Welcome to my Guestbook!

Clare - 12/21/00 14:09:12
My Email:cjmackley@hotmail.com
Country: England

Hello everyone its great that I've finally found a bunch of people from the UK who will understand how hard it is to deal with IF. I live in the south of England and would love to talk to anyone who suffers from blocked tubes. I have had 3mc, 2 failed IVF's and and ectopic. I am presently trying to decide whether to go for IVF#3 or tubal surgery. Has anyone had tubal surgery? did it work? Clare

Colin Prendergast - 12/15/00 16:57:26
My Email:colin@prendergast.com
Country: UK

I'm a UK based gynaecologist. My wife and I have had unexplained infertility for over two years now. Thank you for your efforts in producing this site, which is an immensly valuable resource. My medical knowledge did nothing to prepare me for the emotional pain associated with infertility. Reading the experiences of others has been enormously helpful. Best Wishes Colin

Heather - 12/12/00 19:38:49
My URL:/heathertheangel
My Email:heathertheangel@yahoo.co.nz
Country: New Zealand

Hey cool site!!!!

Bad Bunny - 12/03/00 04:33:14
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

Nicola - 11/17/00 18:37:49
My Email:nicola.richardson@tinyonline.co.uk
Country: uk

hello I'm Nicola, we've been trying for nearly six years now, and are currenly undergoing ovalation induction,which I'm finding really stressful. we are on our third attempt. previously took clomid for just over two years, doctors can't agree on whether I have pcos or not! doesn't offer much hope. the thing I have found hardest is the lack of information given by clinic staff, almost as if they don't think we'll understand, either that or they don't know themselves. all a bit worrying really at a time when all you really need is support.

Jill - 10/18/00 20:59:18
My Email:JillFulch@aol.com
Country: United Kingdom

I was diagnosed with PCOS 16 months ago, I currently take Clomid in obscene dosages but it doesn't seem to be working. I am VERY VERY lucky. I concieved my 'miracle'(so I was told after a vaginal ultrasound scan and Hystereosalpingogram) baby in May 1994 (unaided and before I was diagnosed) and after a very difficult pregnancy and caesarian had a beautiful baby boy who's now 5 and a half years old and the light of my life. I would dearly love to give him a brother or sister and would love to talk to and hopefully help and give and receive support to and from people in a similar situation.

Andrea - 10/12/00 12:40:34
My URL:http://www.emptyarms.co.uk
My Email:andreas@breathemail.net
Country: UK

I have just started a Endometriosis & Infertility Banner Exchange. You can find out more about this by going to http://www.emptyarms.co.uk and clicking on the banner link. If you do not have a banner, I have been making simple banners for people using there graphics or images off their sites, If you would like to join and you don't have a banner, please email me with your ideas, If you have a banner already, then please send me the URL of where your banner is, your web page address and I will upload you to the exchange. The exchange has been generating hits for all the web sites and I will email you weekly with a report of how many hits the banner exchange has generated for you, Also if you would like to have a link put on my site, please let me know at links@emptyarms.co.uk I hope you take up this opportunity to bring all our web sites together to help in the awareness of endo and infertility, Thanks andrea http://www.emptyarms.co.uk

Eileen - 09/10/00 08:12:03
My Email:dixiedyer_2000@yahoo.com
Country: United Kingdom

Ive just signed up for uk buddies hope Imm accepted. Ive been trying for a baby since May 1996.I have got blocked tubes and pcos.I have just gone through my 2nd fresh attempt at IVF at Leeds LGI.But it has failed again. They think that I will be better wi h the tubes out as they are quite badly damaged and fluid is dripping into my uterus and stopping the embroys implanting.So Imm now waiting to have them removed but Imm frightened. Anyone else out there been through anything like this because I could do w th some support? Its really great to find somewhere to chat about this as not many people understand. LOTS OF BABY DUST TO EVERYONE STILL TRYING!

Sophia Amin - 09/01/00 09:15:14
My Email:sophiaamin@hotmail.com
Country: England

I am an embryologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gatehead (01914032768) and myself and one of the fertilty nurses are "surfing the net" to find some helpful internet sites on fertility to include in our support group newsletter. We are aware that the 18 month wait on the NHS IVF list is traumatic in itself and are keen to offer as much support, advise and contact addresses - this web site looks great, especially with the links to clinic websites, reading lists and the chat facility. Well done!

