Candy Man

Last Update 29 June 1999


TOO Late.....grin:))

Hi I'm JAZZA. Thanks for dropping in!:))

As you can see, I am still making changes!!

Inlcuded on my page are my hobbies, of Baseball & Wrestling and a page of Simpsons graphics too .

A Little Bit About Me

My Personal Baseball of what I am doing now.

Something for my Little Brother

My WCW Wrestling Page

My WWF Wrestling Page

Just A few Simpsons Graphics

If you want to see a picture of me, check out the link to my Mums Page, and dont forget to have a look at my Uncles page to! You can meet them at #Kiwi Korner, on Dalnet.


JBL's(My Mum) Home

RTL n Kiwi Korner(My Uncle in NZ)

Pams Home away From Home
(SilyAngel..A nice lady from Michigan)

These are some of the places I got graphics.

Sports Graphics by Wizzle

The Cottage

Rozie's AlphaBytes

Email Me

Please hurry back soon and visit me.

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