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Howdy Ya'll !

Have yuh evur wunderd jus whut us durned Teksun folk ur a sayin?  Whall, luk no further, pardner!  I'll try and splain it a little fer ya . . .

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texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Afixin: Something that needs to be fixed.
"Thet barn shore needs afixin."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Ah (1): I, singular
"Ah dunt know whut ah was a thinkin."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Ah (2): Eye, not to be confused with Ah(1)
"Ah think Ah got sumpin in mah ah."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Ahl: I'll, I Will
"Ahl water the horses."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Ahm: I'm; I am
"Ahm hungry!"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Code: Cold
"it's code outside!"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Dubyuh: The letter W.
"Who is George Dubyuh Bush?"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Fer: For
"Whut is Billy Bob gettin thet fer?"

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Fixin: Getting ready to do something.
"I'm fixin to go to the store".

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Frayed: Afraid
"Ahm frayed of snakes!"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Izut: Is it
"Whut izut?"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Purtnear Pretty Near; Real Close; Almost
"Thet dawg purtnear drank all muh whisky!"


texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Rilly: Really
"Ahd rilly like some of them beans."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Skeeter: Mosquito
"Thet skeeter nearly drank all mah blood!

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Splain: Explain
"Ahl splain it to ya one more tahm."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Tahm: Time
Ah thank it's about tahm for supper".


texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Tawk: Talk
"Them Teksuns shore tawk funny".
texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Thang: Thing
"Billy Bob, you et tha whole thang!"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Thet: That
"Whut is thet?"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Waf: Wife
"This is muh waf, Daisy Mae."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) War: Wire
"Yuh better fix that war fence."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Warsh: Wash
"Warsh them dishes ah said!"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Whut: What
"Whut ya doin thet fer?"

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Wrat (1): To write something. (pronounced rat)
"Ahl wrat thet on this paper."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Wrat (2): To be correct about something. Not to be confused with wrat(1).
"Yur wrat bout that."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Wrat (3): To do something at that moment.  Not to be confused with wrat(1) or wrat(2).
"Ahm goin' over to Billy Bob's wrat now."

texasbullet.gif (715 bytes) Zatwrat: Is that right.
"No kiddin, zatwrat?"

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Here are a couple of phrases you will hear a Texan say:


"How Do?" How do you do?; How are you?
"Ah hurd dat" I heard that: I understand what you are saying.
"Whur yu at?" Where are you?


Course too, there are the days of the week . . .


Mundee Monday
Toosdee Tuesday
Windsdee Wednesday
Thursdee Thursday
Frydee Friday
Saturdee Saturday
Sundee Sunday


and the months of the year . . .

Janyawaree January
Febberwaree February
Martch March
Aprul April
May May
Joon June
Juleye July
Awgust August
Ceptimbur September
Oktobur October
Novembur November
Deecembur December

and numbers . . .

Wun One
Tew Two
Thray Three
Fower Four
Fahv Five
Sicks Six
Sebn Seven
Ayt Eight
Nahn Nine
Tin Ten
Elebun Eleven
Twayulve Twelve
Thurtayn Thirteen
Fowertayn Fourteen
Fiftayn Fifteen
Sickstayn Sixteen
Sebntayn Seventeen
Aytayn Eighteen
Nahntayn Nineteen
Twindee Twenty


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I do hope this will help you somewhat during your next visit with the natives!   The Texas language is of course far more complex than what I have shown here. 

In tha meantime, ah hope ya'll enjoyed yur visit and will kum agin to see us reel soon!

Ya'll Come Back Now, Hear?

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