Sissy's Page

Hello. Everyone calls me "Sissy". I was born in 1997. I came in to this world weighing 7 pounds 12.8 ounces and measuring 19 inches. I have grown since then, but I am still just a little girl. As you already know, I have an older brother named Shelby. We are 20 months apart in age. And, yes, we do keep Mommy & Daddy very busy. I love watching Blue's Clues!!! Santa brought me some Blue's stuff for Christmas ... YEAH!!!!!! I don't talk a whole lot yet, but I'm working on it. One of my favorite words is "Bubba" (what I call my brother). I am definately what you would call a "Daddy's girl". He is wrapped around my little pinky! Hehehehehehe! (Don't tell him that, though). I like baby dolls and stuffed animals. I like giving kisses and love to my family & babies, too. I know I am spoiled, but it's so much FUN! Well, I guess that's all I have to say right now. Mommy will help me get pictures on here soon, so please come back and see. Bye! Or as Tigger would say, "TTFN" ("Ta Ta For Now").

By the way, the "Mail" button on this page is to mail me & Bubba at our very own e-mail address!!!!!! Feel free to use it!!!!!

Well, I'm finally adding something to my page! My G.G. (great-grandma) has a hot tub (Oh boy!), and when we get a chance we go swimming in it. I like to wear the life vest and float across it on my back. WEEEEE! We can't stay in for very long, but that's okay because if my mommy or Mommy's best friend isn't right there with me, I don't like it very much. Mommy will help me add some new pictures very soon!

YEAH!!!!!! I just got my very own award! I am soooooo excited!Thank you to Lacy!

I got an e-tree for my page, too! Isn't it pretty????

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I got this great gift when I signed up as a child-safe member of Excalibur! Thank you very much!!!!

This is me at my Grandma's house at Easter of 1999.

This me, Daddy, and one of my many babies!

This is me at my great-granparents' house in the summer of 1998.

This is me & Bubba at Halloween this year! Just dressing up as ourselves. Hehehehehehe.

This is me & Mommy at my great-grandparents house in early 1998.

Here I am at about 3 months old. Just loungin' around on the couch. That's what us babies do best!!!

Here I am doing something else babies are good at - sleeping!!!!!!

Wow! What a bright world! This is me with one of my grandmas in the hospital right after I was born!

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