Judith - 08/14/00 12:12:39
My Email:Judith@gloom.co.uk
Country: Northern Ireland

Hi, We have been trying for 2.5 years now I have just been told by my consultant that my husband has a low sperm count. He is referring us for IVF. I am having trouble coping with the thought of it all - can't talk to people, they ask when we'll have a ba y. My husband is really upset and I just don't know what to say to him. I would really like to know more about IVF - what to expect, whether it has any chance of working, will I be able to cope with the poking, proding and waiting. I know this will be the hardest year of our lives, but I don't know if I will be able to cope with it all. Can anyone give me some positive advice?

Sue Harris - 08/14/00 07:27:39
My Email:sh623@thegrid.org.uk
Country: England

Great to find a UK site. I'm at the final stage of my second IVF attempt. I had three embryos transplanted last Thursday and I'm very nervous. Up to this point there's always something to do - but at this the most vital stage I find the sitting back and w iting difficult to deal with. I'm fortunate that I work in a school and therefore I'm on holiday. Reason for infertility is endo. Would welcome any contact with people in similar situation.

julie kirby - 08/04/00 19:14:13
My Email:jkirby@tinyonline.co.uk
Country: england

wow! before i found this page tonight i felt so isolated,having been trying for four years since we got married. i have poly cyst ovaries and my husband has just been diagonsed with a depressingly low sperm count. i also found out that a friend is 15 weeks pre nant- so i've shed my fair share of tears this week. out of desparation i searched the web for some support and here you are. it's amazing i suddenly don't feel that i'm on my own out there. so if anyone would like to email me i'd love to hear from you.th nks julie

Cate Withers - 07/29/00 16:11:22
My Email:ian_cate@stpetersyateley.freeserve.co.uk
Country: Hants, UK

Hi everyone. My name's Cate (24). Feeling very alone, confused and scared right now. Just had results of DH's testicular biopsy (Ian, 31) and they didn't find anything - no sperm and no sperm making cells. Gutted. Feel like my whole life's disintegrating. Going for second opinion on Aug 24th at Diana, Princess of Wales centre for reproductive medicine. Been on NHS trail up until now. Both youthworkers for a church, very skint, don't know how we're going to pay for anything! Would really like to email with nyone in similar position or has been in similar position. Would particularly like to email with other Christians undergoing fertility treatment or investigations. But more than anything, just want to communicate with others. Great site.

Louise - 07/06/00 08:39:50
My URL:http://www.egroups.com/group/ndiftreatment
My Email:louise@spicer36.fsbusiness.co.uk
Country: UK

What a wonderfull site, if any of you uk girls have blocked fallopian tubes, there is a new procedure in America that is working for people with any tubal problem, please visit my link to join our group to find out more. I am from the UK and I started the group up. Mainly americans, I need some good old british support. I have had tubal surgery, it worked, but then the tubes blocked agin, after that I had an ectopic in 1991, after that 4 failed IVF attempts, then I came across this treatment, and I first t ought GOD has answered my prayers. Thanks Louise Moderator

JACQUIE - 07/01/00 09:56:31
Country: uk


Diane - 06/26/00 20:38:40
My Email:dianeg_uk@yahoo.com
Country: uk

hi everyone found this site by accident been trying for just over 8 years. After various treatments have discovered I am in the early menopause (i'm 34) and have signed papers for ivf and icsi hospital has found me an egg donor due to start injections 7t july anyone in similar position especially eary menopause. Would welcome any emails.

kim - 05/27/00 17:15:52
My Email:kimhunter@btinternet.com
Country: UK

Hello everyone I am just about to register on this site and look forward to chatting with you. We have severe male factor/secondary infertility, and are on the good old NHS line which seems to be perminantly on strike. God it can be so frustrating!!!! Anywat three years ttc, m/c 16 mths ago, DS aged 6. Determined not to give up even though approachiny the ripe old age of 38.

