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Angel In Pocket

An Angel In Your Pocket

I am a tiny Angel...
I'm smaller than your thumb,
I live in people pockets,
That's where I have my fun.

I don't suppose you've seen me,
I'm too tiny to detect,
Though I'm with you all the time,
I doubt we've ever met.

Before I was an Angel...
I was a fairy in a flower,
God, Himself, handpicked me,
And gave me Angel power.

Now God has many Angels
That He trains in Angel pools,
We become His eyes, and ears, and hands...
We become His special tools.

And because God is so busy,
With way too much to do,
He said that my assignment
Was to keep close watch on you.

Then He tucked me in your pocket,
Blessing you with Angel care,
Saying I must never leave you,
And I vowed to stay right there!

Ginny Ellis



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