Home Education

One of the greatest joys my husband and I have had, is educating our children at home. At one time, we did not even know that this was an option. I believe there are many people just like us, who don't know this is an option. The purpose of this page is to inform you about homeschooling and give you some references.

Commonly Asked Questions

What Do I Do Next?

I would suggest reading the book: The How and Why of Homeschooling by Ray E. Ballmann, published by Crossway Books, a division of Good News Publishers, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. If your local book store does not have it in stock, they should be able to order it for you. It is available in paperback at a reasonable price.

This is a wonderful book that explains homeschooling and then has lots of references. It even has a chapter for grandparents to read, explains why fathers should be involved in homeschooling, and gives pointers on how to get your friends and relatives to understand why you have decided to homeschool.

Next, go to a meeting of your local homeschool organization. This way, you can talk to other homeschoolers. Through your local homeschool group, you can stay up to date on pending legislation that effects homeschool, attend loads of field trips and extra-curricular activities, and you and your children can make some great new friends.

If you decide to homeschool, make sure you learn what the laws are regarding homeschooling in your state and abide by them. I strongly recommend joining a local homeschool organization and the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). You may be able to join HSLDA for a discount through your local homeschool organization.

Homeschooling may seem frustrating and difficult at first, but stick with it. Once you get into a routine and realize that you can do it, homeschooling will become much easier. As long as you stay committed and focused, homeschooling will become one of the most rewarding things you've ever done for your children.

Homeschoolfamilies . . .

is a great homeschooling list that I belong to. Homeschoolers across the country belong to this list. This is a great way to interact with other homeschoolers, get lots of great educational links, new ideas, online bargains, and suggestions. You don't have to be a homeschooler to join, so don't hesitate to give it a try. I will tell you that this is a high-traffic list and that you may want to join in digest mode if you do not want to get the individual e-mails. Thanks goes to our wonderful "list Mom," Sharyn, for setting up this list and managing it on a daily basis.

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Did you know . . .

I would really love to hear from other homeschoolers and would also be glad to try to answer any questions anyone may have through e-mail.

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