I have met alot of people since I have been on the net.
We have shared many laughs and even some tears.
He has become the most important person in my life.
Some who have stood by me in good times and bad.
Some who are gone but certainly will never be forgotten.
I would like to share a few of them with you.
I am glad you became a part of my life.
Thanks for being there!
I would have to say that the POET was one of my first chat friends.
We shared alot of things that were dear to our heart.
It is amazing how he can put words down on paper and they mean so much.
You hold a special place in my heart dear friend!
I could never put into words what you mean to me.
I look forward to the day that I can say thank you face to face.
One of the friends that has gone on,
but also one who will certainly not be forgotten.
He was a good friend to me and my kids. Thanks!
Lets see....Dave is someone very special to me.
I have not known him as long as some of my net friends,
but I feel we have become very close. Dave is a Lupie buddy of mine.
I know I can talk to him and he knows exactly how and what I am feeling.
I wish I could say the same as far as me knowing how he is feeling.
He has gone through so much with Lupus.
I guess you could say he is a pro at how it can affect a person.
He is strong and is hanging in there.
Thanks Dave for being someone I can look up too!
All I need say is....He knows the place he holds in my heart.
Thank you my very dear friend.
You know I am always here for ya, Babe!
SuthrnGntlMan's Homepage
I could spend all day long typing about Pipe.
He has been there when I needed someone to laugh with.
He has listened when I needed to cry.
He has put a smile on my face when it was full of tears.
He has made me the most unique things I have ever seen.
He has become my one of my closest cyber friends.
One day I hope it will be one of my closest friends in real life as well.
Ok Pipe....I will hush now.
Luv Ya Pipe!
He started off as someone in my chatroom. He was from NC as well. Seems we had alot in common. He was easy to talk to and a very good listener. Then from there he became a voice on the phone who touched my heart in a big way. We became the best of friends and even had the chance to meet face to face. Our friendship grew into something very special. He went from Cujo to my Mountain Man
Not only is he my best friend he is now my hubby.
We were marriend on May 22, 1999. I love you!