Kim - 05/18/00 21:40:57
My Email:jamestiling@ukonline.co.uk
Country: UK

Hi everyone. I have been trying to get into the chat room now for a few weeks, and i'm having no luck.Has it been shut down or am i doing something wrong? Thanks for any info Kim

DIiane - 05/03/00 20:37:08
My Email:ddooligan@hotmail.com
Country: UK

Hi - just registered with uk-buddies. I'm 35 DH is 39. ttc nearly 4 yrs. x3 ICSI = x1 fail & x2 early miscarriage. Next go in June. Love to hear from anyone similar.

Judith - 04/27/00 10:00:12
My Email:jking@soldeu.freeserve.co.uk
Country: UK

Just failed ICSI treatment, looking to find out if we get another go on NHS - thought this site may have some info.

Sara - 04/18/00 15:51:14
My Email:Lollypops@cwcom.net
Country: uk

this site has come on leaps and bounds since i last visitd some months back its brilliant to see such support is available at the touch of the keyboard.Been ttc to conceive since unexplained over 3 years ago. offered to IUI cycles on NHS which we have to o soon.

Sara - 04/18/00 15:50:43
My Email:Lollypops@cwcom.net
Country: uk

this site has come on leaps and bounds since i last visitd some months back its brilliant to see such support is available at the touch of the keyboard.Been ttc to conceive since unexplained over 3 years ago. offered to IUI cycles on NHS

Christine - 04/11/00 19:54:52
My Email:chris@darl72.freeserve.co.uk
Country: Northern Ireland

Hi, just found this site by accident and very glad I did. We have been ttc for 10yrs now and nearly got there two years ago after ICSI. I lost twin boys at 21 weeks on Easter Sunday and still have difficulties dealing with it despite 5 treatments since ith no luck. Anyone else in a similar position?

Morag - 03/08/00 23:32:13
My Email:morag.fraser@talk21.com
Country: Scotland

Hi, first visit to the web site and i don't think it will be the last. We've been ttc for 18 months and are just starting with fertility treatment. I have a medical history of abdominal adhesions which could be the problem. My difficulty at the moment s with being relatively recently married (14 months) people keep asking when we will have family - i haven't been able to "admit" that we are having difficulties and have been referred. If any one else has been at this stage i could do with some moral support, please email me. Will try and look in on one of the chat sessions

- 03/08/00 22:59:15


Julie - 03/02/00 23:33:35
My Email:dazju@compuserver.com
Country: England

I have just found this chat room. I'm about to start treatment in the next couple of weeks and I'm pretty scared. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Any advice on how to cope would be gratefully received.

CHON - 03/01/00 02:48:08
My Email:JAHLOVE@bbnp.com


Piri - 02/26/00 11:37:00
Country: UK

age 36, DH (Frank) 35. ttc 2.5 years, living in Berkshire. No diagnosis just "unexplained". 6 months on clomid did not succeed. Currently deciding which clinic to go to for IUI, choice of NHS, a Nuffield unit, or the John Radcliffe in Oxford. Also co sidering adoption.

Karen Swain - 02/26/00 09:37:46
My Email:Madhouse@Kswain18.fsnet.co.uk
Country: England

Hello Im Karen, I have already registered once, but I would very much like anyone who has had the egg stimulation injections to email me and let me know if they felt any different, only I feel the same and am worried that perhaps because I dont feel bloat d as they said I would, that maybe I have no eggs. Please Email me. Thanks.

Racheal - 02/17/00 23:04:42
My Email:rach@forrester95.freeserve.co.uk
Country: England

Very usefull, will be coming back, for more info during treatment. already i've learnt loads, about what will happen over the next few weeks/months

Karen Swain - 02/09/00 09:40:20
My Email:Madhouse@Kswain18.fsnet.co.uk
Country: Engalnd

Hi im Karen, I am on the first stages of ivf and would like to chat about all the ups and downs of the treatment. Please Email me.

