~ Forever Together As One ~

Master Genesis' Story Of Two Souls Entwined

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Master Genesis & His Adoring Lady Recherche ~

~ Forever Together As One ~

Written By Master Genesis

Once upon a time, very long ago ~ before the oceans were formed...

before the firmaments shone forth in the heavens... before the tallest

mountain rose to kiss the clouds ~ God created two spirits ~ two halves

of one loving soul. One He called Roy ~ the other, Kelly.  Each was a

bright and innocent spirit;  fresh from the very hand of God ~ blissful,

carefree, and unfettered by all constraints, save God's own holy laws.

Together they dwelled in God's Heaven, growing in His guidance and love,

their every moment spent wholly alive and free.  They laughed and played,

serene and safely ensconced within the bosom of God, joyfully frolicking, loving,

and learning together from the moment of their creation ~ never doubting

for an instant that they were forever destined to be one.  For their Heavenly

Father had Himself created them; each so much a part of the other ~ each one

half of a perfect whole ~ and the vibrant, complete, and loving soul formed

by their union invincible to any hand but that of their loving God.

Yet the time came when God told them that they must part for now,

and that soon He would set their feet upon the earth He'd created,

each to there embark upon an earthly life.  Frightened and utterly

forlorn at the thought of being apart, they cried out to Him, "But,

Father ~ why?" God answered only that they must continue to trust

implicitly in His divine purpose and will ~ and this, in the end, they

sorrowfully did  ~ in the Father's name and that of the abiding love

they shared for Him.

And so it was that the Roy and Kelly reluctantly left Heaven to be

reborn unto the earth ~ their memories of their heavenly life dimmed,

in God's infinite mercy, to ease the searing pain of leaving Heaven

and the life they'd shared there ~ each now separated from that which

made them whole. Yet even in this, their shared memories lived on deep

within of their hearts ~ creating in them a longing which they were

powerless to define or assuage.  Each of them, from the moment of their birth

 and within the very the essence of their beings, came first to suspect, then to

believe ~ and finally to indisputably know ~ that somewhere out there was

the other... their soulmate ~ their salvation ~ their completion ~ their One.

Roy saw vestiges of Kelly in others he met, yet ~ though he unfailingly

searched ~ he found her not among them. His sadness and need burned

on ~ this searing yearning for the spirit that he'd forever loved.  And Kelly,

separated from him by so many miles ~ felt deep within her a mirrored

sense of loss ~ knowing that he, too ~ though for so long unseen ~ held an

exclusive, pre-ordained, and hallowed place in her life's destiny. She, too,

looked deeply into many hearts ~ but found none among them to be that

of her One.  Her longing and need ~ as did his ~ neither diminished nor

waned with the passing years ~ but grew ever deeper for her One.

And so the days of their earthly lives passed as they drew nearer again to

their Father above ~ until, in the fruition of time and God's holy purpose,

they were at last brought together again on earth.  Within the span of that

single moment, each instantly recognized the other  ~ the yearning they'd

known every preceding moment of their earthly lives utterly vanquished

for all time to come.  And in that same moment, with a white hot force

only He can harness, God united his two beloved children to be forever

one ~ fusing them into a single, completed soul and baptizing their union

with the fire of His love.  By His hand, purpose, and decree, their union

stood whole, blessed, and invulnerable to any foe ~ to live and love for all

eternity ~ on earth and in the world beyond.

 So it was, is ~ and ever shall be ~ that Roy and Kelly, born of eternity

and ever destined there to return ~ created as one from the inception of

time and so to remain ever more ~ will, even after earthly life concludes,

together laugh and play in eternal love, innocence, and utter joy ~

dwelling again and for all time within the dear bosom of God.

This page created, with all the love a heart can hold, for my cherished Master Genesis

~ from his adoring Lady Recherche, who remains, completely and forever... his.

February 24, 2000


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