

Which is dedicated to genealogy, history, numerics and sprituality. I am in the process of searching the archives of genealogy for my decent through ancestral linage, which takes me down the avenues of history, going back to my African roots. There are numeric dates which lead me into cycles of connection to my relatives and all comes together in unity on the spiritual plane.

What is "Nirvana"? you may ask. It is the highst religious elevation reached in Buddhism, in which all physical desire is extinguished and the soul is absorbed into the Diety. This philosophy is co-existent with the cosmic consciousness of Hebrewism, which is "Eryeh Ashed Eryeh" which means, "I am that I am" or "I will be what I will be". Shakespeare said it this way, "To be or not to be? that is the question."

Therefore when I speak of "nirvana", I express my knowledge, that to me it is the essence of cosmic consciousness, the state of becoming at-one with the natural, supernatural and spiritual concepts of universal existence, for there is a cosmic force, which is divinity; and the divinity in me is at-one with the divinity in you, making perfect specimens of humanity, the macrocosms intertwined with the microcosm.

You see; "I need you and you need me because nothing in this world is single," and even though each of us are unique portions of the cosmos and no two parts of the physical anatomy are exactly alike, it shows that creation and procreation are perfect, for the Almighty Cosmic Divinity, renews each day te work of creation.

It is my hope, with all sincerity; that when you enter the "next" page of my website, you will be encouraged to browse with an open mind and use your spiritual quality to absorb some information which will be of assistance to you in your quest of research.

However, if you do not find what you are looking for, do not be discouraged or disappointed, for this is my promise, that I will continue to update this site until it becomes an abode of peaceful conditioning to knowledge and a level of spiritual understanding in a refuge of intelligent awareness.

Once again let me welcome you to "Godfrey's House of Nirvana" and as you enter, just think upon the fact that we are all from the same source of those vital life fluids and elements, which are blood,water and nature and we are connected to each other universally by the creator, who created all things from the everlasting eternal cosmos.

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