Debby Richards - 01/25/00 20:24:18
My Email:www.quyrichards@cs.com (debby)
Country: England

Hi, I have PCOS and have just been recommened for treatment with the drug Metformin, I just wondered if anyone else out there has tried this or knows anything about it, would love to chat with anyone with PCOS. I have been trying for a baby for six years

kaz lace - 01/20/00 00:32:24
My Email:kazlace@co.uk
Country: Isle of Man

Hi everyone,Just browsing .Anyone want to chat???

trish - 01/12/00 23:44:58
My Email:trish@pdavi3.f9.co.uk
Country: Scotland

Interested in finding a cycle buddy about to start ICSI, can you help

kim jackson - 01/10/00 19:26:22
My Email:jamestiling@ukonline.co.uk
Country: uk

i am going to hospital soon to have surgery on my blocked tubes. Has anyone had this operation? If so has this worked for anyone? Thanks for any help.

Kim - 12/21/99 19:11:37
My Email:jamestiling@ukonline.co.uk
Country: UK

Can anyone tell me what our health policy is for IVF treatment.Would they still treat us for IVF if one partner already has a child. Thanks for any help. Kim

Gillian Dwan - 12/20/99 21:58:10
My Email:stevegilldwan@supanet.com
Country: England

I only found out this web site in the middle of my second ICSI. It is nice to know there are similar people out there, hopefully I will get to meet some of you soon.

Kim - 12/19/99 13:16:52
My Email:jamestiling@ukonline.co.uk
Country: uk

Dh and I have been trying to conceive now for over 2 yrs. We have recently found out that i have blocked tubes and are now waiting for surgery at Tameside hospital to have them unblocked

Kim - 12/19/99 01:58:04
My Email:jamestiling@ukonline.co.uk


Angela O'Neill - 12/02/99 21:42:18
My Email:ANG26@tinyonline.co.uk
Country: Belfast, Northern Ireland

I have been trying to conceive for over 12 1/2 years, unexplained, and had two unsuccessful, attempts at IVF(test-tube treatment),8 attempts at AIH(UIU). Have, bascially gave up now. The stress on my marriage is unbelievable.

Del Howard - 11/29/99 14:20:34
My Email:rfch0003@rfhsm.ac.uk
Country: England

I've just found this site while searching after our second failed ICSI attempt. I'm sure it will be useful in the difficult months ahead.

Louise - 11/25/99 10:48:02
My Email:Louise@latter36.fsnet.co.uk
Country: UK

It is good to know there are others. Can you tell me how to join in the cycle buddies please?

Sheena - 11/17/99 18:38:08
My Email:aisg@tesco.net
Country: Scotland

Hi, I run Ayrshire Infertility Support Group who are a large support group in West of Scotland and are always happy to speak to anyone needing information or support. I also work for CHILD The National Infertility Support Network. Happy to comunicate

Ginny - 11/08/99 12:09:36
My Email:m.balfour@virgin.net
Country: England

My husband and I have unexplained IF, and have been trying for a family for 2 years. We are now considering IVF, but are worried/anxious/ nervous. Any words of advice will be more than welcome. Thanks

Debbie - 11/07/99 18:11:32
My Email:debs_ellis@yahoo.co.uk
Country: England

This site is just brills! Thanks for setting it up & maintaing it. UK-buddies has definately helped to keep me going through this tx. Good luck to everyone who happens upon this list! Debbie - Essex Girl xxx

Claire - 10/25/99 17:35:18
My Email:claire@barnstormer.screaming.net
Country: England

Hi Cathy, Hazel, Elaine and anyone else who's been working so hard on this web site. I just wanted to say how impressed i am with all the improvements. Plus, a big THANK YOU to all the buddies who've supported me so far on the infertility pathway. Cheers, Claire.........xxxxxxx

Janis - 10/03/99 11:27:40
My Email:steveandjan83@hotmail.com
Country: Anglesey.uk

Just a line to say thank you to everyone for the chat on Thursday in the chat room. It was good to know that there are others out there who understand what it all feels like. Glad to know Im not alone. See ya all there on Monday. love janis xxxx

Janis - 10/03/99 11:27:14
My Email:steveandjan83@hotmail.com
Country: Anglesey.uk

Just a line to say thank you to everyone for the chat on Thursday in the chat room. It was good to know that there are others out there who understand what it all feels like. Glad to know Im not alone. See ya all there on Monday. love janis xxxx

Janis - 10/03/99 11:23:21
My Email:steveandjan83@hotmail.com
Country: Anglesey.uk

