Tweety's Bowsite Friends!


                "Bowdad"                     "MD/Joe"                   "Tennbow"                      "Rupe"                         "Spiderman"                     "Deerman88"
             George Tague                Joe Voelker                 Jeff Coggins                 Steve Rupert                   Clay Harrison                      Bill Weber
                     PA                               MD                              TN                              MD                                 VA                                    PA

                  "Bowson"                       "Bah Bah"              "Panhandle Bob"            "Troy Green"                       "JD"                             Pipeline"
                 David Tague              Jerry McCormick            Bob Findley                                                     James Dwyier              Sean McCormick
                       PA                                PA                               FL                              TX                               VA                                  PA

                  "Jerry/NJ"               "Bullseye Jim"                   "Balt/Bob"                      "Dave Mc"                 "Lee_Outdoors"                   "Zulu"
                  Jerry Ray                  Jim Hulton                  Bob Domulevicz            Dave McCracken                Lee Bostic                 Dave Atherton
                      NJ                             PA                                 MD                                MD                                 PA                            Ontario

                  "Cam"                         "MikeW"                        "Ojibwa"                   "The Mutt"                        "Eagle"                         "Belfundi"
            Danny Muzzey               Mike Wilson                   Mike Hascall                Steve Pray                      Kate Belfy                     Marc Belfy
                    AL                               CA                                  HI                              MI                                  MI                                 MI


PS....I have had the pleasure of meeting everyone of these fine people, and I am proud to call them my friends!

Thanks, George, (Bowdad) for letting me stea....errr...borrow some of your photos. George is a good friend, he ALWAYS answers my emails!!!!

Still under construction!
Lots more to come.
Stop back often....

Note: If anyone has a better photo of themselves that they would like posted, please email it to me. and I will be glad to change it..
Also, if anyone does not wish their photo or name posted here, please let me know and I will  remove it.


Eunice (aka Tweety)

