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Wedding Pictures
The photos we have from the professional photographer are bound in an album, so we can't scan them in. Therefore, all of these wedding pictures were taken either by Laura's dad or brother.
Here's Laura waiting in our room before the wedding.
This was taken when we were saying our vows. (Notice Leland, the "Maid of Honor," holding the flowers.)
We're finally married!
Now let's eat cake.
For all those who asked: Yes, Mickey and Minnie came to our wedding.
Posing in front of the fake waterfall.
And everyone who was at the wedding!
The Honeymoon
Just hours after the wedding, Peter relaxes on Discovery Island.
Laura made Peter ride the carousel and the Dumbos.
Laura got soaked trying to sing in the rain like Gene Kelly.
Funny, I remembered Trevi Fountain as being much larger....
The Cats
Elly and her scratching post. This is one of Elly's "baby" pictures, and is Laura's favorite.
Elly poses with the Puppies. Wait until they meet face to face!
Cleo likes to be Peter's parrot.
Cleo also enjoys sleeping on her back!
See Cleo grow up: 2 months old, 4 months old, 6 months old
Elly as a jungle cat.
Cleo thinks Peter's beer smells yummy!
Elly prefers drinking from the sink.
Cleo and Laura take a nap soon after Cleo's operation
Sometimes Elly and Cleo play fight.
Other Pictures
Max, Sophie, and Peter are sleeping in the kitchen.
Max and Sophie take a snooze on the wall.
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