Just a line to say thank you to everyone for the chat on Thursday in the chat room. It was good to know that there are others out there who understand what it all feels like. Glad to know Im not alone. See ya all there on Monday. love janis xxxx

- 09/27/99 15:09:34


Janis - 09/25/99 13:43:03
My Email:steveandjan@hotmail.com
Country: Anglesey, North Wales. UK

HELP!!....can someone please help me with some info..how do I register my personal medical history with you cath. I would really like to be involved on this page, but need help to go about it. Please e mail me, thanks . Janis

Janis - 09/25/99 02:44:43
My Email:janisandsteve@hotmail.com
Country: wales,UK

Hi Cath, just found this web page after 1 whole week of looking for info on infertility..great page. I think I recognise the beach on your wedding pics...think we may live in the same place, would like to know if I'm right. I have been trying for a family since 1983..16 years.I have had 4 cycles of IVF, 2 worked, but we lost them, and the other 2 failed. We are now at a loss to know what to do with the 3 frozen embryos stored in the Hospital, as we have no funds to attempt t eatment. I suffer from Primary Ammenorea (hope its spelt right), which basicly means my ovaries have never produced any eggs, thus not allowing me to have any periods,thus in turn not allowing me to concieve. My dearest wish is to find someone else, like me, with he same complaint. I have tried to no avail, but I live in hope that your page may at last help me I was a volunteer telephone contact for the Miscsrriage Association, so if anyone out there needs a listening ear, please contact me. I have been there two, remember. Thanks. Janis

rachel - 09/16/99 10:00:27
My Email:rachel.fc@virgin.net
Country: UK

We've been dealing with infertility for over three years, tried numerous things including IUI and now IVF/ICSI. I use the newsgroups frequently for support, but would love to communicate with people in the UK who are also going through infertility. Glad t find this site, good luck to everyone.

mandi - 08/22/99 23:53:28
My Email:mandicomfort@yahoo.com
Country: England

Glad to find a place where so many are just like me! Been trying since 1989 and still no luck! Almost given up now but have had my fair share of treatment and the heartache that goes with the never ending cycle of hope and failure. Maybe motherhood is jus not on mother nature's list of priorities for me but wish everyone out there all the luck in the world, and big hugs when things go wrong!!!!

Emma - 08/20/99 11:34:08
My Email:emma@mahyfamily.demon.co.uk
Country: England

Twins delivered successfully on our wedding anniversary in April last year after our 1st attempt at ICSI, albeit 7 weeks early! Don't give up hope, we waited 7 years for their arrival. Will we do it again? - havent't quite agreed on that one!

Doriver - 07/30/99 20:28:45
My Email:Doriver@frib.freeserve.co.uk
Country: UK

Finally sucessful after failed everything untill 3rd IVF. Unexplained infertility. Girl / boy twins born 4.2.98. Happy to communicate with anyone worried about the implications of a multiple pregnancy after fertility treatments.

Helene - 07/06/99 20:26:33
My Email:helene@email8.child.org.uk
Country: UK

35 DH 57. Have a son, Adam, born after IVF at CARE at the Park 19.2.98. Will we do it again? Who knows!! Run ACEbabes group in East Midlands for successful assisted conception families.

yvonne - 07/06/99 17:25:55
My Email:YRedford@aol.com
Country: scotland

this is the first time I've been here after picking up a leaflet at hospital today glad to find out we're not alone

Rachel - 07/01/99 00:02:42
My Email:Rachel2187@aol.com
Country: England

Looking for support in the UK. Hope we can all help support eachother at such a difficult time.

Sarah-Jane Yates - 06/28/99 16:28:14
My Email:sjy81362@glaxowellcome.co.uk
Country: England

I would dearly like to hear from anyone who has PCOS. I have just been diagnosed after two miscarriages and two failed IVF attempts. Does it ever work?

Hazel - 05/31/99 20:20:47
My Email:Hazel.Bascombe@Tesco.net
Country: UK

Great webpage with excellent links. Thanks Lesley for the suggestion I check out this page & uk-buddies, I await my mail!

