Specialty training includes Search and Rescue work, Tracking and Scent Discrimination (up to Narcotics Detection and such), Support Work, Personal Protection, Police K-9 Training, Agility, Flyball, and just about everything that goes beyond Obedience. Specialty training can provide many things for you and your dog, including:

 Establishment of a great working rapport between you and your dog

 Provide fun activities for you and your dog that would be otherwise unavailable

 A way to help your community or yourself in times of need

 Individual assistance through Support Work training for physically challenged people

 An even greater understanding between dog and human…why dogs do the things they do

 The number one crime prevention mechanism in the world

Any specialty training program should be entered into after the owner/handler has complete control of the dog both on- and off-leash, and any trainer used for specialty work should already have an understanding of both the dog and the owner/handler.

For more information about specialty training, you can e-mail Vanessa or if in the Greater Atlanta area, call Andrews Pro K-9 Training at (678) 344-1042.

Basic and Advanced Obedience / Police K-9 Training / Personal Protection / Puppy Preschool
Temperament Testing / The Right Breed / Kids and Dogs / The Right Trainer / Great Dog Quotes / Dog Fest '99
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