, I was so used to him telling me it was a boy, I didn't even know how to react! Kara was truly a test of my gratefulness, though. The first four months, or more, were spent in tears....lots of screaming and crying..she screamed, and I cried! She had terrible colic, that was almost inconsolable! I was reminded of the time that I told the Lord that if He would just give me a daughter.....I think I even said I wouldn't mind if she had colic!! (Talk about asking for your trials of Job!!)

karacutie.gif She is such a wonderful gift from God.
The days of colic are over now, and time sure does fly fast. It is hard to believe that she has had her first birthday and is changing so much every day. She has her own way of doing things and has a favorite pink doll that she just has to have no matter where she goes, we don't leave home without it! Her doll has even been given a name by the whole family....."Stinky Pinky"! She just has this way of smiling, and her whole face sparkles. It is hard to frown when you are looking at her! Psalm 127:3 "children are a gift from the Lord". Her brothers and sister all love her dearly...and so do we! I am thankful that I have so many wonderful, beautiful, healthy blessings.

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Special thanks to Cindy, for helping me with the picture, and for gracing my page with this wonderful award.

I am grateful to the following artists for their wonderful graphics.

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