Hazel - 05/31/99 20:20:28
My Email:Hazel.Bascombe@Tesco.net
Country: UK

Great webpage with excellent links. Thanks Lesley for the suggestion I check out this page & uk-buddies, I await my mail!

Claudette - 05/12/99 20:36:34

Oh it looks great!!!!! Thanks so much

Helen Newman - 05/12/99 12:58:17
My Email:h.newman@ioe.ac.uk
Country: England

Hi, I'm Helen and just to say I've only just discovered this site. Thanks for all the help you can give to me and thousands of others with infertility. My email is h.newman@ioe.ac.uk

Dina - 05/09/99 11:27:58
My Email:shantel100@hotmail.com
Country: UK

Its a brilliant sight. I know its only the beginning. Keep up the good work.

Tanya - 05/06/99 21:58:02
My Email:enigma@sky69.freeserve.co.uk
Country: Scotland

Just wanted to say that UK Buddies has helped me so much through my 3rd failed IVF and I only wish that i had found it sooner to help me through my first 2 failed attempts. I'm so glad to have found you all, you're such a pillar of strength. If anybody would like to e-mail me Re all aspects of IVF, please do. Well done Cath on this Website !

Dawn - 05/05/99 15:53:45
My Email:d.obrien@abacusweb.net
Country: UK

I joined the group some weeks ago now and it feels like I've known everyone for ages. It's a friendly, supportive place to be and the chat rooms cheer everyone up and well as offering tips and useful advice. Many people don't or can't understand the associated problems with I.F. - it's nice to be able to visit somewhere that people care and understand. Look forward to speaking/writing to everyone soon. Keep up the good work Cathy and Team. Love and ++++++ive thoughts to all.

Merri Lade - 03/15/99 19:51:00
My Email:Merr1lade@aol.com
Country: US

I too was married in July of '97. We pretty much knew by that time that we wouldn't be able to have children without help. We had been pretty carefree about protection since our engagement...in December of 95! I am now a day away from egg retrieval (my ovaries are going to explode!!) I don't like to pay attention to the success rates, there's no reason why it shouldn't happen for me...I let you know how it goes, thanks for a great Web page!

Claire Mills - 02/21/99 13:55:47
My Email:Jaspersing@yahoo.com
Country: England

I'm very impressed with the website, good work. Thanx especially for all the hard work you've put in to make UK Buddies work so well. I have yet to sample the delights of the chat room, but anyone who wants to e-mail me about PCO or who can tell me a bi more about IUI, please do.

Deborah Haroun - 02/16/99 22:31:04
My Email:debylou@yahoo.com
Country: Canada

Anyone else suffering from "Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome" please email me, I need to talk to someone about this and if there is any hope of becoming pregnant. My personal email address is: debylou@yahoo.com. My name is Deborah. If my yahoo address isn't working - email my parent's email address which is: gjkierstead@sprint.ca

Linda F. - 10/18/98 23:18:56
My URL:http://www.nettally.com/littleone
My Email:littleone@nettally.com
Country: USA

Hi Cath! Just surfed onto your page from Janeal's page. I love it! Hugs to you and +++++++++++ vibes!

Heather Bronco - 09/21/98 19:06:59
My Email:hndbronco@ionet.net
Country: USA

Great page! Like you, my husband and I started trying when we got married. It has been a year now and nothing. We are still trying naturally. I just want to stay patient and not use medical intervention just yet.

Lesley - 09/19/98 11:50:46
My Email:lesley.ironside@easynet.co.uk
Country: Scotland

Hi there, saw your link on UK Buddies, checked it out, good work. See you on the list Cheers

Helen - 09/19/98 10:45:00
My Email:HAdams@easynet.co.uk
Country: UK

Hi Cath, I am from UK buddies just wanted to say this site is great well done.

Annette Clark - 09/14/98 04:49:51
My Email:clarkra@misslink.net
Country: USA


Cheryl Gamble - 09/10/98 17:40:34
My Email:CGamble3@aol.com
Country: usa

Hi Cath, just one of your ONNA sisters dropping by to say hey! Great page.. Cheryl (aka Mental Spice)

Sherlyn Carberry - 09/08/98 20:36:26
My Email:scarb@dillon.com
Country: USA

Hi! Just stopped in from ONNA to check your page out. Nice Job. I just took a Cold Fusion class, so I need to get energetic now, and make a page myself some day.

