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Cute Budgie Pix

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Budgie named Budgie digging in a pot

Meet Budgie, a female budgerigar who wants to make a nest. Since there are no nest boxes in her room, she has decided to excavate a nesting site in this large flowerpot. She tosses the soil over the side (onto my bedroom floor). She is so diligent I now keep a 40 pound sack of Michigan peat beside my bed...

Budgie named Budgie STILL digging in a pot

Budgie and Twilight
Twilight, Budgie's mate, loves her even if she IS smeared in dirt.... his little "Smudgy Budgie".

Mirroring your partner's actions is a sign of affection.

This is Chickenhawk, a beautiful young female. Although this picture doesn't show it, she is a gorgeous purple color.

bad wallpaper
Chickenhawk makes for some very disturbing wallpaper.

These two are NaShell and Stormy, the parents of Chickenhawk. Though the picture doesn't show it, NaShell is violet. Stormy is grey. NaShell and Stormy are SO much in love....

they smell good, too

One interesting fact about baby budgies is that they smell good. They smell like mild, sweet celery. So if you ever have the opportunity, don't be afraid to give them a whiff.

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