Amy Ruddock - 09/08/98 07:40:07
My Email:Angel14181@AOL.com
Country: USA

Nice job on your site! Good to see that there are so many others that obsess as much as me! Thanks for the support

Janet - 09/08/98 01:48:03
My Email:janetmays@hotmail.com
Country: USA

Cath..Very nice web site! I can tell you have really done a lot of research and put a lot of time into making this a very useful site for so many couples. Thanks for the books and links information - now I don't have to do so much research! Great Job!

Beth Casey - 09/08/98 00:48:07
My Email:fusion11@aol.com
Country: USA

Hello, got your URl from the onna group. we too started trying when we got married. our 2 yr. anniversary is next month. I wish you luck, Beth

Lexie - 09/08/98 00:14:34
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/l/u/v/luvyourhappyface.html
My Email:bubbles_25j@hotmail.com
Country: Australia

Hi Cath, Your page is looking great! I love the angels down the side and that list of books! Wow! You have put so much work into them - you should be very proud of your achievement. I signed Lucy's guestbook, had a big cry. Take care, from your ONNA friend, Alexis

Patty Bray - 09/03/98 22:22:06
My Email:pbray@netmcr.com
Country: USA

Infertile by choice (tubal ligation) for 11 yrs. Having a tubal reversal Sept.24th! Having a tubal ligation was the worst mistake I ever made. I like your page, great info!

Linda Conway - 09/03/98 22:16:31
My Email:lindac@ncd.com
Country: USA

Hello Cath, I like your homepage! Your wedding photos are lovely. I remember you once asked if any ONNAs would send you pictures - have they, and are you going to include them on your page? Love, Linda

JJ Rhinehart - 09/02/98 17:26:01
My Email:baileybelle@hotmail.com
Country: USA

Hi Cath! Just bopped over from your ONNA link to say hi. Great site -- great info -- you're doing all of us "IF's" a wonderful service! Keep up the good work! -JJ

Sonya Hill - 08/11/98 01:51:29
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/rollingacres/241/index.html
My Email:autonet@surfsouth.com
Country: USA

This was a very nice site.

Juliana - 08/08/98 01:15:49
My Email:chixbaby27@aol.com

Hi Cath! I got kicked out just as I was signing the other, so sorry!! I just surfed on over from your link on ONNA and wanted to tell you that it is looking good! I wish I had the patience to learn HTML... I also would like to see pics of you and DH... Good luck!

Juliana Johnson - 08/08/98 01:13:43
My Email:chixbaby27@aol.com


Sara Carney - 08/07/98 20:28:10
My URL:http://www.cyberhighway.net/~frankc/infertil.htm
My Email:libbysmom@geocities.com
Country: Idaho, USA

Hi there, Cath. I'm just over visiting you from ONNA. I sent you a private email answering your ?s about what to put on a page and I decided I ought to pop over for a visit. Come visit me sometime, at the address above or at my geocities site: http://w w.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/9022

Jean Fuentes - 08/07/98 16:29:25
My Email:jean.fuentes@xaqti.com
Country: USA

I wish I had the ambition to learn HTML. Good for you. jf

Tara - 08/07/98 10:20:38
My Email:lowestar@peterboro.net
Country: Canada

Saw your link on the ONNA digest, and decided to surf in! It looks like you have a great start - I'd love to try doing a homepage, but not sure i could figure it out! My suggestion - how about having a picture of yourself and your DH? I like seeing what f llow ONNA's looks like! Tara :-)

Stephenie McBride - 08/07/98 04:41:07
My Email:steph_mcbride@hotmail.com
Country: USA

Hi, Cath. I saw your message on ONNA and just stopped by to visit. Looks like you have a good start. Love, Steph

Alexis - 08/07/98 04:15:19
My Email:bubbles_25j@hotmail.com
Country: Australia

Hi Cath, thanks for sending us your link - the page is coming along nicely and I'm sure that when you are finished (are we ever?) it will be fabulous! I love the survey and look forward to being able to fill it in one day (when finally pg). Lots of love from Alexis (ONNA)

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